Starting keto

Emmapatterson1729 Posts: 1,296 Member
edited August 2019 in Getting Started
Majority of my friends requests come with a message "hi, starting Keto, saw your comment/or post, looking for keto friends."

One of the most common post I see on my feed is, "It's been a week (to a month) on keto, I give up on keto."

I just wanted to say, it's not a miracle diet (there's no such thing). It's still a calorie deficit with stalls and plateaus like any other weight loss plan.

The lifers and long term ketoers are almost all on it due to doctor recommendations and/or have serious medical conditions and eat keto as a way of life. Myself included.

It's not an easy diet to adjust to for most. If you're looking to lose a few pounds, eat what's sustainable to you for the long road! I would think most are on MFP for lifestyle changes seeking a healthy weight or better health.

In my honest opinion, only give up foods if it's for a health concern, pick a deficit and foods that are sustainable for a long term commitment!

Good luck. If still wanting to try keto, I recommend the groups on here The Low Carber Daily Forum group and The Keto group. Lots of information and advice in these groups.

And avoid wasting money on expensive "keto" marketed products. I see a lot of people spending 100s on "keto" products, then quitting Keto two weeks later.


  • Emmapatterson1729
    Emmapatterson1729 Posts: 1,296 Member
    edited August 2019
    Too late to edit and wanted to add:

    Don't get me wrong, I don't mind eating this way. For me personally, I find Keto not too difficult. A few do thrive on it.

    And I'm not trying to discourage anyone. I think the internet has way too much conflicting information and too many bloggers/vloggers with just plain bad advice. I think many jump in with unrealistic expectations.

  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Great advice.
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    I just wanted to say, it's not a miracle diet (there's no such thing). It's still a calorie deficit with stalls and plateaus like any other weight loss plan.

    This. I've got no knock against it as a way to control calories, but so mush is written/said about Keto that is pure nonsense that your post was a welcome breath of fresh air.
  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    @Emmapatterson1729 What's your opinion on those fat bomb products...peanut butter cup ones and others? ;)
    I like your common sense approach to everything.
  • Emmapatterson1729
    Emmapatterson1729 Posts: 1,296 Member
    edited August 2019
    Diatonic12 wrote: »
    @Emmapatterson1729 What's your opinion on those fat bomb products...peanut butter cup ones and others? ;)
    I like your common sense approach to everything.


    I make my own fat bombs, I haven't bought any name brand products. Again, they're expensive. They put the word "keto" on the box, charge an arm and a leg for it.

    I make up a batch of over 20 and eat 1 or 2 a day, when I make. 2/3 cup coconut oil, 2/3 cup unsweetened peanut butter, 1-2 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder, 1/4 cup half and half (or heavy cream, whichever is on sale), 2-4 tbsp sweetener, I use dry stevia (and buy in bulk), 1/4 cup unsweetened coconut flakes. Heat on low, stirring until all blended. Pour into ice trays (I spray ice trays with olive oil non stick spray could use silicone trays if you have them). Freeze, pop out, keep frozen or refrigerated.

    Can also add cream cheese and vanilla extract to give a cookie dough taste to them.

    My daughter is on keto also, it helps her IBS that comes with her Crohn's, she does eat protein bars and protein shakes (any brand, whatever is on sale).

  • jgnickel
    jgnickel Posts: 80 Member
    This is hands down the best post about Keto I've seen. THANK YOU!
    I am NOT a supporter of the Keto diet as a weight loss tool. People think its a magic diet, but unless you have a medical condition and HAVE to eat this way for the rest of your life, it is not sustainable. It just isn't and it is exhausting having to listen to people go on and on about it and the "science". I believe there is so much mis-information out there surrounding Keto, that people grasp onto what ever they "want" to believe is true.
  • Emmapatterson1729
    Emmapatterson1729 Posts: 1,296 Member
    jgnickel wrote: »
    This is hands down the best post about Keto I've seen. THANK YOU!
    I am NOT a supporter of the Keto diet as a weight loss tool. People think its a magic diet, but unless you have a medical condition and HAVE to eat this way for the rest of your life, it is not sustainable. It just isn't and it is exhausting having to listen to people go on and on about it and the "science". I believe there is so much mis-information out there surrounding Keto, that people grasp onto what ever they "want" to believe is true.

    Thanks, exactly why I posted this. I've been wanting to post this for a while, but was scared to post, unsure of the response I'd get. Keto ruffles feathers of both supporters and opposers.

    I've only been on MFP for 70 something days... And in that short time have literally seen 100s start, then quit keto.

    They all start with the same unrealistic expectations built up by internet hype.
  • Keliz1173
    Keliz1173 Posts: 186 Member
    @Emmapatterson1729 this is such good advice. Thanks for sharing your insights!

    There are 2 main narratives I hear about keto - either it's a fad, not sustainable and unhealthy (the negative) or it's an easy weight loss miracle causing the pounds to "melt away" (the hype).

    I have been following a Keto WOE since last February. It's an adjustment to eat this way and not for everyone. I explained it to someone today as just as much work at other eating plans I've tried, including Weight Watchers. The difference is that I find it satiating so I'm not miserable and hungry like in past attempts to lose weight. According to the BMI I am obese so I have a lot to lose.

    Keto is not a magic bullett, still requires tracking, planning and effort. But overall I feel good eating this way. I've experienced ups and downs on the scales as well as month long stalls. The pounds haven't "melted away" but with dedication and patience I've continued with my weight loss over the 7 months.

    To add to your advice - find a WOE that you enjoy and feel physcially well with. That is what will make it sustainable.

    I wish everyone the best with finding what works for them - keto or otherwise. :-)
  • Emmapatterson1729
    Emmapatterson1729 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Keliz1173 wrote: »
    @Emmapatterson1729 this is such good advice. Thanks for sharing your insights!

    There are 2 main narratives I hear about keto - either it's a fad, not sustainable and unhealthy (the negative) or it's an easy weight loss miracle causing the pounds to "melt away" (the hype).

    I have been following a Keto WOE since last February. It's an adjustment to eat this way and not for everyone. I explained it to someone today as just as much work at other eating plans I've tried, including Weight Watchers. The difference is that I find it satiating so I'm not miserable and hungry like in past attempts to lose weight. According to the BMI I am obese so I have a lot to lose.

    Keto is not a magic bullett, still requires tracking, planning and effort. But overall I feel good eating this way. I've experienced ups and downs on the scales as well as month long stalls. The pounds haven't "melted away" but with dedication and patience I've continued with my weight loss over the 7 months.

    To add to your advice - find a WOE that you enjoy and feel physcially well with. That is what will make it sustainable.

    I wish everyone the best with finding what works for them - keto or otherwise. :-)

    Hey!! @Keliz1173 You and I have conversed a little in the groups, ;)

    Some people do thrive on it! I'm happy to hear when people succeed long term with any WOE.

    The feeling fuller for longer, is definitely a real thing.

    Playing devil's advocate here: most have problems with this too. One of the biggest complaints I see in groups and on feed is "Help, I need high calorie, low carb food ideas... Only coming in at 900 intake, trying to get to 1500, and not hungry, no appetite."

    Sounds great in theory, but at 11pm, trying to stuff in 700 calories of fat bombs, ANOTHER egg cooked in 4 tbsp of oil and butter, just to reach a survival required amount of calories is hard to keep up night after night! I see people quit for this reason too.

    I just wanted to give people something to think about before jumping on the keto band wagon or wasting money on expensive products.

  • QueenofCaffeine4Life
    Love this entire thread! @Emmapatterson1729
    I have done full blown keto; Eating high fat, moderate protein, and lowest carb possible and actually wasn't losing. Sometimes I actually gained. My body just didn't process all the fat well. I even went as far as buying a very expensive ketone drink and still wasn't losing! I finally got some expert advice. I am now eating low carb, simply because I get super inflamed with wheat products, and eating at a calorie deficit. Since changing to this new low carb/low cal (May 1st-) I have lost 32lbs. Where as with 'keto' it took me over a year to lose 50lbs!!! Simply because I was eating way too much food and fat. However, everyone in my little community on keto swears by its quick results. Me....not so much.
  • leeniekat
    leeniekat Posts: 145 Member
    edited August 2019
    Keliz1173 wrote: »
    Keto is not a magic bullett, still requires tracking, planning and effort.
    I think this can be the biggest thing that's overlooked when someone decides to start a ketogenic diet. It's a lot of effort. It's a lot of pre-planning. It's a lot of sacrifice. It's not just wrapping a bacon cheeseburger in a piece of lettuce and going to town.

    My doctor recommended it to me as a lifestyle change to deal with autoimmune disease. I was not at a point where I was ready to give up my favorite crutch (alcohol) but for a year, I read and watched videos ad nauseum. Now that I'm ready to make the changes, I know very well that it's not just a matter of watching my carbs, I need to make sure my calories are right, my protein is right, my fats are at but not over goal, I'm getting the minerals I need, etc. Honestly, if I didn't have lupus I don't know that I'd be doing this over straight up CICO. It's not a quick, no effort weight loss magic bullet. It's a constant state of being conscious of every single thing that crosses your lips. (which I guess CICO is also, but there's more wiggle room there)
  • Emmapatterson1729
    Emmapatterson1729 Posts: 1,296 Member
    edited August 2019
    Love this entire thread! @Emmapatterson1729
    I have done full blown keto; Eating high fat, moderate protein, and lowest carb possible and actually wasn't losing. Sometimes I actually gained. My body just didn't process all the fat well. I even went as far as buying a very expensive ketone drink and still wasn't losing! I finally got some expert advice. I am now eating low carb, simply because I get super inflamed with wheat products, and eating at a calorie deficit. Since changing to this new low carb/low cal (May 1st-) I have lost 32lbs. Where as with 'keto' it took me over a year to lose 50lbs!!! Simply because I was eating way too much food and fat. However, everyone in my little community on keto swears by its quick results. Me....not so much.


    I have had quick (almost too quick) results, but I started eating due to a health problem where carbs were contributing to major weight gain. From what I've seen on here, my results are far from typical.

    I also eat a very clean version, still getting in a lot of fruits and veggies, which is not common from what I've witnessed in others' keto diets/diaries. The long term ketoers with health issues, yes. The people wanting quick weight loss, not so much.

    I am going to try and up my carbs slowly (still no breads, potatoes, and corn--they make me bloat and breads cause me severe pain) and up my proteins a little, and lower the fat intake... Soon, I hope.

    Thanks for sharing your experience!!!
  • Keliz1173
    Keliz1173 Posts: 186 Member
    Keliz1173 wrote: »
    @Emmapatterson1729 this is such good advice. Thanks for sharing your insights!

    There are 2 main narratives I hear about keto - either it's a fad, not sustainable and unhealthy (the negative) or it's an easy weight loss miracle causing the pounds to "melt away" (the hype).

    I have been following a Keto WOE since last February. It's an adjustment to eat this way and not for everyone. I explained it to someone today as just as much work at other eating plans I've tried, including Weight Watchers. The difference is that I find it satiating so I'm not miserable and hungry like in past attempts to lose weight. According to the BMI I am obese so I have a lot to lose.

    Keto is not a magic bullett, still requires tracking, planning and effort. But overall I feel good eating this way. I've experienced ups and downs on the scales as well as month long stalls. The pounds haven't "melted away" but with dedication and patience I've continued with my weight loss over the 7 months.

    To add to your advice - find a WOE that you enjoy and feel physcially well with. That is what will make it sustainable.

    I wish everyone the best with finding what works for them - keto or otherwise. :-)

    Hey!! @Keliz1173 You and I have conversed a little in the groups, ;)

    Some people do thrive on it! I'm happy to hear when people succeed long term with any WOE.

    The feeling fuller for longer, is definitely a real thing.

    Playing devil's advocate here: most have problems with this too. One of the biggest complaints I see in groups and on feed is "Help, I need high calorie, low carb food ideas... Only coming in at 900 intake, trying to get to 1500, and not hungry, no appetite."

    Sounds great in theory, but at 11pm, trying to stuff in 700 calories of fat bombs, ANOTHER egg cooked in 4 tbsp of oil and butter, just to reach a survival required amount of calories is hard to keep up night after night! I see people quit for this reason too.

    I just wanted to give people something to think about before jumping on the keto band wagon or wasting money on expensive products.

    yes! it's nice to "see" you on these boards. :) I appreciate your respectful, thought provoking posts!

    I appreciate all the discussion in this thread - I am hesitant to mention keto in other groups I'm in or in real life as people have so many conflicting and strong opinions about it. I think it's helpful to have space for people to share their honest experiences.

    And yes those "gurus" and products work my nerves. As a person with a life long weight problem I'm wary of giving any more of my money to the weight loss industry. Just my opinion.
  • Keliz1173
    Keliz1173 Posts: 186 Member
    missGYST wrote: »
    Keliz1173 wrote: »
    Keto is not a magic bullett, still requires tracking, planning and effort.
    I think this can be the biggest thing that's overlooked when someone decides to start a ketogenic diet. It's a lot of effort. It's a lot of pre-planning. It's a lot of sacrifice. It's not just wrapping a bacon cheeseburger in a piece of lettuce and going to town.

