A friendly reminder about body shapes-

I am just going to get this out of the way.
I am 5'7, currently 121 lbs. That is not heavy whatsoever, but I have a VERY small frame- so fat does look a lot different on me than other women. My goal is 115.

BEFORE YOU START FREAKING OUT- It's because I want to model, and unfortunately in order to model you HAVE to be underweight. Underweight girls tend to look the best on camera, as sick as that sounds it's the truth.

Also- 115 lbs is very thin- for women with normal bone structure. As I mentioned my frame is VERY small, my wrist is only 5 1/2 inches around, so this would not necessarily look horrible on me.

This applies to other people too- the same weight doesn't always look good on everyone. My highest weight was 150 lbs, and I looked HORRIBLE. It was all in my middle, and i had rolls in every directions. Yet I have seen some women on this site who are my height but look GREAT at that weight- as in better than i do at 120!

Just something to keep in mind when you hear about other peoples goals :))


  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    That's true. People carry their weight differently. I see a lot of women who are my height (5'4") who have a goal weight of 120 or even lower. I am happily maintaining 143-145lbs and I like how I look -- not too thin, curvy, etc. I'm happy with how *I* am carrying my weight. I can't imagine weighing 120 or even less - I would look downright gaunt and sickly.

    We all have different bone structure, we carry our weight differently, etc.
  • That's true. People carry their weight differently. I see a lot of women who are my height (5'4") who have a goal weight of 120 or even lower. I am happily maintaining 143-145lbs and I like how I look -- not too thin, curvy, etc. I'm happy with how *I* am carrying my weight. I can't imagine weighing 120 or even less - I would look downright gaunt and sickly.

    We all have different bone structure, we carry our weight differently, etc.

    You were one of the people I had in mind when I posted this actually! You look SO great, and when I was your weight (I'm also taller than you) I still didn't look the best :/
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    That's true. People carry their weight differently. I see a lot of women who are my height (5'4") who have a goal weight of 120 or even lower. I am happily maintaining 143-145lbs and I like how I look -- not too thin, curvy, etc. I'm happy with how *I* am carrying my weight. I can't imagine weighing 120 or even less - I would look downright gaunt and sickly.

    We all have different bone structure, we carry our weight differently, etc.

    You were one of the people I had in mind when I posted this actually! You look SO great, and when I was your weight (I'm also taller than you) I still didn't look the best :/

    Aw. Thank you!

    I've actually had people ask me when I'm going to stop losing weight because I am looking too thin (I always laugh and tell them I'm NOT losing anything more - and haven't in awhile.. I think as I tone up, I look leaner so they think I am still actively losing weight). Imagine if I were to drop another 20lbs? I would look stick thin (and NOT healthy at all, in my opinion). I don't criticize other women who want to weigh less than I do - I just figure they have a reason for their own goal weight. I commented the other day that the only fat I have left on my body is small love handles (grr) and a small amount of fat on my belly. Other than those two areas? I've lost all the rest of the fat I had. :) I'm happy being a size 8. I'm happy with the curves I have left.
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    I get criticized when I say I have a goal of 120. I also have a very small frame, and I'm only 5'6". I actually think it would be possible for me to be 110, but I'm not aiming for that until I see how 120 looks. I tell my family that my goal is 140, but I really don't think it will look good on me.
  • I get criticized when I say I have a goal of 120. I also have a very small frame, and I'm only 5'6". I actually think it would be possible for me to be 110, but I'm not aiming for that until I see how 120 looks. I tell my family that my goal is 140, but I really don't think it will look good on me.

    I also want to try for 110- but I'm waiting to see how 115 goes. I want to look good in pictures AND in real life... not sure if that's possible though hahaha
  • That is true- people almost never believe I weigh 160 lbs (I'm 5'8") and would guess I weighed 140. I have actually been asked by a friend to get on a scale to prove I wasn't lying! I'd like to get down to 140, but even though I'd be fine losing a little more, it probably wouldn't look very good on my body.

    The only thing you say that worries me a little is that you are prepared to be underweight. Underweight is just that- under the weight that is HEALTHY for you. I don't care what is normal for models- a lot of models are actually just naturally thin people who carry their weight differently, just like you said. However, if you really think that modeling is for you and you believe you need to lose a few more pounds to make that happen, please just talk it over with your doctor first. If you go forward with this plan, make sure to get regular check-ups and be very self-aware; what you are pursuing is very challenging both mentally and physically and can be dangerous. No judgement- just making sure you stay healthy!
  • I agree. I'm 5'3, a medium frame & a pear shaped body so its why I look a bit bigger than my weight. My mom has very small frame at 100 lbs. also a pear shaped but we have the same size except that my bust is fuller than hers but people thought that I couldn't fit in her jeans which I actually fit & in fact borrow her clothes sometimes. When I was 165 lbs. I look horribly obese (see my signature below on the "before" pic) but other people that I see have even 200ish lbs. with the same height yet they look exactly like my 165 lb. body.
  • msfazer
    msfazer Posts: 17 Member
    I agree everyone is different I am aiming for 145 at the moment as that's the high end of healthy for my height 5'4". But now I'm nearly there I'm realising that I have a very small frame my wrists have always been tiny even when I was 205lb so I think I will be aiming lower once I hit my goal. The only part of me that is big us my waist but that's what having three kids does to you lol.

    I hope you do well with the modeling your picture is stunning by the way.
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    That is true- people almost never believe I weigh 160 lbs (I'm 5'8") and would guess I weighed 140. I have actually been asked by a friend to get on a scale to prove I wasn't lying! I'd like to get down to 140, but even though I'd be fine losing a little more, it probably wouldn't look very good on my body.

    The only thing you say that worries me a little is that you are prepared to be underweight. Underweight is just that- under the weight that is HEALTHY for you. I don't care what is normal for models- a lot of models are actually just naturally thin people who carry their weight differently, just like you said. However, if you really think that modeling is for you and you believe you need to lose a few more pounds to make that happen, please just talk it over with your doctor first. If you go forward with this plan, make sure to get regular check-ups and be very self-aware; what you are pursuing is very challenging both mentally and physically and can be dangerous. No judgement- just making sure you stay healthy!

    Underweight is measured by the BMI scale, correct? BMI is highly unaccurate. It doesn't take into account muscle mass, frame, etc. A body builder is considered obese, and a girl with a tiny frame can be considered underweight.
  • That is true- people almost never believe I weigh 160 lbs (I'm 5'8") and would guess I weighed 140. I have actually been asked by a friend to get on a scale to prove I wasn't lying! I'd like to get down to 140, but even though I'd be fine losing a little more, it probably wouldn't look very good on my body.

    The only thing you say that worries me a little is that you are prepared to be underweight. Underweight is just that- under the weight that is HEALTHY for you. I don't care what is normal for models- a lot of models are actually just naturally thin people who carry their weight differently, just like you said. However, if you really think that modeling is for you and you believe you need to lose a few more pounds to make that happen, please just talk it over with your doctor first. If you go forward with this plan, make sure to get regular check-ups and be very self-aware; what you are pursuing is very challenging both mentally and physically and can be dangerous. No judgement- just making sure you stay healthy!

    I am doing it the healthy way- so in that regards it is completely healthy for me to be this weight.

    I used to be one of those 'naturally think girls' too, that was until my anti-depressants stunted my metabolism. (Not sure if that's true, but it's what my doctor told me)

    Bu thank you for the concern :)
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    i agree, i dont carry weight well at all. I see people post and theyre the weight i was at my very highest after my babys and i looked hideous, but they dont, they look shapely and womanly. I looked like a dumpling.
    im 5ft 6, and i look best between 115 and 122lb (8stone 3, to 8st 7) More than that and i start to look dumpy, with a double chin, really fat thighs etc. Ive also noticed most people of my height and weight seem to take a much smaller dress size than i do. I just cant carry it.
  • You need to also keep in mind that peoples weight will vary depending on how much fat or muscle they have.
    its hard to say you would like to weight 110 and be 'so' thin... You should also aim to change your body shape lengthening your muscles and toning up not so much just what is on the scales.
    I am currently at my highest weight ever but i am also the thinnest i have ever been.
    i have gained 5kgs/11lbs and lost over 2cm of fat from my stomach and thighs..

    So while weighing in at 110lbs may sound great it will be quite hard to maintain and you may still not have the same body you desire.
  • aoifebr
    aoifebr Posts: 92
    I totally agree however I am the other end of the spectrum. I have a larger frame & 15+kg more muscle than the average woman (I had a DEXA body scan which analysed everything from bone density, muscle, fat etc as I was very frustrated at being so far from my "ideal/BMI" range). At present I weight 86kg/189lb, a healthy weight would be 75-77kg which is still miles away from my BMI of 51kg - 65kg but I dont look as heavy as I am. Even when I tell PT's what I weight they are shocked.

    Recently MFP has got very judgemental on things like goals, approaches to weight loss etc something different will work for everyone. I think we should be open to other suggestions but ultimately go with what works for you & not force our ideas on people, we experienced enough crap while overweight without getting it where we come to for support.

    Good luck with your goals ladies - I hope its all you dream it will be :love: :love:
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    You need to also keep in mind that peoples weight will vary depending on how much fat or muscle they have.
    its hard to say you would like to weight 110 and be 'so' thin... You should also aim to change your body shape lengthening your muscles and toning up not so much just what is on the scales.
    I am currently at my highest weight ever but i am also the thinnest i have ever been.
    i have gained 5kgs/11lbs and lost over 2cm of fat from my stomach and thighs..

    So while weighing in at 110lbs may sound great it will be quite hard to maintain and you may still not have the same body you desire.

    You can't "lengthen" muscles.
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    This is so true. I'm 5'6 and happily maintaining/attempting to build some muscle at 130 lbs. I look my best between 125 and 130. I have a pretty small frame, but I personally look better with a more "athletic" loo. When I was in college I was a bit thinner, between 115 and 120 and was constantly told I looked emaciated. My ribs, collar bones, hip bones and spine were scarily prominent and I looked like a walking skeleton; however, some people look great at that weight. To each their own though, I think only you know what weight looks best for you.
  • lovecola06
    lovecola06 Posts: 180 Member
    I agree that people shouldn't be so judgemental about other people's goal weights. Only the individual person knows how they look best when they get out of the shower:wink: I just like to encourage others to get to whatever their goal weight is in a healthy way..