Only day 3 and the struggle is real!



  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    What's your soda of choice? You may not be able to simply swap it with the diet version. I love Dr. Pepper but find Diet Dr. Pepper an entirely unsatisfying substitute. However, I've discovered I like diet A&W root beer (probably the least "diet" teasing diet soda, IMO) and Coke Zero.
  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,350 Member
    ...these first few days have been really hard.

    Asking here on the forum is a great sign you are heading in the right direction.

    Sean has some really insightful blog posts.

  • ravynpearce
    ravynpearce Posts: 6 Member
    Find ways to reward yourself for each small accomplishment! Like one month of no soda gets you a massage or manicure, or movie night out! Anything that brings you joy and makes you feel happy, eventually you will want to keep succeeding so you can have those awesome reward nights!
  • sexynurse801ms
    sexynurse801ms Posts: 37 Member
    I quit drinking nearly 2 liters of Dr. Pepper a day cold turkey. Two things that worked for me were realizing how many calories a day I was drinking and reading an article about what's really in soda pop. I was disgusted to find out that the coloring they use to make soda brown causes cancer, not to mention what the term other natural flavors actually means. I had cravings for about 2 weeks and used carbonated water when I was craving that fizzy feeling. After a couple of weeks the cravings mostly go away, and if you do buy a pop I guarantee it will be too sweet. The weight loss is an added bonus. You can also add mio or Crystal light to your water for taste. I personally like just plain water with lots of ice.
  • mathandcats
    mathandcats Posts: 786 Member
    edited September 2019
    Your diary isn't open, so this is just speculation, but your calorie goal may be too aggressive. A lot of people are set to 1200 by MFP, which, unless you are very small and very sedentary, is pretty low. I'm 5'3.5", 173lb, and very sedentary (I usually walk for 30-45min each day or do similar amount of strength training, otherwise I'm mostly working at a desk), and lose weight easily at 1500 per day (measuring accurately with a scale). I'm regularly a bit over at like 1650 and still lose.

    It may be helpful to learn to see any day below maintenance calories as a win, even if you didn't meet your goal. And if your goal is too low, you may wish to raise it.
  • bosque1234
    bosque1234 Posts: 60 Member
    Thanks for all the advice/personal stories.
    I really appreciate it as these first few days have been really hard.

    I thought the suggestions to switch to diet soda in order to make a small yet positive change were really good! I promptly went to the gas station just down the street to pick up a couple diet varieties to dissuade myself from grabbing one of the more easily accessible (and tastier) regular sodas sitting in my pantry.

    The diet soda was about as undesirable as the bottled water.

    Should I just try to stick it out with the water + only 1 regular soda? I was trying to think of ways to make it more fun or come up with a mini challenge for myself but none of my ideas were very exciting:

    Fill up the bottled water garbage can faster than my regular garbage can challenge?

    Stack up empty water bottles until they are taller than my height?

    Drink until your urine is nearly colorless challenge? Beat that number the following day?

    Does anyone have some good ideas?

    Hah! You are a hoot! Hey diet soda taste does suck at first so cut it with a squeezed lemon or lime. Coke Zero used to taste terrific but the Coke company went and screwed with the recipe and now it's too sugary for me but try several different types. Dr Pepper diet even. But try the lime stuff. It's gotten to where I can't drink regular soda now- only diet so our taste can adjust to anything. But it's true- you have got to do something about 12 cans of soda a day x all that sugar. You're literally drinking all your daily calories. You haven't shared your macros and settings. Do you feel comfortable doing that? I also think maybe going from pure sugar soda to ice tea with Splenda sweeteners and then to water could maybe be easier. Gentle. Keep posting though :-)
  • Sadie2PointOh
    Sadie2PointOh Posts: 34 Member
    bosque1234 wrote: »
    Thanks for all the advice/personal stories.
    I really appreciate it as these first few days have been really hard.

    I thought the suggestions to switch to diet soda in order to make a small yet positive change were really good! I promptly went to the gas station just down the street to pick up a couple diet varieties to dissuade myself from grabbing one of the more easily accessible (and tastier) regular sodas sitting in my pantry.

    The diet soda was about as undesirable as the bottled water.

