Restaraunt eating?

lots2luv2 Posts: 8
edited October 1 in Food and Nutrition
My husband loves going out to eat a lot. Any suggestions on how to handle going out to eat? Are there certain places that are better go to or do you all allow so many calories? I really want to be good and lose this weight, but sometimes I want to be able to go out to eat. I appreciate any input/ideas. Thanks!


  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    You can go out to eat but limit yourself. When my family wants to eat out, I'll order something from the kids menu. You don't have to give up the foods you like, just have one serving..not 10 servings ;-)

    You can also plan out your meals if you have an idea of where you will be eating at. If you know you will be eating out that day, you could also put in a hard workout that morning- burn some great calories before drowning in all that sodium ;-)
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    Try to pick a place that has healthy options and look them up before. If not, split a meal or take half home, skip dessert, and skip appetizers. :)
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    Chili's is nice, get the grilled shrimp with double broccoli and you're set! Their fried cheese is a wonderful appetizer too because it is meant to be split!

    No matter where you go out there should always be something available under 500kcals, if it worries you, maybe take a walk with your hubby after dinner. My Hubby and I always end up at the book store wandering around never really buying much, but always moving.

    Get Iced unsweetened tea and add splenda to it for flavor... Some tea's don't even need the sweet.

    If you have a smart phone, I always use the MFP to look up menu items before I order just to see the kcal count. It's such an amazing and helpful tool!
  • aarce
    aarce Posts: 20
    My boyfriend and I eat out a lot. My plan is always salad with all the fixins (chick peas, avocados, cheese, nuts, dressing, or whatever it comes with) on the side. Then I can control how much extra stuff to put in my salad because restaurants can completely take you overboard in calories even on a salad.

    For dinner, I try to stick with either grilled salmon, or grilled chicken, and be sure to ask them to cook it without butter or salt. Then, hopefully your husband gets something super yummy so you can take a couple of bites of his!
  • AmyPearshape
    AmyPearshape Posts: 69 Member
    I try to log everything as best I can, and if the portions are huge, I take enough home for a lunch. And I try not to waste calories on a beverage, but sometimes like to have a beer!
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    When I was in the beginning and middle of my weight loss I studied menus and nutritional values online before I went out to eat. There are some places with absolutely nothing safe to eat - like Cracker Barrel. But most places have *some*thing on the menu. Just get a few items in your head before you go.

    And if a restaurant is sprung upon you before you can look it up, common sense - stay away from fried foods. Go with grilled. Go with lean things like seafood. Go with veggies. Ask if things are cooked in butter. Keep sauces on the side.
  • 150forlife
    150forlife Posts: 3 Member
    We eat out a lot. Plan what you will eat before you go and only eat what you plan. Most of the foods are in the data base.
  • alexis92
    alexis92 Posts: 64
    i alwasy skip appetizers and dessert, although sometimes i'll try a bit of my friend's! still, that's better than a whole dish. also, sometimes i order the dish i REALLY want, even if it's way over 500 cals, but i'll eat half and take the rest home for lunch tomorrow. i think of it as staying under my calories plus prolonging my enjoying of the food!
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    Just to add to the other good advise: I get a to go box right up front and put half my meal in it. I eat half and save half for later. Two meals for the price of one. I try, whenever possible, to look online and figure out my meal ahead of time.
  • NicoleLauren17
    NicoleLauren17 Posts: 31 Member
    I try and always plan beforehand and I usually find a few things that are decently low calories. The sodium is the killer though. Restaurant food has a ridiculous amount of sodium!
  • It's all about planning ahead of time. We like to eat out too and I thought getting a salad was always a smart move until I saw the calorie content. Some restaurant salads have as many calories as a Big Mac value meal! Use your MFP and the low cal options on the menu. Applebees has some great meals for under 550calories. Try the sirloin and shrimp---omg good.
  • tmpackard
    tmpackard Posts: 1 Member
    Use the 9inch plate rule (50% veggies, 25% lean meat & 25% whole grain) and get a box when they bring the food and box up the remaining amount right off the bat. Almost all restaraunts have fish and chicken (grilled or baked) & veggies...STAY AWAY from bread and sauces (ask for sauce on the side if necessary). Hope this helps!!!
  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    I consolidated my tips/tricks into a blog. I travel for work all the time and it's just not always possible to bring my own food.
  • krstal02
    krstal02 Posts: 81 Member
    The following is a resource to help you plan what you are going to eat before frequenting a restaurant. There are many restaurants inside the database.
    This should aid you as you track your calories
  • gipperakh
    gipperakh Posts: 102 Member
    Ive been kind of planning ahead before I go out to a restaurant, see if there's any nutritional info online for that particular restaurant and plan before you get there! I do that with any of the fast food places I know I'll go to that week when I just wont have the time to come home and make dinner.
  • spyro88
    spyro88 Posts: 472 Member
    I think it's okay to eat out sometimes because you have to change your lifestyle, not just diet for a few months. Which means it's not realistic to never eat in a restaurant again. You just have to make sure it doesn't have a massive impact by trying to choose the healthier options, or if you can't do that, do a workout in the morning before you go out to make up for it :)
  • Thanks everyone this helps a lot. I never thought about looking it up on my phone, but I will from now on. The places he usually likes to go are the buffets. Normally it's a pizza place, Chinese, ponderosa, Kentucky fried chicken or Burger places. I don't drink any alcohol so I'm safe there :) normally I get diet coke, but I'm going to start getting water most of the time. I never drink enough water and really want to work on that also. Thanks again for all the ideas!
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    I save reasonably healthy meals to local restaurants in advance under My Meals - that way even if we decide on the fly to go somewhere, there's almost no surprises. We're going to TGI Fridays with a friend tonight, and I was just able to hit "TGI Fridays" and it added my pre-saved 620 calorie meal automatically.
  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,095 Member
    Eating out is a real eye opener caloriewise, but there are things you can do to enjoy a restaurant meal once in a while.

    *If you are only interested in enjoying the time out with your husband~ order salad, dressing on the side~ dip the tips of the fork tines in the dressing before getting a forkful of salad; you CAN order grilled food plain, that is without the oil restaurants put on the food before cooking; order a double serving of steamed vegetables; if you like wine, that is only 120 calories for a 5oz glass; don't eat the bread

    *Now if dinner out is planned for the weekend, you can BANK calories through the week. Eat 100 calories less each day or if you burn a lot of calories during exercise, eat half back each day and save the rest for your splurge. Don't go crazy though, choose wisely and research the nutrition info of your restaurant choice ahead of time if you can.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    Others have already given you great advice, but something else to consider is portion size. Many restaurants tend to give huge portions. What I usually do when eating out, is I cut my meal in half and push half of it to the side (my step-sister usually asks for a take away box as soon as her meal comes, so she can put half of it in the box right away). That way, I don't overeat and I have lunch or dinner for the next day!

    It's also a good idea to order a salad (with dressing on the side) or soup as an appetizer, since it will fill you up and you won't be tempted to munch on bread or something.
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