feel like crying :-(

I know this is going to sound stupid but I'm the smallest I've ever been but feel like a whale and add to this my otherhalf said I look bigger today I know he wasn't being horrible but it cut me like a knife. I found the last 6months of this so easy and suddenly its got so hard.

I seem to be panicing and sabotaging myself at the moment I wish I just didn't have to eat then I wouldn't have to think about it anymore.

I'm sorry if this makes no sence but I feel out of control at the moment and hate feeling this way. Does any one else get like this?


  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,325 Member
    Yes I have these days, just keep going tomorrow will feel better :)
    you have done amazing s far !
  • kmhamilton6
    kmhamilton6 Posts: 53 Member
    You have come to far...

    self sabbotage is NOT the anwser...

    pick up your spirit and tell yourself, " I AM A HOT MAMA!!!" :)

    You can do it!
  • shanna0413
    shanna0413 Posts: 600 Member
    I'm sorry that you feel that way. I have days like that sometimes too. I know it is hard but all you can so is try to shake it off. People say and do stupid things without thinking about what they are doing. If they havent gone through it, they ahve no idea how hard is it to lose weight. There are lots of people out here who are proud of you and what you have done. But they main thing is to be proud of yourself. Remember that you are awesome and every change that you make is one for the better. It just takes time.
  • adoreabella
    Hang in there, as tough as it may seem. A few weeks ago I reached the point where I didn't have to buy plus size clothes and just started freaking out because I didn't know what to do. Then I ate like crap and started sabotaging myself. I think we do it because we are outside our comfort zone and, being heavier for such a long time, we have to adjust to our new "normal".

    It will pass, just stick with it. It took me two weeks to get out of my rut, but that is why I use MFP. We all need encouragement and support, whether its online or in real life. You could tell him that your comment hurt you because I am sure it wasn't meant to intentionally upset you.

    You are strong and smart and beautiful and so very close to your goal. You will have good days and not so good days but that's why they call it life. Don't give up, you have come so far :)
  • Neize
    Neize Posts: 301 Member
    You'll be fine! sounds like you are scared of losing your identity because you are changing how you use to look you are not changing who you are!
  • chastitykelly
    chastitykelly Posts: 9 Member
    I feel like this right now too. I'm working so hard but i'm plateaued right now and it feels horrible. good luck, sweetie. :(
  • beamishcas
    beamishcas Posts: 226 Member
    That's exactly how I feel TODAY!. I haven't been this "small" in YEARS and yet I feel like I haven't lost an ounce Plus it's an emotional day anyway. My mom passed away 5 years ago today, so too many emotions in my head.
  • 2ht2hand1e
    2ht2hand1e Posts: 116 Member
    Aww that is sucky. I hope your other half does something nice for you to help pick up your spirits and to distract you from food while you feel this way :)...You look fantastic by the way. How much weight have you lost??
  • blueiz35
    blueiz35 Posts: 24
    I do it all the time! I go look in the mirror with a pic of me at my biggest and tell my self how damn good I look now! I know im no beauty queen but compared to 2 years ago I look good! dont listen to others comments (unless they are positive ones) just keep telling yourself you can do this !!! it is hard, a struggle everyday but I know YOU CAN DO THIS!!!
  • NancyAnne1960
    NancyAnne1960 Posts: 500 Member
    I think we've all felt this at one time or another. Try to think of it more of a lifestyle than a diet. Make sure you eat a few of the things you miss, all in proportion, and hopefully you won't feel you are depriving yourself. As for your other half saying you looked big, blame it on the clothes you happened to be wearing. I look bigger in some things than others. I just feel that much better when I DO put on something I look better in. Hang in there!! You are doing so good!!!!
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    First off, a big congratulations to you for losing 13lbs...we have both lost the same weight whoo hoo!!!!

    Second...even if your other half wasnt being horrible by saying wht they said...maybe explain to them how you feel hun? If they don`t know how bad you feel or what they say affects you then, they are not going to change...so sit down and have a chat??

    We ( i`m generalising now) all get days, or weeks when we get down.. and you wonder whether it is worth it....but YES it is!!!!

    Take each day at a time, you are doing this for you and even though this sounds selfish...if you don`t do it for you then how can you be there for your family???

