5 day challenge (sept 1- sept 5)

Ok here goes, I challenge YOU to burn 1000 calories everyday for these five days :) Post how you burnt those calories and how much you burnt!!!!

Who wants to do this with me??? Anyone???


  • anda2oo5
    anda2oo5 Posts: 77
    hi there! im in!!!!! lol
  • futurefitgirl88
    yay cool :) come on people!!! Lets do this.... This will really challenge me!!! :) Just what I need to get September started!!
  • onetwentysomething
    onetwentysomething Posts: 26 Member
    i'm in!
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    I would love to but can't see how I possibly could as I work fulltime and am a single mum of 4 kids. Finding half an hour most days is a challenge!
  • LilMissStrawberry
    LilMissStrawberry Posts: 34 Member
    Totally would if I wasn't going away for the weekend! Maybe I'll join in from the 5th - 10th ;) Best of luck for everyone doing it tho!
  • I'm totally in!
  • futurefitgirl88
    I would love to but can't see how I possibly could as I work fulltime and am a single mum of 4 kids. Finding half an hour most days is a challenge!

    No worries :) I'm sure being a full-time mom and working so much burns tonnes of calories!!! It's just a stupid challenge, maybe next time !!!
    Totally would if I wasn't going away for the weekend! Maybe I'll join in from the 5th - 10th ;) Best of luck for everyone doing it tho!

    That's great :) I'll have another challenge for 7th-10th... :D I think it'll be fun to mix things up and have a different challenge per week!! I have a short attention span :P I still cannot follow a single routine/plan...but mixing things up and doing short challenges work brilliantly for me...and this is what I plan to implement to get in the best shape of my life!!
  • hijijma
    hijijma Posts: 23
    my goal last week was 2000cal per day for 5days think ill do that again and do the 1000 the other 2 days try and keep my self acountable (dont think thats the right spelling)
  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    1000 soo in!!
  • ebelliss
    ebelliss Posts: 126 Member
    i would love to give a try!
  • icandoitgood
    I'm in!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • futurefitgirl88
    Day 1 completed!!! So wrecked!! Hopefully I'll have the energy to stick it out tomorrow!!
  • Day 1 completed!
  • Day two and three done