What do you do when you screw up for a day?



  • I allow myself to mess up at least once or twice a week, But i make sure i'm extremely disciplined on the other 5. I don't feel guilty because i plan on having a healthy lifestyle for a very long time and i'm not going to hold myself back from little pleasures during the whole process.

    Good luck.
  • rachelleahsmom
    rachelleahsmom Posts: 442 Member
    I'm so happy to have read this post. It's not even 2 in the afternoon and I have consumed all but 200 of my daily calories. I will try to exercise a bit, but Sundays are usually reserved for church and family. It was the church part that did me in today - family fun day which included hot dogs, potato chips and dessert. I did eat a carrot when I got home...
  • mp09aap
    mp09aap Posts: 18 Member
    as long as its no more than once every 2 weeks its ok to have a day where you go over on the calories, even by 1500 cal. as long as its not more than once every 2 weeks you will loose weight
  • randylevy
    randylevy Posts: 67 Member
    "Don't hold yesterday's decisions over today's head."

    Well said. I love that line.
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    I mean really screw up, like make an awesome pecan pie for a special occasion and go 1000 calories over your daily goal. Do you exercise like crazy the next day? I'm afraid that if I eat less today to make a calorie deficit, it will just backfire (I used to be a notorious yo-yo dieter) and I will end up eating a ton of bad stuff tonight out of hunger or I won't have enough energy to do my long run tomorrow. Any tips? Should I let it go?

    You need to fuel your body for a long run. Go with some good carbs and some lean protein tonight but in moderation (with water before your meal and maybe even after) and I think you'll be fine. I go over my calories for the day a lot, sometimes even 1,000 calories over, and it doesn't affect my maintenance/long term goals because I set my calories goals for weight loss... even though I am maintaining. So it averages out.
  • Don't skip any meals. It is ok to cheat once in awhile. It is better to have that pecan pie today than never and binge later on. You might feel heavier now but once it is digested you will not have gained anymore. If you feel like you over did it just drink lots of water which will help flush your system.
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    Same as I do every single other day. Keep going. I've gone well over before and I laughed it off and started fresh the next day. Feeling guilty isn't really going to do any good.
  • traceybarbour
    traceybarbour Posts: 226 Member
    just except it as a bad day, just pick up tomorrow and no that its part of life. we are all gonna have slip ups but what makes the diffrence is just getting your self back on track and don't go all crazy and say well i messed up now so **** it..it is gonna be a part of this journey..good luck!
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    I log everything and when I hit "complete" I draw a line under that day and the next day starts anew.

    If I were to get into the mindset of working out more the next day it would feel like punishment. There are days that I will do wildly over, but that's life. It's occasionally and not habitually.
  • You log it and you learn from it.
    Are you looking for a lifestyle change that allows you the freedom to one day NOT obsess over food?

    You can add a piece of pie to your life, eating SEVERAL pieces is another story.

    If you know you're going into a situation where you'd like some dessert, you shift your other choices in the day around
    so that you've got "room" for it that day- or you exercise to make the room ahead of time- or later on THAT SAME DAY.

    One day, when you reach your goal, you'll have more "wiggle room" but until then, you take less and learn to be satisfied w/ it.

    I was a binge eater before I started this- and I can say it is POSSIBLE to reach that place.
    I no longer will sit and pig out all day long- I've learned to be content on less- and still can enjoy treats several times a week,
    I just have to keep my eye on my goals-
    My REASONS why I'm on this journey-
    and for me, I HAVE to find a place where I can maintain this AFTER I reach my final goal...
    and that will include going out, eating birthday cake @ grandkids' parties, having fun, and not obsessing over food AGAIN.

    You log it, you learn from it, you look back over how you could have skipped some other things that day- and use the info for the NEXT time it comes up ( and not doubt IT WILL)

    The beauty of each day is it's a FRESH START. CLEAN SLATE. GRACE.
  • h82bfat
    h82bfat Posts: 77
    Yes, don't beat yourself up. Remember, you'd need to exceed your daily maintenance level (not your caloric goal) by 3,500 calories just to gain a single pound. If you want to keep yourself accountable, cut back 100 calories for the next 10 days, but don't do anything too drastic; that's simply not a maintainable long-term solution.
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    Chastise myself for the rest of the day, vow to get back on track tomorrow, and actually do it.

    If my cravings get out of control for more than a day or two, I fast for 24 hours and it gets me back on track, mentally, for a few weeks.
  • Vhovell
    Vhovell Posts: 286
    Thank you for posting this up, everyones comments have been really helpful! I went over 1000 calories over on Friday after going to the local Beer Fest, i expected to but was shocked how much drink was calorie wise as i rarely drink! Finding it really hard to get back to my passion and concentration so these comments have perked me up a little :o) The line is drawn and ready to start a new week :)
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    usually? i brag about it. :laugh:

    but seriously. if you mess up one day, acknowledge it and move on. the next day (or the same evening), you go right back to normal. don't try to "compensate" for it.
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    Great advice here. I think it's important to log it, even when I go way over. Something about secrecy can breed shame which breeds worse decisions for me, so I have to be careful with that. For me, it's best to just own it and make that one meal or that one day mine for that time period. Deal with it, accept it, and don't let it affect my decisions later or tomorrow. Bad habit is to say "oh, I screwed up on Thursday, I'll get back on track Monday." I did that quitting smoking, too. It's all head games, excuses.

    Own it. Enter the calories. Move on.
  • pnieuw
    pnieuw Posts: 473
    One day isn't going to make or break any diet. 1,000 calories over translates to about 5oz of extra weight. That will come off again as you continue on your plan.

    (By the way, I LOVE pecan pie! I would have a hard time stopping at just a slice too!)