

  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    So this is a double duty post. First my Sunday check in (from last week's thread):
    1) exercise everyday--YES! 7/7 (day 10 in a row) thanks to Ittee's awesome support
    2) calories end in the green--YES!. I went 7/7 on this one, including today's "special event".
    3) Research highest sodium item food for the day--today, instead of researching, I went to Trader Joe's and actually bought some lower sodium item alternatives to things that I ate last week. Pretzels, pita chips, soy sauce, bbq sauce, and even a lower sodium margherita pizza. At some point, the research had to make a difference in the real world, so today was the day.

    My last little tidbit of information to pass on was that I learned that "low sodium" refers to items less than 140mg/serving, and "very low sodium" refers to items less than 35mg/serving, at least that was the definition on Trader Joe's website.

    Now, here are my goals for this week (Mon-Sun):
    1) exercise everyday; try to stay on my streak, & do at least 2 non-swimming workouts
    2) calories stay in the green
    3) no more than 1 item over 600mg of sodium for the day

    Welcome to all the new friends & good luck to everyone on this week's challenges!!
  • lisateachawa
    lisateachawa Posts: 166 Member
    Goals for me this week

    Drink 10 - 8oz glasses of water every day

    Exercise 5x a week for at least 60 minutes

    Park as far away as I can - everyday

    No snacking while watching tv

    Do squats and bicyles every day.

    Only eat out once this week
  • asm0118
    asm0118 Posts: 22 Member
    I would like to participate! This will be my first challenge on here =)
    My goals for the week are:

    1) Complete Week 3 of C25K program
    2) Burn a minimum of 500 calories/day
    3) Eat my minimum of 1200 calories (have been under every day!)
    4) Take my prescription meds daily (I know they will help me overall, but I'm too lazy to even pick them up at the pharmacy!)

    I have only been a member for 3 days, and love this site so far! Looking forward to a new week =)
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    Philosohoe- yay for adding our twice a week activity shake up!!

    HeartDesire- I need to work on bed at a more decent time. Lack of sleep has been creeping up on me.

    arailling - I find it immensely helpful if I pack lunch, much easier to keep on track.

    casiannrn - great activity goal!

    la ninita - I'm plauteau-ing as well. Frustrated already and I just started! I'm hoping if I change my activity level it will give me a push that I need.

    lisateach- no snacking while tv is such an excellent goal. It's a sneaky way to absentmindedly eat and it's great to have as a goal. For me, it was no food at the computer at all for any reason.

    whitman - (from the writer?) last week half the week I struggled making my calorie goal, was under as well, but I'm worried of slowing my metabolism down due to that. Keep that in mind, and tasty small treats nearby (that got me through).
  • aim2lose
    aim2lose Posts: 101 Member
    Checking in for Sunday:


    YES! 1. 10 - 8oz. glasss of water each day
    no... 2. No food after 8pm
    YES! 3. Exercise each day. Plus walk a minimum of 1.5 miles the nights I don't have class.
    no... 4. Article exercise with the dog at least once each day.

    Today will be better.
    Since my goal 4 has nothing to do with weight loss goals I'll add: 5. 1 cup of green tea each day

    All the best everyone!
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Ok, i'm joining you again :)

    My goal will remain to keep up with my chalean extreme schedule despite school responsabilities.

    Monday workout is done, and tomorrow is a rest day!
  • danlyn
    danlyn Posts: 157 Member
    Hi All,
    Lost cable during the hurricane, but not power :) Had to do without phone, TV and internet, but everything is fine and everyone is safe! Thanks for all your good thoughts and prayers.

    Feeling a bit stressed lately so this will be my first goal for this new week. Stress usually causes either overeating or disrupted sleep, or both.

    1. Realize what I can change and what I can't and let go of what isn't within my power to do anything about.
    2. Exercise at least 4 times this week, hopefully more.
    3. Plan meals ahead of time to get in the habit. Back to work full-time next Tuesday so it will be very important.
    4. Bedtime 10 pm.

    Welcome to our new friends and best of luck to everyone this week. :flowerforyou:
  • 10more
    10more Posts: 87 Member
    Welcome back 10more, love the picture by the way. Is it your dog (or just a pic of an adorable dog)?

