Calling all 5'4'/5'5'' ladies



  • ToningtheButt
    if your gaining muscle then u must be pushing out the fat too, if your not leaning out like you want then you need to check your nutrition. I was always in the 150's dreaming of 130 but with dedication I reached less than 120 in about 6 months. Keep focused and work it!
  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    Im 5'4 and had a baby in December. I have lost 20-21 pounds since then and my current weight is 133-134. My low was July 4, where I was 131. I have hit a major plateau since the beginning of July and havent been losing any more weight. I net around 1350 a day, or less. Sometimes on the weekend, I will have a day where I net 1700-1800. I exercise everyday- either insanity or major strength training/weights. I only have 1 rest day a week. My goal is to burn 2000 calories per week. My body fat is about 20%. WHAT DO I NEED TO DO??? I cant seem to kick start my weight loss again. I have just ramped up my water and started paying attention to my sodium. Should I lower my calories? I know this is going to cause a major debate, but I just ordered Oxy Elite. I currently take R-ALA and Alcar but not consistently. I take a mulit-vitamin daily. My goal weight is 128. I can not seem to get there.
    Any advice?
    You need to eat more, not less. There is such thing as starvation mode, and if you are only netting 1350 calories a day and workout a lot, you are almost certainly in it. I am your height and I weigh 127lbs. I workout everyday, and I eat(not net) about 2200 calories a day and am able to maintain there.
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,631 Member
    I'm 5'4" and my heaviest was 138. I'm now down to 127-128, and would love 125, but I'm beginning to believe that the weight I can maintain is 128. If you're settling out at 131, that may be the right weight for you.
  • thinstat
    I'm 5'5" and weigh 148 right now. I'm aiming for the 125-130 mark, but I think checking into body fat % is a good idea. I would find a range you are comfortable looking at in the mirror and not worry too much about what the actual number is!
  • abbyrabbit
    abbyrabbit Posts: 5 Member
    Ugh. I'm 5'5" and stuck at 165. :(
    I can't seem to find the right calorie range. I followed some suggestions I read on the boards here to calculate my BMR calories (which is 1425) and make sure I always eat at least that amount each day. But I also exercise at least 6 times a week (40 minutes cardio on treadmill or elliptical) and I gain like 400-500 extra calories that I'm apparently supposed to be eating too. I feel like I'm always eating.

    The scale stopped moving the past two weeks. I guess I have to lower the calories but I'm afraid of going too low and not losing because my body wants to hold onto the fat.

    I want to get down to 135.
  • kikican82
    I'm 5'5, 140, and apple shaped so I carry my weight in my chest/tummy. (And I have no kids to blame this on, just my lovely genes). It's not my favorite look, so I want to get down to 125ish. I think its achievable, with work. We'll see.