Those with chronic illness/pain trying to get fit.



  • shelaghcol
    shelaghcol Posts: 165 Member
    Wow - did I just break the thread?
  • anisagldn2
    anisagldn2 Posts: 1 Member
    LernRach wrote: »
    I suffer from MCTD - a mixed connective tissue disorder in the family of lupus and RA. I go through phases. right now I am right up there with exercise; spinning, pump etc. However, there will be a day where I wake up and bang crash, I cnnot do anything... my fitness slowly goes into decline... until my health picks up again and I restart my journey. It is frustrating, but I know that this is how my body works. Once I understood this, it made it much easier for me to accept.
    LernRach wrote: »
    I suffer from MCTD - a mixed connective tissue disorder in the family of lupus and RA. I go through phases. right now I am right up there with exercise; spinning, pump etc. However, there will be a day where I wake up and bang crash, I cnnot do anything... my fitness slowly goes into decline... until my health picks up again and I restart my journey. It is frustrating, but I know that this is how my body works. Once I understood this, it made it much easier for me to accept.

  • Hilogirl2018
    Hilogirl2018 Posts: 687 Member
    @amskinner87 I have lost almost 30 without exercise, either. I crash so easily these days and it's scary for me to "risk" any kind of workout. PT always knocks me out. But like you, I do want to start doing *something* healthy.

    @shelaghcol vegan AND gluten free, wow! I did GF for 3 years but then switched to keto, then gave that up after 2 years for intermittent fasting. Always in search of the mythical (for me, anyway) anti-inflammatory diet that will reduce my pain.
  • Hilogirl2018
    Hilogirl2018 Posts: 687 Member
    My current challenge is that I'm getting IV hydration 3 days a week, and on the other days I'm exhausted from lack of hydration, so I feel sluggish and sick most of the time right now. Maybe we could try a gentle exercise challenge in this little group? A check in for doing just one little thing?
  • fatoldladyonamission
    fatoldladyonamission Posts: 572 Member
    Hi all, great idea for a thread. I have fibro, recently diagnosed and with it some mental health issues too. That said I used to be fairly active and I know it would make it easier to be again if I lost some of the bulk. My main issue is that I suffer from extreme pain for the slightest things and just trying to do every day stuff makes me exhausted. So I have to pace myself.

    Would be good to have a thread we can all support each other on 😊
  • papetto
    papetto Posts: 3 Member
    edited August 2019
    Sorry for the late reply, and thanks for all the wonderful responses. I have a few pelvic pain disorders, most burdensome being interstitial cystitis/endometriosis, which make almost all exercise extra difficult. I have been to the gym twice this week and plan on going tomorrow and again on the weekend. I have to take breaks a lot, which is annoying, and somewhat embarrassing, but I am trying to get back to my old routine of working out 5-7 times a week. I find weight machines to be very soothing even though they can be tough - cardio (like running, and cycling) seems to make my pain worse sometimes. I also want to start doing yoga again, too. Let's keep checking in together! :)
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    shelaghcol wrote: »
    I went a bit drastic this week after too much overeating and stress eating. (Ate 2/3rds of a 10 inch pizza on Monday the same day I got a call from the doctor's office telling me my cholesterol is up.)

    Started on Tuesday going completely vegan and cutting out almost all gluten to sort of reset myself.

    Not surprisingly I lost almost five pounds this week which I'm sure is mostly water, even though I upped my liquid intake too.

    Five days and counting and I do feel better physically and, truth be told, mentally too. For the first time in a long time I've been able to tell myself "no" to snacks and too much of everything.

    Two weeks and I'll start re-introducing more normal foods to my diet. Hopefully the lengthy purge will help me keep on track.

    Reintroduce foods slowly and consciously. You may find an unexpected inflammation trigger in there.
  • domeofstars
    domeofstars Posts: 480 Member
    I'm so sorry to see so many beautiful people on here suffering with bad health and i wish i could help you all. I too have suffered from several health issues in the past. What has helped me ALOT is free reiki healing videos on youtube. There's 'reiki for pain' videos that have been an absolute life saver for me, i watch them on my phone and its saved me from taking alot of pain killers.

