What's your GW & how long have you been dieting?

I've been on many diets but this time around my GW is 50kg & been doing my diet for 20 days 😋


  • ChickieBoom22
    ChickieBoom22 Posts: 80 Member
    I’ve been dieting since my 20s and I’ve lost large amounts of weight in the past. I lost 100 pounds between 2012/2013 but gained it all back. I’ve never been at my goal weight but there’s a first time for everything.
    SW: 294 CW: 240 GW: 135
  • BuddhaBunnyFTW
    BuddhaBunnyFTW Posts: 157 Member
    180 but I'm not dieting. I've lost about 20 lbs in three months. I've adopted a new way of eating, I don't plan on ever going back to eating unhealthfully. I don't miss it. :)
  • peachvine29
    peachvine29 Posts: 400 Member
    edited September 2019
    My goal weight is 125-130 lbs. I am 136 lbs. today. I have been "dieting" / counting calories for one and a half years! My highest weight was 200 lbs. and I started counting at 190 lbs.
  • Cpwoody
    Cpwoody Posts: 2 Member
    I've dropped 87 in 91 days ... my initial goal is 100 lost, and then tricking down the next 30-50 over time.
  • MikePTY
    MikePTY Posts: 3,814 Member
    My first goal weight is 185, with my ultimate goal weight of 165-175. I started at 235 and am at 195.4 today. I have been doing this for almost a year. I don't consider myself "on a diet". I have made a lifestyle change. And sometimes, that lifestyle includes a break from restricting calories, so I may be going slower than I could be, but I find this process more sustainable and enjoyable.
  • RelCanonical
    RelCanonical Posts: 3,882 Member
    This round has been about a year and a half (Started April 2018). I've lost 55 pounds so far. My goal weight is 110lbs. (I'm 5'1'', this is a bmi of about 21). My starting weight was 191lbs.
  • Farfalla707
    Farfalla707 Posts: 13 Member
    My new goal weight is 55 kg (I actually reached my original goal weight on Sunday (65 kg) but since there is still too much fat on my belly and legs, I decided that my journey isn't over yet). I've been doing this since December 2017. My starting weight was at least 125kg (BMI of 47!!! Holy cow. :D I didn't have a scale back then so could be even more)
  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    I'm not on a diet. I'm in a lifestyle change. 😉

    Starting weight 9/9/18 was 218.6
    Been on mfp since 6/9/19
    Current weight is 193.4
    Goal weight (no deadline) is 150 ish
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    My current weight-meh
    Goal weight-less than meh
    Have been logging food, exercise and engaged in living as healthy and active a lifestyle as possible for 2818 days.

    My “goal weight” is 133 pounds (range from 130-135). However, my true goal is to be healthy, fit and able to tackle any adventure that happens to strike my fancy. Thankfully-that is not really weight-specific. I’m living a very full, active, fun life and my weight, while not yet my idea “goal” is not a hindrance to my healthy, happy, active life.

    I shall continue to pursue my “less than meh” weight. Probably for the remainder of my days.
  • dhiammarath
    dhiammarath Posts: 834 Member
    My goal weight is 55kg and I started steering my ship in this direction in 2012! I am close now, so my hope is to hit my goal in the first quarter of 2021. I’m okay with slow; I knew nothing of how to take care of myself so I’ve learned a lot along the way. Most important of that we’re what changes were needed for sustainable habits.
  • novio50
    novio50 Posts: 778 Member
    I've been at this for about a year. So far 35 good lbs and a lot of body morphing. I'm still not at my goal weight yet. I was thinking I wanted to get down to 180, but that would put me around 8-10% body fat. And fat, being the *kitten* that it is resists change and doesn't want to shrink down. BUt I keep fighting everyday.

    I've done this a few years ago back in the late 2000's. I needed to lose about 100lbs or so and I did. I went from around 280 to about 161lbs with a 29.5 inch waist. My diet was so on point that I had nightmares about being stuck in Willy Wonka's chocolate factory (go figure). That was when I was in my 20's. Now I'm in my 30's and at the beginning of my weight loss last year, I was trying the same thing and it wasn't sustainable at all. Go to the gym2x a day eating nothing but chicken breasts, broccoli and brown rice was good for about 3 days and then I wanted a cheeseburger.

    SO I started intermittent fasting and progressively made small diet changes. Then I got my gym routine down and boom, it started to come off slowly but surely. It was hard at 1st and then it became a sustainable lifestyle. Now I have to eat to lose and I'm not eating enough of the right things. So it's been a process, but it's sustainable. I'm so close to being out of the 200's but slow and steady wins the race.

    I've learned however you lose it is how fast you will gain it, plus .25 lbs more.

    I realized you didn't ask for all this once I stopped, but maybe someone needed it. Whatever the case, you will WIN IF you don't Quit.
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,988 Member
    I've been actively been in "wt control" mode for over 3.5 yrs now but only the 1st 6 and last 3 months have I been deliberately trying to lose weight by eating less than my TDEE (ie, "dieting").

    The rest of the time was spent in "maintenance." Dropped from 160 to 150 w/o intentionally planning to do so but then rapidly gained 10# back to 160 w/o intrnding to do so about 5 months ago which scared the *kitten* out of me.

    It then took about 2 months to restabilize my wt b4 I could begin to lose the 10# again.

    Hoping to now keep that 10# off and maintain at 150. As I've said elsewhere, controlling your wt for most of us is an endless struggle that requires continual vigilance and effort.

  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    Started march 10 2019 - 210lbs
    Today - 161
    Goal 145-150, where ever I feel best and is maintainable!
    This isn't my first rodeo so I am aiming for something I can stick with long term