    My doctor recommended it to me as a lifestyle change to deal with autoimmune disease. I was not at a point where I was ready to give up my favorite crutch (alcohol) but for a year, I read and watched videos ad nauseum. Now that I'm ready to make the changes, I know very well that it's not just a matter of watching my carbs, I need to make sure my calories are right, my protein is right, my fats are at but not over goal, I'm getting the minerals I need, etc. Honestly, if I didn't have lupus I don't know that I'd be doing this over straight up CICO. It's not a quick, no effort weight loss magic bullet. It's a constant state of being conscious of every single thing that crosses your lips. (which I guess CICO is also, but there's more wiggle room there)

    If it's any help I will say it got easier after a few months of reading labels and finding recipes. Still planning my meals etc. but it became more habit. I hope the changes you're making help you with your health goals and overall wellness. Best of luck with it.

    If you don't have to completely cut alcohol vodka and soda water with a lemon or lime slice are 0 carb and nice and got me through summer social stuff! ;)
  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    Whenever I greet newbies to the forum, if they've mentioned keto, my response includes "research, research, research". I wonder how many do. 😟

    Great contributions to this thread. 👍
  • Keliz1173
    Keliz1173 Posts: 186 Member
    LyndaBSS wrote: »
    Whenever I greet newbies to the forum, if they've mentioned keto, my response includes "research, research, research". I wonder how many do. 😟

    Great contributions to this thread. 👍

    Nice to see you here @LyndaBSS - you are always so welcoming to new peeps, which is awesome. :)

    And research is excellent advice when it comes to keto and low carb. Not sure how many take your suggestion either.
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    Keto train to crazy town is a great post that puts thing into perspective.

    I'd hope there are still knowledgeable people helping out in the groups -- there used to be. No one aiming for weight loss should be force feeding fat when they're not hungry to meet a calorie goal. If that's what's being advised these days no wonder people aren't losing weight.
  • Emmapatterson1729
    Emmapatterson1729 Posts: 1,296 Member
    missGYST wrote: »
    Keliz1173 wrote: »
    Keto is not a magic bullett, still requires tracking, planning and effort.
    I think this can be the biggest thing that's overlooked when someone decides to start a ketogenic diet. It's a lot of effort. It's a lot of pre-planning. It's a lot of sacrifice. It's not just wrapping a bacon cheeseburger in a piece of lettuce and going to town.

    My doctor recommended it to me as a lifestyle change to deal with autoimmune disease. I was not at a point where I was ready to give up my favorite crutch (alcohol) but for a year, I read and watched videos ad nauseum. Now that I'm ready to make the changes, I know very well that it's not just a matter of watching my carbs, I need to make sure my calories are right, my protein is right, my fats are at but not over goal, I'm getting the minerals I need, etc. Honestly, if I didn't have lupus I don't know that I'd be doing this over straight up CICO. It's not a quick, no effort weight loss magic bullet. It's a constant state of being conscious of every single thing that crosses your lips. (which I guess CICO is also, but there's more wiggle room there)


    Keto is miraculous when it comes to the health issues for the doctor recommended medical problems.

    My daughter has had Crohn's since 6 yrs old. And the improvement to her health and bowel issues in just two months is far more significant than anything else we've tried over the years.

    But for an otherwise healthy person trying to drop weight, I just don't think it's doable for majority long term.

    It's too restrictive and depriving unless you "have to" for medical reasons.

    It is definitely worth a try for autoimmune disorders, PCOS, other cystic disorders, t2diabetes, and epilepsy etc.

    Good luck, hope you find healing!
  • leeniekat
    leeniekat Posts: 145 Member

    Keto is miraculous when it comes to the health issues for the doctor recommended medical problems.

    My daughter has had Crohn's since 6 yrs old. And the improvement to her health and bowel issues in just two months is far more significant than anything else we've tried over the years.

    But for an otherwise healthy person trying to drop weight, I just don't think it's doable for majority long term.

    It's too restrictive and depriving unless you "have to" for medical reasons.

    It is definitely worth a try for autoimmune disorders, PCOS, other cystic disorders, t2diabetes, and epilepsy etc.

    Good luck, hope you find healing!
    Thank you so much! I'm hoping that weight control might help me reduce the amount of pills I have to take every day. I'm so happy that you're able to find relief for your daughter! Poor baby - I got diagnosed when I was 28 and I had a hard time dealing with it then, I can't even imagine what it's like for a child. I'm so happy for you (and for her!) that she's improving. I agree with you too... I have friends who have started keto strictly for dieting and invariably within a month it's over. It's super difficult to think about doing this on the long term, but I'm going to give it a shot. :)