Ladies: weight gain - ovulation vs. TOTM

Hi ladies-
It seems like everything I read talks about weight gain associated with a few days to a week leading up to starting our periods. But for me the time I tend to gain weight is one to two weeks before I ovulate. Then once I ovulate my weight comes down to lower than I started with (this is where I would say most of my weight loss happens), and then levels out from my period until I start gaining again.
I do have a Mirena IUD, and it’s possible that this is contributing to my non-normal hormonal weight gain, but I’ve been tracking now for about four months, weighing almost everything, losing weight overall (I’ve lost 16 lbs since May), and the weight gain before ovulation seems to be the trend.
I’m not *complaining*, just curious if other women experience the same timing of weight gain.


  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,966 Member
    I recently started weighing daily again and am up 4 pounds at ovulation this month >.<

    It used to be more like 2 pounds.
  • Jdismybug1
    Jdismybug1 Posts: 443 Member
    I gain because of water during my actual period.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    edited August 2019
    My gains around ovulation are at least as much as my pre-menstrual gains. This came as something of a surprise to me when I started weighing daily. Now I find it interesting but am not bothered by it because I know the routine. If anything, it's a reminder my body is still working right on schedule.

    ETA no IUD or hormonal birth control in the picture for me.
  • brittlb07
    brittlb07 Posts: 313 Member
    If you have an IUD you shouldn’t be ovulating right? I asked my doctor this because I was thinking the same thing about my pill but she said I wasn’t ovulating 🤷‍♀️ but hormones are crazy so I’m sure there is still a connection!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    I tend to gain about 5 lbs over my ovulation phase and can lose double digit numbers, which stays off (thankfully) during my menses. If my loses stall during the month, I can always rely on those 4 days to even out my scale weight and tape measure goals.

    *No IUD or hormonal birth control for me either.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,966 Member
    I've noticed recently that post-ovulation I feel a lot of dissatisfaction with my life.

    (This is different from depression.)
  • wifeoferp
    wifeoferp Posts: 86 Member

    I have what I call "magic week", it's the week between ovulation and my period where I lose ALL the weight. I don't lose much, if anything the rest of the month... but come magic week... it's like weight loss Christmas! All the changes all the time! I know it's all the water draining from me from the water dance of ovulation, but still, it's awesome. Now, once my period hits, my weight is steady. I'll have a slight "de-bloat" day after my period and then it's the gearing up for ovulation and dancing the water dance.

    This sounds so much like me!! Glad I’m not the only one!!
  • wifeoferp
    wifeoferp Posts: 86 Member
    brittlb07 wrote: »
    If you have an IUD you shouldn’t be ovulating right? I asked my doctor this because I was thinking the same thing about my pill but she said I wasn’t ovulating

    I’m not sure which IUD you have. The Mirena, which I have, works by partially suppressing ovulation, but it can still happen, and does for me. It also works by thinning the lining of the uterus so implantation cannot occur.
    I would definitely like it better if there was no ovulation because then I wouldn’t have to deal with spotting either!!😩
  • sexynurse801ms
    sexynurse801ms Posts: 37 Member
    I have noticed that I gain 1-2 pounds in the week leading up to menstruation. It then starts coming off on cycle day 2 and I have my biggest loss at about day 1 post menstruation. I haven't noticed any gain during ovulation.
  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    I have what I call "magic week", it's the week between ovulation and my period where I lose ALL the weight. I don't lose much, if anything the rest of the month... but come magic week... it's like weight loss Christmas! All the changes all the time! I know it's all the water draining from me from the water dance of ovulation, but still, it's awesome. Now, once my period hits, my weight is steady. I'll have a slight "de-bloat" day after my period and then it's the gearing up for ovulation and dancing the water dance.

    But I know.

    I know.

    Magic Week cometh.

    My favorite week.

    Me too!!!

    OP - I gain during ovulation, I then have "magic week" up until about 2-3 days before my period, when I start to bloat. The last day of "magic week" (I like this term!!) I have like the biggest loss ever for the month. Then just before period I start to bloat and gain roughly the same amount as during ovulation, but it starts to go away again by day 2 - 3 of actual period.

    I have the old-skool copper IUD - non-hormonal.

  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    I've noticed recently that post-ovulation I feel a lot of dissatisfaction with my life.

    (This is different from depression.)

    I get that. I call it The Empty Void.