Any point to me joining Zumba?

I am currently doing around 30-60minutes exercise a day and I am breathless but really pushing myself.
I signed up to join a zumba class starting on the 8th, im wondering if there is any point, I doubt im going to be able to keep up and will most probably end up looking like a wally!!


  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    I could not keep up when I started but kept doing it. I have lost a lot more weight and inches doing Zumba. It is now my favorite part of my exercise routine. It will be worth it if you stick it out.
  • butterfly0819
    Absolutely!! If you like to have fun in your exercise, this is the best way...especially if you have a good teacher. Zumba is one of my favorite workouts. You might have coordination issues the first time but if you keep going, you will have it down no problem!! Have fun!!
  • susanloveszumba
    i bet you know my answer since my username is "susanloveszumba"! Yes, go, you will love it and burn lots of calories! You dont have to worry about doing everything exactly right, just keep moving...that is the most important thing!
  • sherrisloan
    sherrisloan Posts: 188 Member
    You should give it a try, very challenging but fun. I have been to a lot of class where people find it to hard or get tired they just do there own thing. Your better than you give yourself credit. As long as you keep moving your good. At least try it a couple times. I love it. I'm currently doing it at home on my wii, but I really miss the classes. You always push yourself harder in front of other people. Good luck to you!!!
  • CPrincipeDeSA
    CPrincipeDeSA Posts: 27 Member
    The other plus... new dance moves. You will learn how to move your hips like you've likely never done before!
  • SazLouMc
    SazLouMc Posts: 11
    Thanks everyone, I will go because at least I can say I tried if I dont get on with it, I definitly want to and looking forward to it, its a lot cheaper than gym membership isnt it. x
  • twooliver
    twooliver Posts: 450 Member
    Just as you have to push through a tough exercise also have to push through this self image thing. What does it matter what others think of you? If they can't be excited and supportive of your efforts to save your life...then to hell with them. Stay focused on doing whatever you have to do to be healthy and give the power to yourself and not to others!

    Keep doing the best you can no matter what it is you are doing! And remember you are an amazingly courageous woman!
  • summerflowers
    the trick is to stand at the front the first few times so you can see the instructor , if you get breathless and really can't keep going march on the spot so your still moving but getting a time out . take a big bottle of water and grab a drink between tracks . i was useless when i started 5 weeks ago and went in the wrong direction ect still do sometimes lol but i go twice a week because it's fun and i get more motivation out of a class than doing a dvd at home (which i do on an evening when kids are in bed ).
    i'm quite self conscious but ladies of all shapes , sizes and age do it and they adapt it to suit them , some jump when they don't need to to make it harder some don't do any of the jumping .
    hope you get on with it and see the benefits , iv only lost 5lb but lost 15cm's around my stomach :)
  • SazLouMc
    SazLouMc Posts: 11
    Thanks everyone,I feel a lot better now about starting!! xx
  • demonNIИ
    demonNIИ Posts: 187
    I am currently doing around 30-60minutes exercise a day and I am breathless but really pushing myself.
    I signed up to join a zumba class starting on the 8th, im wondering if there is any point, I doubt im going to be able to keep up and will most probably end up looking like a wally!!

    what's a "wally"?
  • spyro88
    spyro88 Posts: 472 Member
    Yeah it's worth going, if you think you'll like it you probably will. I went to a class a couple of weeks ago and have been meaning to go again. The people who do Zumba are not normally mega fitness freaks or anything, it's normally just people like you and me who want to lose a little weight or stay fit and have fun doing it. Def doesn't matter if you are big or can't do the moves properly at first! xx
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Yes, you may feel like you have 2 left feet at first, but it is repetitious and the moves do become more familiar with time. As long as you are moving around, getting your heart rate up and having fun, it is worth it! Zumba can be so much more than just a workout though. The music is very moving and for me, every time is a very emotional experience. I've even had people come and tell me Zumba has changed their life. I know it's changed mine. I really hope you enjoy it!!!
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    Wait, you're asking if there's any point in exercising?!

    Uh, yeah. [:

    Anything that gets you up and moving has a point!

    And zumba is great.
  • StormChaser217
    StormChaser217 Posts: 70 Member
    I don't have any place to go zumba , but I am trying to dance at home . I guess it is dance , lol. I move the whole time . I play music that has a good beat to it .