Need a ketogenic diet partner for 30 days.

You can be a Male or female it doesnt matter. Doesnt matter where you reside. I am a Male 6 ft 182 pounds. I need to reduce about 10 solid pounds of fat to get down to where the abs will become visible. I am following a modified keto diet that bodybuilders of the 70s and 80a used-6 day keto and Sunday carb day. Reason I need a partner is someone to report to and they will report to me. This will keep both of us on task and will give us the drive to follow through to 30 days. When our will power is in the gutter and the motivation begins to die, our sense of responsibility to each other will help push us through to our goal. The way it will work is every day as we login in your food intake we will simultaneously report that to each other every single day for 30 days. We can either send it through email, text or here. Consequences of missing 3 days of logins will cancel our partnership. This will hopefully keep us on track. Anyone up for a 30 day partnership challenge?


  • stronghands1
    stronghands1 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi: The dates on your post was like back in 2018, then another one in March 3...year?
    Did you find anyone to partner with?
    I am using the My Fitness Pal and keep it up on the laptop screen most all the time to keep my
    nose to the grindstone.
    Went keto 2017, good results in 6 months, then got self-confident and lazy. Did not gain weight,
    but A1C suffered.
    Could we partner? I'm game if you are.
    Thanks for your post.
  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    The OP last posted 5 months ago. ☺