I prefer to workout alone. What’s the best way to break it to a buddy?



  • bobsburgersfan
    bobsburgersfan Posts: 6,365 Member
    There is no reason you can't tell someone you prefer to work out alone; that's your right. And it is 100% NOT your responsibility to make sure your friend works out.
    Cyclist84 wrote: »
    Do you ever get blamed for someone’s lack of gym efforts? So many times my friends mom would tell him to get off his butt and workout. And then he just points the finger at me and says I never invite him to workout.
    If this happens again in your presence, I'd speak up. Tell them you work out alone. Repeat it as often as necessary. And if this is a really good friend, consider using some tough love and telling him to stop blaming it on you because whether or not he works out is his choice.
  • Cyclist84
    Cyclist84 Posts: 11 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    How old is this friend? He needs to stand up to his mom and she needs to let go of him.

    Obviously, not knowing them I really shouldn't make such statements but it sounds negative for YOU so if you can distance yourself that might be for the best.

  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I'd say my schedule was too unpredictable to make plans one way or another and leave it at that.
  • durhammfp
    durhammfp Posts: 493 Member
    I'd say my schedule was too unpredictable to make plans one way or another and leave it at that.

    Oh gosh, I can understand why you would make that suggestion, but the mom could just use that as an invitation to see the OP's calendar and become even more meddlesome. Ugh. These folks sound like they need a firm no, to me. ("When is good for *me*? How about never, does that work for you?" lol)
  • mochapygmy
    mochapygmy Posts: 2,123 Member

    You ever seen Bates Motel? She’s like Norman’s mother. But always lecturing him about his diet and that he needs to go workout and lose his belly. Sometimes when she asks what I been up to and I say I went on a bike ride, she says her son should go with me and we should do it together. And he never works out. Sometimes he’ll use me as an excuse and say that I never invite him.

    This sounds like a bad dynamic. I would stay far far away from these two as they are putting you in the middle instead of the son telling his Mom 1. to stop nagging him and 2. he has no interest in working out.
  • missysippy930
    missysippy930 Posts: 2,577 Member
    Cyclist84 wrote: »

    Just wanted some advice on how to let others know I don’t want to workout with them even though I value their friendship. Time is busy and workout time is me time.

    OP, respond bluntly.
    My time for taking care of myself, at my pace, and choice of workouts.