Afraid to drink water... NOT Rational



  • pontious11349
    pontious11349 Posts: 105 Member
    Weight gain is not fat gain! Understand that the scale is simply data which is influenced by lots of things ...salt intake, stress, poop, menstrual cycle...water. But fear not the weight fluctuations.

    Maybe change your daily routine. Try taking progress pictures instead of the scale?

    Whatever happens something needs to change. The only reason I dont chug water before bed is I dont want to have to wake up for a pee. Id far rather the solid 8.

  • texasredreb
    texasredreb Posts: 541 Member
    Seek therapy. Not rational. Not normal. Not healthy. I sincerely hope you get it under control.
  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    brittlb07 wrote: »
    This is going to sound crazy but at the end of the night as I approach bedtime I am afraid to drink even water. I am trying to get as low as I can so in the morning I am at an all time low. I should note I use Happy Scale and weigh daily to track trends (this works for me- please don’t suggest I not weigh daily- I’ve lost 25 pounds doing it this way!). I know if sounds rediculous but sometimes the scale jumps close to a pound after a large glass of water. My husband tells me I am crazy and I will eventually pee it out but it totally messes with my stats. And I panic my body is going to retain the water and bloat. I KNOW I am irrational about it but don’t know what to do. I even weigh my water before I drink it so I can subtract it from the scale at bedtime. I almost want to start always drinking a lot at night and just cause my stats to go up for a short time. Then I can compare apples to apples after drinking a large glass of water after my workout but before bed every night.

    Does anyone else ever feel this way??? I wish you just instantly peed out the water lol.

    You have an unhealthy relationship with the scale, you need to focus on how you look in the mirror instead. You can gain or lose 8lbs a day.. it's even worse for woman and even more likely around your menstrual cycle. You gotta get over it before it effects your life and happiness.
  • poisonesse
    poisonesse Posts: 572 Member
    I weigh daily, I've lost over 60 pounds that way. But it sounds like you're weighing at night? Try weighing in the morning, first thing after using the bathroom and before so much as a sip of coffee/tea/water. That's your true "dry weight", and while it will fluctuate according to the sodium you had the day before, that time of the month, etc, it will give you a much better idea of how much YOU weigh, not your food/fluid intake. I can understand not wanting to drink water in the evening because it will make you get up to pee it out during the night, but not because of weighing yourself. If you weigh in the morning, you won't have to worry about this anymore, so you might even sleep better knowing you'll get a better idea of your weight the next morning. :)
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    i would suggest therapy.
  • ExistingFish
    ExistingFish Posts: 1,259 Member
    I also suggest seeking counseling. You seem to have an unhealthy relationship with your scale.

    From a practical standpoint, I'd suggest increasing your water consumption earlier in the day. Many people limit their fluid intake before bed to avoid middle-of-the-night urination. There is no hard and fast rule that says you have to drink water before bed.

    Get your fill of water during the morning and afternoon, AFTER you weigh for the day. Just aim for consistency in your weighing. I always weigh first thing in the morning, before eating or drinking, after peeing.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    brittlb07 wrote: »
    This is going to sound crazy but at the end of the night as I approach bedtime I am afraid to drink even water. I am trying to get as low as I can so in the morning I am at an all time low. I should note I use Happy Scale and weigh daily to track trends (this works for me- please don’t suggest I not weigh daily- I’ve lost 25 pounds doing it this way!). I know if sounds rediculous but sometimes the scale jumps close to a pound after a large glass of water. My husband tells me I am crazy and I will eventually pee it out but it totally messes with my stats. And I panic my body is going to retain the water and bloat. I KNOW I am irrational about it but don’t know what to do. I even weigh my water before I drink it so I can subtract it from the scale at bedtime. I almost want to start always drinking a lot at night and just cause my stats to go up for a short time. Then I can compare apples to apples after drinking a large glass of water after my workout but before bed every night.

    Does anyone else ever feel this way??? I wish you just instantly peed out the water lol.

    You need to put the scale away...and no, the trend app isn't working for you because if it was you would be looking at the trend over time and not weighing your water so you can subtract it. IDK why you're weighing in at night either.

    Beyond that, drinking water doesn't cause you to retain has the opposite effect. When you don't hydrate sufficiently you retain water and get bloating.

    Your husband is right...this is crazy.
  • elainemariebenes
    elainemariebenes Posts: 16 Member
    i got into a similar bad habit a couple years ago, i was trying to reach a certain goal by a certain date and i got obsessed with weighing myself...all hours of the day, before food, after food, you name it...and getting frustrated if i didn’t see a number i liked. then started trying to manipulate the scale based on if i used salt on my food the night before.

    i tried putting the scale away altogether and that lead to a regain that i am now working on, so maybe that is not the best solution for everyone. as with most things in life, finding balance is key.