164 pounds these are my macros

I’m 5 and 10 164pnds my macros are 218p 248 carb 80 f I’m trying to lean bulk I’m was previously overweight I intense workout 5 days a week with construction job anyone think I should change my macros


  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    edited August 2019
    Beyond hitting nutritional miniumums macros can be very personal.

    Your protein is higher than necessary (but not problematic unless it skews your overall diet).
    Fat is OK.
    Carbs are very personal, I like a lot!

    Personally I detest fixed goals (feels very restrictive for no good reason) and when logging food prefer to set minimums for protein and fat with remainder of my calories allowance free to come from any macro (but for me mostly carbs).

    But overall your calorie goal looks very low for someone working construction and exercising and wanting to bulk. It's about what is seen as an average male daily allowance for maintaining their weight and that average man wouldn't have such a physically demanding job or exercise as much let alone be seeking to gain weight.
    • What activity level did you select?
    • Are you logging and eating back your exercise calories on top?
    • What rate of weight gain did you select?
    • Did you get your calorie goal from a different web site or resource?

    For comparison I'm a retired 59 YO (165lbs & 5'9") and eat over 3,000 to maintain.
  • mattmilker69
    mattmilker69 Posts: 5 Member
    I’d say with work there are good and bad days but I am a carb person as well and it’s hard for me to figure out and even stretch my carbs with a good three meals a day mostly eating veggies ext so I can somewhat carb cycle between my workouts iv been hitting my goal but yea very difficult I feel like witch such a low carb number leaves me worn down in a way these numbers were set by a physical trainer
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    I’d say with work there are good and bad days but I am a carb person as well and it’s hard for me to figure out and even stretch my carbs with a good three meals a day mostly eating veggies ext so I can somewhat carb cycle between my workouts iv been hitting my goal but yea very difficult I feel like witch such a low carb number leaves me worn down in a way these numbers were set by a physical trainer

    That's the problem with an excessive amount of protein - it squeezes out room for the other macros.
    1g per pound of body weight would be plenty, there's diminishing returns from going higher.

    It could also be your calories are too low, what is your weight trend actually doing?

    Carb cycling really isn't necessary, you can store c. 2,000 cals of glycogen so it's not like you have to fuel on the day for weights that might only be burning 250 - 300 cals.

    You really shouldn't be feeling "worn down" when bulking! You should be energised and training well.
    If those macros/calories aren't working then change them.