August Weight Loss Challenge



  • Fit4Me365
    Fit4Me365 Posts: 4 Member
    August Start Weight: 174.8
    August Goal Weight: 168.8
    Ultimate Goal Weight:145

    August 1: 174.8
    August 5: 172.8
    August 12:
    August 19:
    August 26:
    August 31:
  • SERmom3
    SERmom3 Posts: 568 Member
    I’m going to give this group a try. Something to keep me focused for the month.

    August Start Weight: 161.4
    August Goal Weight: 155
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 140

    August 1: 161.4
    August 5: 158.2
    August 12:
    August 19:
    August 26:
    August 31:
  • jenn990205
    jenn990205 Posts: 1,207 Member
    Really hoping to lose another couple of pounds this month. Did really well last month and saw 3 or 4 new lows. I am hoping to continue that into August and see what I can do.

    August Start Weight: 143.7 (7/31 and 8/1 weigh ins)
    August Goal Weight: 140
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 135-138

    August 1: 143.7 I think this is a little high still. I am hoping it will drop by next week. Beers and fast food from Tuesday
    August 7: 142.1 nice drop today. This is where I thought I would have been last week. Oh well, better late than never.

    August 14:
    August 21:
    August 28:
    August 31:
  • RedMiataAZ
    RedMiataAZ Posts: 65 Member
    I was so ever close of achieving my goal of 155 (was 155.5 05/29/19) but had a slight slide.

    Age: 62
    Height: 5' 5"
    Start wt: 160.8
    Goal wt: 155.0

    May 31: 160.8
    June 7:
    June 14:
    June 21:
    June 28:

    Made my goal in July of 150 and have now moved the bar to 145. My thinking is to take incremental steps of loss of weight which seems to have worked.

    Trimming the fat!!!

    August Start Weight: 150.2
    August Goal Weight: 145.00
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 145.00

    August 1: 150.2
    August 5: 151.7
    August 12:
    August 19:
    August 26:
    August 31:
  • madirico1
    madirico1 Posts: 27 Member
    August Start Weight: 195.6
    August Goal Weight: 190
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 165

    August 1: 195.6
    August 5: 196
    August 12:
    August 19:
    August 26:
    August 31:

    Starting this month's challenge off late, so I'm thankful that I keep a journal that includes daily weigh-ins. :smile:
  • rikwaynik
    rikwaynik Posts: 724 Member
    August Start Weight: 237.6
    August Goal Weight: 232
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 190

    August 1: 237.6
    August 5: 236.3
    August 12:
    August 19:
    August 26:
    August 31:
  • jlgces
    jlgces Posts: 1 Member
    August Start Weight: 270 lbs
    August Goal Weight: 260 lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 200 lbs

    August 1: 270lbs
    August 5:
    August 12:
    August 19:
    August 26:
    August 31:
  • cskbshop
    cskbshop Posts: 6 Member
    August start weight:159 Lbs
    August end weight goals:155 Lbs
    Dream Goal weight:120 Lbs
  • sarahingram61
    sarahingram61 Posts: 1 Member
    Starte using a Fitbit yesterday, it has helped to keep me active. I am to sedentary (sitting in front of computer) and it reminds me to get up and walk around. Also reminds me to drink more water. Was going to take it for a walk, but its raining....

    August Start Weight: 194
    August Goal Weight: 188
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 125

    August 1: 194
    August 5: 192
    August 12:
    August 19:
    August 26:
    August 31:
  • michelle7586
    michelle7586 Posts: 26 Member
    August Start Weight: 225
    August Goal Weight: 219
    Ultimate Goal Weight: tbd

    August 1: 225
    August 7: 221.6
    August 14:
    August 21:
    August 28:
    August 31:
  • 171lake
    171lake Posts: 894 Member
    August Start Weight: 140.0
    August Goal Weight: 135.0
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 120.0

    My weigh in days are Thursday for this challenge, will weigh in again on 8/31 to end the month.

    August 1: 140.0
    August 8: 139.5
    August 15
    August 22:
    August 29:
    August 31:

  • neekazan
    neekazan Posts: 12 Member
    edited August 2019
    August Start Weight: 144.2
    August Goal Weight: 135
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 135

    August 1: 144.6
    August 5: 144.2
    August 9: 141.8
    August 12:
    August 19:
    August 26:
    August 31:

  • kenoski
    kenoski Posts: 13 Member
    August Start Weight:188
    August Goal Weight:180
    Ultimate Goal Weight:174

    August 1:188
    August 5:
    August 12:191
    August 19:
    August 26:
    August 31:
  • JillyB2018
    JillyB2018 Posts: 36 Member
    Aug start weight 13st 3.4lbs
    Aug end weight (hopefully) 12st 13lbs

    Aug 1st: 13st 3.4lbs
    Aug 8th: 13st 2.0lbs
    Aug 15th:
    Aug 22nd:
    Aug 29th:
    Aug 31st:
  • QoLmatters
    QoLmatters Posts: 708 Member
    August Start Weight: 102.8 kg
    August Goal Weight: 100 kg
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 70 kg

    August 1: 102.8 kg
    August 4: 102.5
    August 11: 102.1
    August 18:
    August 25:
    August 31:
  • karsei01
    karsei01 Posts: 442 Member
    Was a hard weekend. I've worked to much last two weeks, and I know I ate a lot both saturday and sunday, without any time to do anything besides work and sleep (been at work for 165 hours last two weeks).
    I'm following my plan the rest of the time, and get 4-5 wko in. Probably back on track next week.

    August Start Weight:255,3
    August Goal Weight:242,5
    Ultimate Goal Weight:195

    August 1:255,3
    August 5:251,3
    August 12:251,3
    August 19:
    August 26:
    August 31: