
psychod787 Posts: 4,088 Member
edited August 2019 in Health and Weight Loss
Ok, used to be 400lbs, lost a bunch. Bought a hand held BIA. Omron 306cHBF. I know they are not super accurate. At 192lbs I had a BF of 15.5 per BIA, Dexa'd 2 days later at 12.7. Unfortunately not fasted, water only, but that will throw off a dexa. That was 2 years ago. Actually Dexa'd at 9.6, same machine 1 year later at 178 lbs. Dropped to a low of 175. Said kitten this, my life sucks here. Bulking, ok lets call it what it is... Regain until I am no longer hungry all the time. Weight today 190lbs, BF reading on Omron, broke it back out. 13.7. Used it he same way as before. After getting up, taking a leak, weighing in, and no fluid intake, arms at 90 degrees, fitbit off. Could I actually be LEANER than I was last time at this weight? How? Wanted to add, stronger. Upper Horizontal push up 35%/pull 30%, Vertical push 25%/pull 35%, Primary leg push, 40%. Waist is bigger, feel more well jiggly than I did, or maybe I have just forgotten, no longer have skin/ far rolls down back, Hips are bigger it seems.


  • psychod787
    psychod787 Posts: 4,088 Member
    edited August 2019
    sijomial wrote: »
    If a year ago you were 178 lbs and 10% BF then if your 12lb weight gain in a year was 11lbs lean body mass and 1 lb fat then you would indeed be leaner.

    11lbs of LBM isn't a lot to add in an entire year for a not very old adult male training properly (remembering not all LBM is muscle).

    Progress pictures would have helped.....

    Well wa speaking more in current cycle, if I started at 174-175 10% range, I think dexa was a little generous when I was 178 because of water intake. Gained 15lbs in 9 months, rough 1.75lbs a month. Had my surplus dialed in. that would mean I started with roughly 157.5 lm and 17.5 fat mass. Rough, if I shot 50/50 lean to fat, completely possible when I only missed 3-4 session out of 144 roughly. Increasing volume the whole time. if I did 8lbs lean 166.5lbs lean and 8 fat 25.5. My math would put me in at 13.5% roughly. Coack K. had me visual 1 week ago 14-15 roughly. Can send progress via email, prefer not to put them up in open forums. So, if BIA had me at 15.5 at 192 2 years ago, same machine used the same way. 190 this am at 13.7, actually between 13.4-14 last 3 days. I could be leaner than 2 years ago at 192?
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    400lbs to this? Awesome job!!!