    Hang in there and keep going...but most of all talk to those around you...if they don`t know how you feel then they can not help.

    good luck x
  • Kierra112
    I understand exactly how you feel. I am told that I am looking better but I still feel like a oinker. I just feel like it is too much right now. I will not give in to that feeling though. :explode: I cannot afford to do that. :noway:
  • martina123321
    I'm sorry you feel like this after you have come so far.

    You should be feeling so proud, you have done an amazing job.

    If my partner said that to me being horrible or not!! Its still a not nice thing to say especially if hes knows the effort you have gone through getting where you are.

    Get yourself esteem back!!! take it and run with it!!

    I'm really proud of you!!! I wish I could achieve what you have and hope one day I will.

    You are a great example of weight loss!!! You should feel like it.

    Sit down with a pen and paper, right down how you feel and then right down what your going to do about it!!

    Only you can help yourself.

    Hope you feel better soon

  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    That's exactly how I feel TODAY!. I haven't been this "small" in YEARS and yet I feel like I haven't lost an ounce Plus it's an emotional day anyway. My mom passed away 5 years ago today, so too many emotions in my head.

    Yep, things like this really hit you hard..I am so sorry for your loss...its always hard to lose your Mom...you will never get a better friend ;-)
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Don't stress over it, that feeling won't last, I promise. Try and get a good night's sleep tonight, things might look easier in the morning.

    Oh, and go tell your husband that if he can't say anything nice, he should shut his damn mouth. "Not meaning it" is no excuse for him being so disrespectful. You have done so well, you deserve better support than that!
  • Riley4ever
    Riley4ever Posts: 225 Member
    You've lost so much already and '145' is there on the horizon willing to greet you, you just have to reach out as far as you can and grab with your fingertips and pull yourself towards it :D I looked at your profile and its says the reason you want to lose weight is to prove all those who think you can't do it, wrong - so this is the time to remind yourself of that and remember tomorrow is a new day! Go for it!
  • Whatareherthings711
    You're amazing for having lost 13 pounds. I'm down 11, and it is frustrating at times. It's always helpful when loved ones and other people around you compliment you on your weight loss. Your guy was way out of line for saying you looked bigger, especially when you're at your smallest! Don't let that get you down. And do not deprive yourself of anything. The whole point of losing weight is to better enjoy your life. Depriving yourself is a way to be unhappy and not proud of yourself for eating a balanced diet. And anyway, no matter what our weight is, we all are bound to have days when we feel horrible. I think feeling bad every now and then helps us appreciate our happier moments more. Keep up the great work and don't forget to let yourself be happy.
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    Yeah I say get some retail therapy!!!! do something to cheer yourself up that isn't eating.
    Maybe do a new exercise class or something.
    go out and play with your georgeous little girl, take her swimming or bike riding.
    Buy a nice dress or something that you look great in, something you couldn't wear before.
    Do something to elevate your spirits.
    You have done great its just a hump try not to focus on it and shift your mind past that.

    I did some therapy once and was told that negative thoughts produce negative thoughts, its kind of a chemical chain reaction, and thats why positive thinking is so important. So next time you think that positive thought think STOP and visualise something like a red light/stop sign, and then immediately think of a positive thought to neutralise the negative thought.
    Like "oh lord I feel so fat and useless today - STOP - but I have got so far and this time next week I will feel completely different.

    that was garbled . I'm useless at advice really but maybe that helps!
    keep smiling.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Hi I'm Zara. I think all of us who have been large, or are large like me, can sometimes find you loose perspective over what you have achieved. Also its strange to see yourself changing after a long time even if its for the better. There's nothing worse than a loved one saying something like that. It would depress the best of us. Your doing really well though, and you have to think about what you have done and what you have achieved! great isn't it? I'd explain to the partner that it hurt, he probably didn't mean to hurt you, but may think about making critisism constructive in future. Don't let it get you down, be proud of yourself. Zara x
  • squitzwife
    squitzwife Posts: 51 Member
    we all have these days...hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs. You can do it! you only have 13 lbs to go so don't let it get you down. remember-you probably feel big because you have loose skin. you just need some time for that to go. It's like that with me. I had 3 kids in 2 and a 1/2 years.
    I'm so glad you posted your feelings so you can be lifted up. That takes guts. Loosing weight is never done by you alone. Make sure you express to your hubbie how you feel. he wants to support you too. I'm sure he will help you instead of foolishly saying stuff he probably didn't think about. HUGS HUGS HUGS HUGS