Sticking with the program


I've struggled with weight loss for more than 5 years now. I am starting over again today. My goals include being healthier, losing 65 lbs, and becoming a runner. I don't mine working out, although, I wish I had a workout partner. My biggest struggle is food. I don't eat healthy and I've never been able to kick my sugar habit. I hope by posting, I'll be more committed to eating better.....only time will tell and of course, I'll keep you posted!

Sticking with the program


  • bunnky
    bunnky Posts: 1
    I too struggle with sugar and treats... just keep telling yoruself it's for the netter and you'll feel good! Try having a few "sugar free" candies to help you though like Life Savers, they work for me :)
  • lukesmama
    lukesmama Posts: 30 Member
    Welcome! Sugar was my downfall too. Than I got gestational diabetes and had to give up sugar altogether. After giving birth I tried to eat my old sugary foods and they tasted disgusting. Coke tasted like liquid sugar, just gross. So no cravings b/c it just tastes bad!
  • joyfulmom4him
    Welcome! You can do this. There is a lot of support and great info on MFP. I am also trying to cut down on the sweets and hope to eventually be able to kick the habit for good. My day was diagnosed with Diabetes and I don't want to wait until it happens to me before I make the decision to change. It has been over a year and I have lost over 60lbs with about 40 lbs left till I reach my goal.

    We are so glad that you are here. You will reach your goals just keep pressing.
  • tonya150
    tonya150 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement!
  • tonya150
    tonya150 Posts: 7 Member
    I wish I could go cold turkey...I've tried!
  • tonya150
    tonya150 Posts: 7 Member
    WOW!!!!!! 60 lbs. I hope to join you over the next year!