    Should I just try to stick it out with the water + only 1 regular soda? I was trying to think of ways to make it more fun or come up with a mini challenge for myself but none of my ideas were very exciting:

    Fill up the bottled water garbage can faster than my regular garbage can challenge?

    Stack up empty water bottles until they are taller than my height?

    Drink until your urine is nearly colorless challenge? Beat that number the following day?

    Does anyone have some good ideas?

    Hah! You are a hoot! Hey diet soda taste does suck at first so cut it with a squeezed lemon or lime. Coke Zero used to taste terrific but the Coke company went and screwed with the recipe and now it's too sugary for me but try several different types. Dr Pepper diet even. But try the lime stuff. It's gotten to where I can't drink regular soda now- only diet so our taste can adjust to anything. But it's true- you have got to do something about 12 cans of soda a day x all that sugar. You're literally drinking all your daily calories. You haven't shared your macros and settings. Do you feel comfortable doing that? I also think maybe going from pure sugar soda to ice tea with Splenda sweeteners and then to water could maybe be easier. Gentle. Keep posting though :-)

    I changed the settings so I think it should be viewable now. In short, it seems I consume way too many carbs and fat and not enough protein. And also never stay under 1200. One day I believe I was more than double over the limit (blushing) and that was without the 1300-2000 calories extra of soda. I'm really struggling to find anything I actually ENJOY eating that is also healthy.
  • ajessop224
    ajessop224 Posts: 3 Member
    Try adding Mio or Crystal light to your water. Also, try different types of bottled waters, for instance, I hate spring water but I can deal with almost any filtered water. What has helped me most is being on a schedule, I eat at the same times and the Sam ethings every day. If you can handle eating the same things, meal prepping for a few days saves me, I don't have to wonder what I'm gonna eat and then run to the drive thri for chicken nuggets or a burger. And the best advise I've had along the way is to get rid of everything in your house that doesn't fit in your diet plan. If I don't see it I don't want it.
  • emmamcgarity
    emmamcgarity Posts: 1,594 Member
    Just keep logging even when over calories. After a few weeks you’ll find something to try swapping out for a lower calorie choice. Don’t try to change everything at once. Taking your time with small changes will help you be more successful.

    Eating more protein likely will help you feel more satisfied. I personally did not like the texture of Greek yogurt but over time have grown to like a few flavors. I also like to mix plain Greek yogurt with sugar fee pudding mix to make s high protein snack/dessert. I try to add fresh fruit or vegetables to each meal to help fill me up as well. I often will Google Weight Watchers or Skinnytaste recipes to get ideas for different things to try. And I keep a stash of lean cuisine frozen dinners in hand for days when I don’t want to think.

    Water - I had a hard time with this at first. Drinking with a straw helped me drink more. I also like to squeeze a lime wedge in the water to give it a little flavor.
  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,350 Member
    Day 553 and the struggle continues to be real.
    Let's do it folks, support each other (even you keto people) and let's celebrate our successes. . . one avoided soda at a time.
  • LeiLaura
    LeiLaura Posts: 238 Member
    Just had a thought re the lemon / lime idea - you can get "infuser" water bottles where you put the fruit in the middle infuser bit and just fill the bottle up with water like normal. You could use the same bottles for a mix of Coke / Diet Coke, and add the lemon or lime.
  • LeiLaura
    LeiLaura Posts: 238 Member
    Just keep logging even when over calories. After a few weeks you’ll find something to try swapping out for a lower calorie choice. Don’t try to change everything at once. Taking your time with small changes will help you be more successful.

    Eating more protein likely will help you feel more satisfied. I personally did not like the texture of Greek yogurt but over time have grown to like a few flavors. I also like to mix plain Greek yogurt with sugar fee pudding mix to make s high protein snack/dessert. I try to add fresh fruit or vegetables to each meal to help fill me up as well. I often will Google Weight Watchers or Skinnytaste recipes to get ideas for different things to try. And I keep a stash of lean cuisine frozen dinners in hand for days when I don’t want to think.

    Water - I had a hard time with this at first. Drinking with a straw helped me drink more. I also like to squeeze a lime wedge in the water to give it a little flavor.

    Some great ideas here that I'll borrow, thank you! You also reminded me of sugar-free jelly/jello - processed of course, but a good option for the munchies when you're out of calorie allowance!