Slowly but surely getting to the goal

Hi there I'm Alley and the 5 Feb 2019, my journey started, to be quite honest I lose then fall back into old habits, then pull myself together, then start over again.... rollercoaster lol, but you know what I decided not to be hard on myself and go with my own vibe... well February when i started my weight was 148.9kg...oh yeah, well this morning 18 Aug 2019 its 130.8kg. When i started i had this goal by losing 5kg per month, so by now was suppose to have been close to a 100kg. Today i ask myself why the pressure, why do we do it to ourselves... i don't follow a diet, i just try to eat 1300 calories a day... i try lol, some days it's over 2000 and other days its lil bit more than 2000, the great thing is I make the decision and by consuming more than 2000 calories i know the consequences and also know that i have to correct it in the days to come. I'm happy doing it my way, try to something that's your way, it will make the journey easier.... longer but easier.


  • mo1700
    mo1700 Posts: 78 Member
    Well done on getting there, that is a brilliant lose and doing it as part of a life style change is fantastic, well done again 😊
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,448 Member
    Well done, that's the way I am doing it to not following a diet but just eating less that 1200 calories and exercising more, I have found adding friends this time has kept me motivated.
    Good luck.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,482 Member
    edited August 2019
    “Slowly but surely getting to the goal”

    Best way.

    Especially if you want to get there and stay there.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    edited August 2019
    Great attitude that will get you far! :smiley:

    Bit of unsolicited commentary (that you can feel free to ignore), but 1300 as a base calorie level for you sounds low. You might benefit from adjusting it up. Take a look at your weekly logged averages compared to your weekly losses to see what your actual deficit is :smile:
  • aracely2224
    aracely2224 Posts: 1,070 Member
    Well done! MFP has helped me achieve my goals with the calorie count. You can do it! 🌺
  • fatoldladyonamission
    fatoldladyonamission Posts: 572 Member
    Hi! I'm a similar start weight to you, but only been on plan a week. Hoping to lose 2lbs a week, using a low calorie diet to do it. If you want to add me for support and accountability you're very welcome. I'm here every day.