What do you know about "juice fasting"?

unmitigatedbadassery Posts: 653 Member
edited October 1 in Food and Nutrition
I'm interested in doing a 100% all-natural juice fast for a week. From what I understand as long as you keep a healthy diet afterward (which I plan to do anyway) it can give you a real boost in energy and nutrition to help you get started.

Has anyone had experience with it?


  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    Personally, I wouldn't do it because there's no way I can get enough protein during such a fast. Plus I haven't found any logical, scientific explanation for how and why it works the way it's supposed to work. I mean, when I think about it, I can't see how it would be more beneficial (even for a short period of time) than a healthy normal diet.

    I'm definitely a skeptic, one who always needs a logical explanation :)
  • GinaKurtz
    GinaKurtz Posts: 228 Member
    I have. There's MANY recipes that you can make. It's not bad & after the first day, I wasn't hungry for anything.
  • debclif
    debclif Posts: 74 Member
    My vegan friend has done this several times. She gets a severe headache the second day then all is well. She also poops alot, 4-6 times a day. She usually looses between 10-15 lbs but gains between 5-8 lbs back within a couple of days. She does it 3-4 times a year. I wouldn't do it, but it works for my friend and it may work for you.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    Here is my major gripe - if you intend to keep a healthy diet afterwards, then why not just start the healthy diet right away, and skip the whole juice business?
  • SKP1986
    SKP1986 Posts: 392 Member
    I got interested in this after watching Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead and started doing more research, but I am with withchaco... I can't really under why juice fasting would work any better than a healthy diet. I wanted to try it and have considered a couple of times trying it for 7-10 days, but haven't really given it a go yet. The other alternative (for me) is to just incorporate it in my daily diet. I have a hard time eating veggies on my own, so I thought juicing them might make it easier for me to stomach.

    I understand all the theories behind it, but I have also come to understand that you have to be pretty careful about returning to solid foods after such a fast, especially if it is prolonged. I mean, there's really no harm in trying. If you notice adverse effects just switch up what you are doing to something else.
  • I think since you're beginning, you might want to check out www.jointhereboot.com. There's a program for beginners which allows you to still eat food while juicing. Honestly, I think it's great. I haven't done an actual fast, but I drink juice every morning for breakfast, and I personally love it. It's a great way to get in all of the micronutrients you need, and it's also great for trying out vegetables you probably would have never eaten before. I'm always experimenting with different flavors, and I'm constantly surprised with the combinations I mix together. Try it out for a few days and see what you think!
  • The point of fasting is to clean out your body of toxins and fecal matter which is just sitting in your colon. I recommend it, but only if you it the right way. There are books and websites that can guide you.
  • pnieuw
    pnieuw Posts: 473
    The point of fasting is to clean out your body of toxins and fecal matter which is just sitting in your colon. I recommend it, but only if you it the right way. There are books and websites that can guide you.

    Your body does this normally. Food passes from stomach to exit in 24 to 48 hours. We don't all walk around with 10 pounds of fecal matter in our colons that just waits for a fast to finally leave. To Taso42's point, eat a healthy, balanced diet, and your body will do just fine ridding itself of toxins, waste and anything else that doesn't belong.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    The point of fasting is to clean out your body of toxins and fecal matter which is just sitting in your colon. I recommend it, but only if you it the right way. There are books and websites that can guide you.

    Oh, I've got a system for that. We all do. It's called the excretory system.
  • unmitigatedbadassery
    unmitigatedbadassery Posts: 653 Member
    As expected there is a 50/50 divide between people that think it's wonderful and people that say not to do it.

    My reasoning is this:

    going on the juice fast for 10 days does a couple things:
    -helps detox your system faster than just changing your diet would. This seems helpful for someone like me that has 28 years worth of toxins from processed foods built up.
    -quickly gets nutrients in your system that you've probably been deficient in (I know I have unless "bacon" is a vital nutrient".
    -gives you a jump start in dropping SOME weight quickly, increasing your energy so that you can work harder toward your goals.
    -All of the above seems like it would make someone feel better after the initial "OMG, I'm not going to eat for 10 days".
    -How can it hurt to load my system with tons of natural nutrients?

    Several responses I've seen:

    "there's no way I can get enough protein during such a fast."
    -Depending on your specific goals that may be true. My nutritionist put me on a 35g/day limit for protein until I shed more fat. I can get 35g with my eyes closed.

    "She usually looses between 10-15 lbs but gains between 5-8 lbs back within a couple of days."
    -I understand this is a common factor. However it does seem to be different for everyone. At the end of the week she's still lost a net 7 -10.

    "if you intend to keep a healthy diet afterwards, then why not just start the healthy diet right away, and skip the whole juice business? "
    -This is to be a kick start to replacing the junk in my body with nutrients. I feel that this would do that far faster and more efficiently than simply changing my diet.

