
beautybykellyb Posts: 4 Member
edited August 2019 in Introduce Yourself
Hello . New to trying to lose weight over here. Been gaining almost 10 lbs a year for several years now I am 5’4 and at my heaviest weight of 172 I work retail so my hours are chaotic and I’m on my feet al day. Also there are always snacks at the job and I have little will power . I am a pescatarian and pack a lunch everyday I’m not good with routine so although I enjoy working out I can’t stick to a routine 🤦🏽‍♀️ I have tried Keto and was successful ! I have an auto immune so it’s advised that I don’t don’t do keto and further stress the liver . Feeling lost and hopeless please help.


  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    Welcome to the community! <3

    If you haven't already, read the stickies at the top of the getting started forum. Very informative and helpful.

    I'm also pescatarian. What are you having issues with?

    You don't have to exercise to lose weight.
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    The first thing I would do is see your doctor and ask for a referral to a registered dietitian who specializes in your medical condition(s).

    Keto does not do anything special for weight loss. It's just one way that some people like to eat, and some people achieve a calorie deficit eating that way. However, weight loss happens anytime you are consistently in a calorie deficit, and does not have anything to do with what specific foods you eat. You don't have to follow any named diet at all in order to lose weight. You do, however, need to eat in a way that's safe for your medical needs, and a specially trained RD can help with that.
  • beautybykellyb
    beautybykellyb Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you! I agree diets are hard to follow its best to change your lifestyle. I struggle the most with snacking. Especially at work . My job always has amazing foods, candies, cakes you name it . Also my husband is naturally thin and always trying to gain weight . I always feel hungry and have a tendancey to eat even when I’m full.
  • iqandil
    iqandil Posts: 358 Member
    Short advice... Never give up.
  • beautybykellyb
    beautybykellyb Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you!
  • ctmoore1982
    ctmoore1982 Posts: 586 Member
    I've found the UA My fitness pal food tracker to be very helpful and inspiring. It makes it so easy to track what you eat and then see the breakdown of what you are taking in. It's so easy you can even scan the bar code of the food your eating and it will automatically brake down all the nutritional facts. and if there is not a bar cod available you can do a search to find the item. Even if it is at a restaurant or home made. You can even add and create you own recopies and will all the ingredients it will give you the break down of the nutritional facts based on them for 1 serving. You can also add the UA Record app to your phone and smart watch/fitness tracker and it will sync your exercise and adjust your caloric intake for the day. Lastly at the end of the tracking day you hit the complete button at the bottom and it will give you a estimated weight that you could obtain in 5 weeks based on how you are eating and exercising. I'm to lazy too do the whole keeping and tracking with an actual journal but i find this so much easier that i actually enjoy doing it. I hope this helps. Feel free to ask me for any help with it if you need.
  • ctmoore1982
    ctmoore1982 Posts: 586 Member
    1 last thing you "DON'T HAVE TO" exercise o loose weight adjusting you eating life style will do it. However exercise will help you get to your goal faster. The muscle you build is what helps to break down and process what you take in.