Half way to goal weight!

rachelatlas1 Posts: 64 Member
edited February 2019 in Motivation and Support
Hey everyone! This is my first personal post on MFP. I am beyond excited to say I’m halfway to my goal weight. I’m extremely short so these numbers might look small to some but my tiny frame of 5’0 shows every pound. I became motivated to do the slow, hard work in October 2018 on my 33rd birthday, even though we’d made changes to our eating habits as a family for years. So this wasn’t my heaviest, but I can’t even believe I allowed myself to be so unhealthy.

Start weight: 162 lbs
Goal weight: 113 lbs
Today’s weigh: 135.8 lbs

taking a picture this past weekend really showed the difference 25 lb makes!
Never before shared image. 🤯 hoping this offers some hope and motivation for anyone struggling to make that first step. I yoyo’d my weight for events like weddings and events but never simply just to be healthier, FOR ME. I finally feel like this will be a lasting lifestyle. I love food and found that eating better foods equaled feeling better. One step at a time can lead to life long changes.

