Soda Free September - anybody with me?

So I've been talking a hard look at my finances lately and trying to cut out and/or reduce expenses - I've made some strides (more coupon clipping, making coffee at work instead of stopping at Dunkin on my way in, etc.) but I have to admit that I am a diet soda junkie and I drink 3-4 individual bottles during the weekday. So at $1.89 x 20 bottles per week, it definitely adds up and that does NOT count the 2 liter diet sodas I have in my fridge at home!

So whatever your motivations are (cost, health, just to see if you can!) I invite anyone to join me in attempt to not drink soda during the month of September. (I am excluding cocktails from this since my old stand-by is diet coke and stoli of which I might have about two per week). I'm hoping that having others join me in this endeavor (yes, it's an endeavor) will help in keeping me accountable and sticking to the plan!

Emily :)


  • JessicaMarie9382
    Good luck! I have been soda free since January 2011! It definately was tough, but SOOOOOO worth it! :)
  • ctlinj7
    ctlinj7 Posts: 151 Member
    I'll join! I'm not a huge soda drinker, but a nice Dr Pepper is always calling my name! Good luck! :)
  • Melis25Fit
    Melis25Fit Posts: 811 Member
    I've always said I'm going to do this. And I do. But generally only make it for a week.

    I"m in. I swear. I'm not drining soda in September. YOU HAVE MY WORD!!!!
  • gennybunny1
    What a good idea. I will give it my best try. I have been known to have 2-3 cans of diet soda in a day. One case per week plus the odd bottle I pick up at work. Sigh, I guess I will add energy drinks to that mix as well. Those cans can get expensive.

    We can do this!!
  • Emdog24
    Emdog24 Posts: 81 Member
    Thanks Jessica!
  • monocot
    monocot Posts: 475 Member
    I already cut out Pop in January so I'm working on cutting out booze since I usually have some kind of Drink 3 to 4 times a week when I'm done my shift at work.
    I'm not actually paying for the beverage but boy do my calories shoot up. I also Need to Cut out Orange Juice.
  • ket_the_jet
    ket_the_jet Posts: 1,257 Member
    a nice Dr Pepper is always calling my name!
    I was a Dr. Pepper fan until I was about nine and a friend said it tastes like medicine. Now it tastes like medicine to me. Hope I didn't ruin it for you.

    Soda is gross. You won't miss it.
  • georgiag111
    Good luck I think most of my weight loss is from cutting out soda- I have one maybe once every 2 months or so
  • travelgirl96
    I'm joining you! I gave up my diet pepsi and diet coke for three months once and it felt great. I pledge to drink iced tea instead of sode for the entire month. I guess on the 31st I will have my last big soda!
  • thedeegan4
    thedeegan4 Posts: 422 Member
    I was just thinking the same thing. I am going to try drinking nothing but tea, water and coffee. I love soda but I know it's not good for me.
  • emmabee87
    emmabee87 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm definitely going to try! I have so much trouble cutting out soda! I don't drink coffee and I rarely drink alcohol but if I CRAVE Dr. Pepper! It's also my go-to when I'm stressed...
  • Amo_Angelus
    Amo_Angelus Posts: 604 Member
    I've been free for about 2 months now, good luck
  • guatedina
    I am in- Soda Free September!
  • ladyjade68
    I'm in!!! Tomorrow is my 3 week anniversary of being Diet Coke Free! I definitely need some motivation - some days its harder than others!
    Mine is for health reasons - I just think the artificial stuff in the soda is bad for me - oh, and it doesn't hurt the wallet either!
  • JohnFurie
    I am with you all the way- I think diet soda is of the devil... I have friends who all they drink is diet soda and they feel guilt free because it has zero calories. It is still not good for you and all the sodium can prevent you from losing weight not to mention the long terms effects the sugar substitute will have on the human body.
  • HLM2010
    HLM2010 Posts: 9
    Count me in! I'm a sucker for a nice cold Coke!
  • DMRN0125
    DMRN0125 Posts: 87
    I am in! I am not a huge soda drinker but when I am it is usually out at restaurants- you know the huge 30 ounce glasses! Let's see how things change with a soda free September. Great idea.
    EPICSRT Posts: 222 Member
    No soda for the entire month of September.......not sure if I could make it as I rarely go a day without drinking soda and have been known to consume more than my fair share of the stuff.

    You know what though, it's probably about time for a change. So, I too will endeavor to be soda free for the month of September!
  • Jennbruce10
    Geat idea! I've been soda-free since July 25th, 2011. I've never even gone a week without a diet soda but seem to be doing fine so far. Good luck!
  • lbtewksbury
    lbtewksbury Posts: 147 Member
    Okay , so for the next three days we can od on the stuff and then quit on Thursday? I am in, I had pretty much quit and then started again, I need to quit for real this time!