New tracker and calorie goal

I have now upgraded to a garmin that I can sync with mfp. I've been in maintenance since april and now know that 1800-2000 depending on how active I've been works for me. Do i now need to put in sedentary as my activity level and let it adjust from there? Or my estimated bmr? What does everyone else do?
It's only my first full day, and as an experiment I'm still wearing my old veryfitpro one on the same wrist. Heart rate and steps taken are wildly different! Garmin says my rhr is 15 bpm lower, and that ive taken only 2/3 of the steps the old one has counted!


  • slbbw
    slbbw Posts: 329 Member
    I do not like the negative adjust, so I pick the lower activity level between the two I fall between. My actually activity is closer to lightly active, but I choose sedentary to allow for the positive adjustment throughout the day. I also prefer to just have my numbers set at maintenance even if I am trying to lose, because the math is more transparent that way. Since you are in maintenance that should not be a huge issue.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,224 Member
    I leave mine at sedentary and let my tracker adjust as needed. I am sedentary anyway, but even for periods when I’m not, I leave it that way and let the tracker do it’s thing. On my sedentary days, my adjustments aren’t very large. On days when my activity level is closer to active or very active-my adjustments are quite large.

    I use my mfp given calorie goal (for losing or maintaining)-and have my tracker handle the activity side.
  • magpye76
    magpye76 Posts: 51 Member
    Ok thanks for the input! I've set it to sedentary and will reassess in a couple of weeks!