Gonna slide into 50 as a fit, fabulous mama!

Hello!! I'm not new to MFP. I lost 40 lbs on here about 6 years ago. I was chunky as soon as I started college, and I was diagnosed with PCOS after a few years of trying to get pregnant. After nearly beginning the adoption process, surprise baby#1 showed up on the pee stick. Eight months after he was born, surprise baby #2 made his pee stick appearance! When they were starting school, I found MFP, and it changed my life. I worked out 1-2 hours every day, tracking every calorie. I got below my goal weight, hit 40, and I slacked off the tracking. I still exercised, but I couldn't maintain that pace. And when I got injured again and again (I'm horribly clumsy), I had to back off. And after having a gynecologist tell me that my body would fight me no matter what diet I tried and I would stay overweight, I developed a habit of giving up on eating well if I couldn't "burn to earn" those calories. After a foot surgery, a broken ankle, another foot surgery to fix broken ankle, I thought PAYING for a program like WW would keep me accountable. Yeah, it didn't. I gained back that 40 lbs plus another 15. So, I'm back!! I gave myself a workout plan, I'm tracking my calories, and I plan to ease into 50 (in a little over 3 years) at my fittest!! It might take longer. It might mean steroid injections into my jacked up ankle, but I'm committing to myself! I look forward to making new fitness pals this time around!! Let's do this!


  • JudyKenova4
    JudyKenova4 Posts: 7 Member
    Sent you a request
  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    Welcome to the community! <3

    If you haven't already, read the stickies at the top of the getting started forum. Very informative and helpful.

    Good luck with your journey!