    Lttee and Mak ~ he's my little Yorkie :smile: He's such a sweetie :heart: Thanks for the support, this weekly challenge is perfect! :flowerforyou:
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    I want to complete my 3 days of C25K and continue to make better choices for food.
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Casiannrn – welcome to the mini goals thread! Looks like you have picked some great goals! You can do it.

    Icandoitgood – Welcome! Love the rollerblading goal, that’s a great workout. Good luck getting the walks in after your meals.

    la_nanita – Welcome to the mini goal challenge! A 14lbs loss is great. Slow and steady wins the race and starting mini goals are a great way to get moving towards the ultimate goal. Don’t get to discouraged just remember every day is a new day to start over.

    philosohoe –You did amazing last week, and way to go implementing your research. Gold star for you! PS I need to take your advice and stay off the scale except Friday! Have another great week.

    lisateachawa - Welcome! Good luck with your goals this week you’ve picked some great ones!

    whitman1002 – Welcome to MFP and welcome to the mini goal challenge. Hope you find this place to be a great place for support as you try and reach your goals.

    Lttee – I love how you and Philosohoe keep each other and working out together. And your support for the whole thread is awesome! HUGGS to you!

    Aim2Lose – 2 for 2 great start to the week. You can do this!

    Papillon22 – Welcome back glad you are joining us again. Good luck keeping up with Chalean even with your busy schedule. You can do it!! Enjoy your rest day.

    Danlyn – Glad to hear you all are safe! Good luck getting ready to go back to work. I really like your goal #1 what a great mindset to strive for.

    10more – what a little cutie pie! Glad you are enjoying our group, so glad you have joined in!

    KrisPage – Glad you are back Kris! Good luck with C25K you CAN do it.

    Monday check in
    1. P90X everday! – DONE! Woot woot two days in a row. Finally I might be back on track!
    2. Get in 3 non P90X workouts in – skipped today, but I start my bowling league tomorrow so built in nonP90X workout.
    3. Bring my lunch and snacks to work every day – CHECK. Brought lunch and snacks for work today.
    4th goal - daily check in – Hi all!

    I'm going to log off now and pack my lunch for tomorrow. Hope you all had a wonderful Monday and are reaching for your mini goals!
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 410 Member
    Mak: You are awesome! I love how you have personal encouraging words for everyone! I think I am going to like this group.

    Monday check in: Overall good day. :ohwell:
    1) Drink 8 cups of water each day ~ ALMOST, MANAGED 6
    2) Work out 30 mins each day, rotating cardio and strength ~ DID 1HR 10MIN WITH BOTH CARDIO AND STRENGTH
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    Kris- welcome back! good luck on your goals

    10more - adorable, my friend has a yorkie, what a neat dog that is

    danlyn- seems like you've been through quite a bit, I can really respect your first goal. Good luck and hope you can relax

    Papillon- I like and can relate to needing separate school with other responsibilities to self

    Aim2lose- I have an excercise goal each day as well, it's not easy. Awesome for you

    (I just read and feel like leaving comments, so do, pls feel free to ignore as needed/wanted)
    My check in:
    I excercised today, despite being sick and dizzy.
    I stayed in calorie goal, even though I've wanted to eat all day
    And a wise choice: took a half a day of sick time and went to doctor before I got worse. And I planned my day so I will hopefully go to bed early, I certainly need to.
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 410 Member
    (I just read and feel like leaving comments, so do, pls feel free to ignore as needed/wanted)
    My check in:
    I excercised today, despite being sick and dizzy.
    I stayed in calorie goal, even though I've wanted to eat all day
    And a wise choice: took a half a day of sick time and went to doctor before I got worse. And I planned my day so I will hopefully go to bed early, I certainly need to.

    Great job! That is the hardest, actually doing something when all you want to do is stay in bed!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    la_nanita - Great job today! I'd say over all you had a pretty great day! I'm guessing you did some great logging today. WAY TO GO! An hour of cardio and strength, that's excellent. Keep it up. I hope you are enjoying the thread :smile:

    Lttee - sounds like you made a wise choice to take a half day and head to the doctor. I hope you are feeling better soon. Take care of YOU!!

