feel like crying :-(



  • gerdyh
    gerdyh Posts: 3
    Dont worry! Your body is going to fluxuate. One day I will feel great and feel like I lost some then the next day will be the total opposite. keep on asking my husband if I look bigger and he just says that it will take time to get the weight off. I just started doing this fitness pal which seems to keep me thinking about what I am eating. I thought salads and other stuff was good for me and it doesnt have any calories but it all adds up so I have been watching my portions. i am hoping this coming week I at least lose 2 lbs. I am going to start working out tomorrow. I will see how it goes. You have lost A LOT of weight. Proud of you for getting this far. If you think you hit a plateau then change your diet intake and excerise a little more or just harder. I hope this helps.

    Heather :wink:
  • had3nuf
    had3nuf Posts: 59
    I know what you're goin thru...I didn't lose a lot of weight, but people still noticed....the one person who didn't notice, was the ONE I expected and wanted to notice. It was humiliating...and I felt as huge as ever before..first I thought about not eating ANYTHING..hoping more weight would come off faster, so that he WOULD notice....but then I thought about saying "screw it!!"..and stocking up on Dove ice cream. I know I'm NOT gonna give up tho...because I love the changes "I'M" seeing....whether he notices or not. Maybe by the time he notices..I won't care. It sure woulda made my day though. Stick with it...I am!!!
  • GrandmaJody
    GrandmaJody Posts: 140 Member
    I just read your posts (this one and yesterdays), and looked at your profile also. It sounds like your other half is over weight. Is he scared of losing you, or jealous that you doing this for yourself? He might not even realize he is doing it, but he is sabotaging your efforts....Maybe you need to have a real heart to heart with him. He might be feeling need a little reasurrance, and a reminder that it really hurts your feelings when he says those types of things....Just my opinion-and since I do not either one of you I could be wrong. Just something to consider....Keep up the good work, you can do this! :smile:
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    Sorry you are going through that. The whole weight loss/body image stuff can touch us to the core, sometimes even catch us by surprise.

    Wow. You've lost 47 pounds?! You're a new person! Have you gone into the store and picked up a 40 pound bag of dog food? Those are heavy.

    I don't know what your relationship is like with your other half, but have you considered saying the following to him in a reasonable, respectful tone? "hey, I don't know what you meant, if you were trying to be constructive or what, but that hurt my feelings. I'm not asking you to lie to me, but want you to know that I'm going to tell you when something you say hurts."

    I think withdrawing into yourself (self-sabotage) can snowball and foster poor decisions. I know conflict is awkward for some. But sometimes an honest, frank discussion can get stuff out in the open in a way that makes it much easier to move past.

    Anyway, that's a lot of advice from a stranger. If none of it resonates with you, no harm done. I do sincerely hope you feel better and focus on make good choices, moving forward.
  • NewVonnie
    NewVonnie Posts: 683 Member
    :wink: :flowerforyou:
    Sorry you are going through that. The whole weight loss/body image stuff can touch us to the core, sometimes even catch us by surprise.

    Wow. You've lost 47 pounds?! You're a new person! Have you gone into the store and picked up a 40 pound bag of dog food? Those are heavy.

    I don't know what your relationship is like with your other half, but have you considered saying the following to him in a reasonable, respectful tone? "hey, I don't know what you meant, if you were trying to be constructive or what, but that hurt my feelings. I'm not asking you to lie to me, but want you to know that I'm going to tell you when something you say hurts."

    I think withdrawing into yourself (self-sabotage) can snowball and foster poor decisions. I know conflict is awkward for some. But sometimes an honest, frank discussion can get stuff out in the open in a way that makes it much easier to move past.

    Anyway, that's a lot of advice from a stranger. If none of it resonates with you, no harm done. I do sincerely hope you feel better and focus on make good choices, moving forward.

    I agree and think you rock!
  • CaptainMFP
    CaptainMFP Posts: 440 Member
    Don't give in! You are worth it. Look at what a great job you've done so far!

    Let me share something with you. My wife and I ran our first 5K yesterday. I looked around at the start of the race, and even though I'm nearly 35 lbs. down and the lightest I've been as an adult, I turned to my wife and said "I may not be fat anymore, but I'm still the fattest guy here." It was true, too. Then I took on my first 5K...with a goal of running it in 34 min. and ran it in 30:17. I was the median time for the race, finishing 17th out of 33 runners. I may have felt physically big before the race, but I felt psychologically huge when it was done. :smile:

    We are always are own worst critics, and when loved ones speak out of turn it does cut deep. But it's all just perception, yes? Find your positive spirit and you'll be back on track. Feel hugely successful, 'cause you are!
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    You have to be healthy for yourself and that little one too.
    Don't you dare give up. One comment is nothing. Your way stronger than that.
  • suz74
    suz74 Posts: 77 Member
    Hang on in there honey, you have lost a staggering amount.....you are amazing! :smile:
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    you look amazing...but with that being said..you are going to have those down days. To make yourself feel better..go window shopping and see how far you have come by sizes alone.

    As far as your husband..well he is who he is...one comment shouldnt belittle all the hard work you have done.
  • msfazer
    msfazer Posts: 17 Member
    Hi thank you everyone for your kind words and for letting me know I'm not the only one to feel this way! I have been on here since February just my phone locked me out of my account so had to start again. I had my 3rd baby last September and have lost 50lb since he was born.

    It's just so easy to forget how far I have come in under a year and ive just got to focus on that. As for my other half he's gone from one extreme to another he used to try to keep me big now he criticises when I eat unhealthy food I know he is very insecure so I've just got to ignore his attempts to sabotage me.

    Thank you all again
  • rock127
    rock127 Posts: 369 Member
    I know this is going to sound stupid but I'm the smallest I've ever been but feel like a whale and add to this my otherhalf said I look bigger today I know he wasn't being horrible but it cut me like a knife. I found the last 6months of this so easy and suddenly its got so hard.

    I seem to be panicing and sabotaging myself at the moment I wish I just didn't have to eat then I wouldn't have to think about it anymore.

    I'm sorry if this makes no sence but I feel out of control at the moment and hate feeling this way. Does any one else get like this?

    Since you have lost so much there is no way you would be looking 'bigger', so the comments you recieved doesn't seems to be holding much ground practically... it could simply be just a tease comment(could have been avoided though) so that you can shed the remaining asap.People losing weight or gaining weight hear those comments sometime which are hard to digest... some take it negatively and some take it positively.

    So cheer up! don't worry or panic and look forward to reach your goal which is nearby now.
  • I had a week just like that last week. I would workout, have a healthy lunch and dinner and then end up in the bakery department or making nachos! I felt like a dieter Jekyll/Hyde - it was awful. I couldn't look in the mirror without crying. I met with my personal trainer at the gym who helped a lot. He told me to stop being so hard on myself and try talking to my "saboteur self", which sounds silly but it is helping me. When I hear a voice telling me to have those cookies or that beer - I talk back to it. I also set some new goals. Good luck - you're not alone.
  • econn
    econn Posts: 157
    IM stuck in a rut like this too :( good luck!!! You have done brilliant! Don't ruin all your hard work!
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