Starting from the bottom

I need to start working on my exercise routine but I haven't sriously exercised in about three years. I don't know how or where to start. I'm going to my local planet fitness tomorrow to sign up for a membership. My goal is to start working out tomorrow evening. Any tips will help a ton!


  • jnomadica
    jnomadica Posts: 280 Member
    Start slow! Walking is a great way to start. I’d also recommend a full body lifting program 2-3 times per week. There’s a great thread around about finding the right program. I started with New Rules of Lifting for Women and enjoyed that.
    As your fitness increases over time, I would also recommend trying out different forms of exercise, and see what you really love to do. It could be running, hiking, dancing, rowing, martial arts, etc etc. When you find an activity you really enjoy, you don’t require motivation to work out- you want to!
  • jayemes
    jayemes Posts: 865 Member
    Get someone at the gym to walk you through the equipment and show you how to use everything.
    Start slow. It's a marathon not a race.
    Don't be afraid of the free weights. They are amazing things.
  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    Something is better than nothing. As one meme goes, "No matter how slow you're walking you're still lapping everyone sitting on the couch."

    My advice for the unfit is start by walking until you can go two miles without stopping or feeling like you need a nap, then get into the weight room on any linear progression program - Stronglifts, NROLW, Stronglists, or PHUL. Follow the wright program and don't let the cardio volume impact the weight room negatively.

    Your strength will explode in six months to places you didn't think it could go.
  • nighthawk584
    nighthawk584 Posts: 2,000 Member
    I was always into weight training in my youth, but I started my WLJ by simply walking for a few weeks and then slowly got back into weights and my cardio of choice The Bike. Take everything slow and build each week . you will be amazed at how well your body responds
  • pjwrt
    pjwrt Posts: 166 Member
    I need to start working on my exercise routine but I haven't sriously exercised in about three years. I don't know how or where to start. I'm going to my local planet fitness tomorrow to sign up for a membership. My goal is to start working out tomorrow evening. Any tips will help a ton!

    Gyms are fine, but bike riding, planks, and a small home weight set is better. If you can teach yourself to do it at home, with all the distractions, the self-discipline you'll learn is better than anything in the gym.

    I don't like walking or running. Biking is safer. My neighborhood is safe enough, but I cause too much suspicion. The tats and eye patch gets people nervous, I guess.
  • EndGoals
    EndGoals Posts: 2 Member
    Just start...1 step for man, 1 huge step for you self :)
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,923 Member
    I need to start working on my exercise routine but I haven't sriously exercised in about three years. I don't know how or where to start. I'm going to my local planet fitness tomorrow to sign up for a membership. My goal is to start working out tomorrow evening. Any tips will help a ton!

    Do you get any free sessions with a trainer with your membership? If not, try to negotiate for some before you sign up. If all else fails, do pay for them - this will be a good investment so you can use your time in the gym more efficiently.

    Actually, looks like it is free at PF:
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Start slow with walking and light weights 2-3x week.