    So I was going to make lunch.. but alas I was surfing. And I just realized I was going to make treats to bring for my bowling league tomorrow. We bring in treats for our birthday's, if we want, makes me feel like I'm back in grade school! I was going to try and make them tomorrow, I work from home on Tuesday's so I was going to use my lunch hour... but I have to go into the office, so now I'm trying to decide should I stay up and whip something up, or go pick something up on the way to bowling... <sigh> what to do... what to do. Most of you don't know I have a culinary degree and was a pastry chef so I have a really hard time not making something, espically for my own birthday. guess it's time to turn the lap top off and get to baking.

    This time for real I'm loggin off! Night all!
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    I always seem to be one of the late night check in people...

    Monday night check in:
    1) exercise everyday, including 2 non-swim workouts--today was a swim day 1/7 (#11 in a row)
    2) calories over 1200 & in the green--check! However, working out later in the evening makes it harder to eat more of my exercise calories before bedtime. Have to work on a plan for that.
    3) No more than 1 item over 600 sodium in a day--check, but I still managed to go over, so I need to revise this goal to say "No more than 1 meal per day with more than 1000mg total sodium." Lunch & dinner both went over 1000, so of course, over for the whole day.
    4) DO NOT WEIGH IN ON ANY DAY EXCEPT MONDAY--Today was Monday, so I did weigh in. Three times. Twice at home and again at the doctor's office. Now you know why this is an important goal for me. I get a little obsessive. Okay, it was four times.

    MAK --thanks for the great feedback (and for my gold star :glasses: ) I'm wishing that we lived closer so you could share some of those pastry-chef goodies you were talking about. :tongue:

    Ittee--thanks for swimming slower so I can learn to swim faster :flowerforyou:

    la_nanita--welcome to the group! I'm sure you'll find lots of support and motivation here :bigsmile:

    danlyn--glad you're staying safe & your #1 is FANTASTIC!

    For everyone--have a great day Tuesday! Everything is easier with support. We can totally do this!:smooched:
  • 10more
    10more Posts: 87 Member
    Checking in for Monday... Off to a good start: drank 3 extra cups of water, completed one workout for the week and logged today :drinker:
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    Most of you don't know I have a culinary degree and was a pastry chef so I have a really hard time not making something, espically for my own birthday. guess it's time to turn the lap top off and get to baking.

    Happy birthday!! And culinary degree?! Will you marry me? I am clueless in the kitchen.
  • danlyn
    danlyn Posts: 157 Member
    Check-in for Monday:

    1. Realize what I can change and what I can't and let go of what isn't within my power to do anything about. - GETTING THERE :)
    2. Exercise at least 4 times this week, hopefully more. - DID LOTS OF END OF SUMMER CLEANING!
    3. Plan meals ahead of time to get in the habit. Back to work full-time next Tuesday so it will be very important. ATE LEFTOVERS MONDAY, BUT AM ON MY WAY TO GROCERY SHOP FOR HEALTHY FOOD
    4. Bedtime 10 pm - WENT TO BED AT 10, BUT WAS AWAKE EVERY 2 HOURS - ARGHHHHH :explode:

    I feel so lazy reading how much exercise you all get in on a daily basis. I have to give some serious thought to what I exercise I will do consistently enough for it to become a habit. I have the Wii Fit, but I feel like some of the things on it are too slow to make a difference. Can anyone suggest a good workout using the Wii Fit that will burn some good calories?? Thanks and Happy Losing to us All!!!!! You are all doing an AWESOME job :heart:
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 410 Member
    Most of you don't know I have a culinary degree and was a pastry chef so I have a really hard time not making something, espically for my own birthday. guess it's time to turn the lap top off and get to baking.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I will be happy as an adoptive daughter! I love to cook, but I am not good with the baking.
  • aim2lose
    aim2lose Posts: 101 Member
    Checking in for Monday:


    YES! 1. 10 - 8oz. glasss of water each day
    no... but only a rice ck 2. No food after 8pm
    Exercised & walked but was not 1.5 miles 3. Exercise each day. Plus walk a minimum of 1.5 miles the nights I don't have class.
    YES! 4. Article exercise with the dog at least once each day.
    YES! 5. cup of green tea

    Everyone is doing so well! Love all the dog pictures, cats, too! I'm crazy for those guys!