    "We don't all walk around with 10 pounds of fecal matter in our colons that just waits for a fast to finally leave"
    -No. Not ALL of us do. Some of us do though. I did a cleansing years ago in which I lost 10+ and did not immediately gain them back. They had to have come from somewhere inside me.
  • unmitigatedbadassery
    unmitigatedbadassery Posts: 653 Member
    I think since you're beginning, you might want to check out www.jointhereboot.com. There's a program for beginners which allows you to still eat food while juicing. Honestly, I think it's great. I haven't done an actual fast, but I drink juice every morning for breakfast, and I personally love it. It's a great way to get in all of the micronutrients you need, and it's also great for trying out vegetables you probably would have never eaten before. I'm always experimenting with different flavors, and I'm constantly surprised with the combinations I mix together. Try it out for a few days and see what you think!

    Just signed up. thanks.
  • unmitigatedbadassery
    unmitigatedbadassery Posts: 653 Member
    I got interested in this after watching Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead and started doing more research, but I am with withchaco... I can't really under why juice fasting would work any better than a healthy diet. I wanted to try it and have considered a couple of times trying it for 7-10 days, but haven't really given it a go yet. The other alternative (for me) is to just incorporate it in my daily diet. I have a hard time eating veggies on my own, so I thought juicing them might make it easier for me to stomach.

    I understand all the theories behind it, but I have also come to understand that you have to be pretty careful about returning to solid foods after such a fast, especially if it is prolonged. I mean, there's really no harm in trying. If you notice adverse effects just switch up what you are doing to something else.

    I agree. If it could improve my health and doesn't seem to have any real negative effects then why not?
  • I would love to "hear" some of your favs, especially the ones that pack the most benefit :smile:
  • pnieuw
    pnieuw Posts: 473
    As expected there is a 50/50 divide between people that think it's wonderful and people that say not to do it.

    My reasoning is this:

    "We don't all walk around with 10 pounds of fecal matter in our colons that just waits for a fast to finally leave"
    -No. Not ALL of us do. Some of us do though. I did a cleansing years ago in which I lost 10+ and did not immediately gain them back. They had to have come from somewhere inside me.

    Sorry, nobody walks around with fecal matter that won't pass. Your body moves things along, constantly. Go ask your doctor, not the internet. While your are there, ask your doctor what they think of drinking just juice for a week, ignoring fiber, complex carbs, protein, essential fats, and other nutrients. Their answer is the one that matters.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    Is this a form of procrastination? I'm going to change my dietary habits... not now, but in a week or two, after I do this juice thing.

    I'm going to quit smoking... next week.

    I'm going to clean the kitchen.. later on today, or maybe tomorrow if i don't get to it.
  • calibri
    calibri Posts: 439 Member
    Here is my major gripe - if you intend to keep a healthy diet afterwards, then why not just start the healthy diet right away, and skip the whole juice business?
    This. Successfully losing weight in long term isn't some fad you just pick up for a few weeks, it's a lifestyle change. If you're putting it off by doing this instead of just grabbing the bull by the horns and getting on with it, you might end up wasting some time.
  • Okay, I try to keep positive on forums, but what is up with all of the negativity? If someone wants to do a juice fast (which in all actuality, isn't a fast), it's an option they would like to consider. Let them consider it and let them experience it. I understand opinions were asked but instead of stating them politely, it's like everyone has to have their claws out. Weight loss is unique and what might not work for other people, might work for me or the OP or anyone here. And whatever works for me might be a terrible idea for anyone else.
  • unmitigatedbadassery
    unmitigatedbadassery Posts: 653 Member
    Thank you Drunkwithwords. I appreciate that everyone has an opinion but I'm not looking to be told "it doesn't work" by people that have never tried it. In fact I specifically asked "Has anyone had experience with it?"

    That being said, the only ones that have replied that they have tried it had very little in the way of negativity. I'm not here to be called a procrastinator. If that were the case I wouldn't be able to use my arm or even walk after having a stroke. I'm asking for feedback on EXPERIENCE. If you don't have something valuable to add then don't bother.
  • unmitigatedbadassery
    unmitigatedbadassery Posts: 653 Member
    Sorry, nobody walks around with fecal matter that won't pass. Your body moves things along, constantly. Go ask your doctor, not the internet. While your are there, ask your doctor what they think of drinking just juice for a week, ignoring fiber, complex carbs, protein, essential fats, and other nutrients. Their answer is the one that matters.

    Would that be the same doctors I saw before being given a prescription for steroids which almost caused my already failing heart to explode? Or the one that wrote me a scrip for $50 cough syrup because my lungs were filling with fluid? Or how bout the one that x-rayed my chest and didn't think that an enlarged heart was worth mentioning? I'd rather talk to people that have been there and listen to their opinions. Thanks.
  • Vtckf
    Vtckf Posts: 1
    FWIW I did the nearly all juice thing for 3 weeks and lost 25lbs.
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