    Also I'm just starting to listen to subliminal messages on youtube, one helped give me motivation to clean and tidy my home (by Miss Synergy) so I'm now looking to subliminals for help with weight loss and also health. I'm trying one for weight loss by Akuo, and there's a few health ones by Miss Synergy and also Hynodaddy that I might try. I was very skeptical for a long time, but so many people left positive comments so i tried it and it worked.
  • shelaghcol
    shelaghcol Posts: 165 Member
    shelaghcol wrote: »
    I went a bit drastic this week after too much overeating and stress eating. (Ate 2/3rds of a 10 inch pizza on Monday the same day I got a call from the doctor's office telling me my cholesterol is up.)

    Started on Tuesday going completely vegan and cutting out almost all gluten to sort of reset myself.

    Not surprisingly I lost almost five pounds this week which I'm sure is mostly water, even though I upped my liquid intake too.

    Five days and counting and I do feel better physically and, truth be told, mentally too. For the first time in a long time I've been able to tell myself "no" to snacks and too much of everything.

    Two weeks and I'll start re-introducing more normal foods to my diet. Hopefully the lengthy purge will help me keep on track.

    Reintroduce foods slowly and consciously. You may find an unexpected inflammation trigger in there.

    It's been a bit comical, actually. On one hand, it's easier to say no. OTOH, trying to figure out what to reintroduce means I'm researching about it and that triggers videos on YouTube with recipes galore.
    One intriguing thing was accidentally finding a fat-free vegan potato salad recipe using pureed potato to make the faux mayo. Might try that for Labor Day.
    Finally settled on protein in the form of black beans to add on Tuesday. My protein intake has been extremely low - I don't think it's been much more than 20 on any given day.

    Although that number is questionable because the potato I used for my diary didn't show any nutrients except calories. I didn't realize that until a couple of days ago.
  • Hilogirl2018
    Hilogirl2018 Posts: 687 Member
    Hey, all- anyone still here? It's been a while since this thread was active.
  • shelaghcol
    shelaghcol Posts: 165 Member
    I noticed that too. Thought I might have broken the thread or something.
  • Hilogirl2018
    Hilogirl2018 Posts: 687 Member
    shelaghcol wrote: »
    I noticed that too. Thought I might have broken the thread or something.

    @shelaghcol Nope, wasn't you lol.
  • UglyDucklingmfp
    UglyDucklingmfp Posts: 18 Member
    Please add me to your group I really need it.
  • shelaghcol
    shelaghcol Posts: 165 Member
    @UglyDucklingmfp this isn't a group. It's a thread. You need to bookmark it so you get notifications when others post.
  • shannonteague2019
    Good morning all, I just joined MFP yesterday after a week of using NOOM. I lost 2 pounds in a week but there is zero support over there. I have MS, Fibromyalgia, arthritis in my hands and a severe gluten allergy. It seems I can only walk and hike (I live in CO) and luckily the gluten allergy keeps a lot of unhealthy food off my plate. Looking for exercises I can do that won’t exhaust me for two days to build up muscle and strength. I have a new granddaughter and holding her tires my arms and hands. I absolutely hate going to a gym but I’m able to work out at home. My goal is to lose 25 pounds, no specific time frame but yesterday would be nice!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,748 Member
    Hi everyone. I too struggle with chronic pain, I've had 4 back surgeries and had a surgery for endometriosis go wrong that resulted in burned pelvic and groin nerves from the laser. I purchased a recumbent exercise bike after my last back surgery and it collected dust for years. I went up 50lbs being bedridden for a year after my last back surgery waiting to get my hardware removed. I was diagnosed with diabetes two years ago.

    I lost and maintained my weight over the years and lost 30 last year and 35 so far this year, totaling 90lbs down from my highest. I decided to really crack down and count calories. I finally started using my recumbent bike, I started with 10 horrible minutes and now ride it daily, mostly for mental health and strengthening my body. I started the gym (weights and elliptical) in May. I have to modify a lot for my back, but am able to do stuff I couldn't before like my own shopping, standing longer, and walking further. I was literally bed ridden for years and being able to do this is amazing. It's nice meeting all of you!
  • jo_nz
    jo_nz Posts: 548 Member
    Hi all.

    I am in a pretty good place at the moment, but I have chronic migraines (medicated, and fairly well controlled right now) and some limitations from an ankle break a few years ago - I had the metal removed last year, and have had quite a lot of improvement. That second surgery did leave me with some nerve pain too, though it has reduced over time.

    I am hoping that a bit of weight loss might help - I didn't have migraines before I became heavier, but it may just have been triggered by age and hormones. Only one way to find out I guess!

    I am currently weaning off one of my medications (planned with my doctor) - it was a bit of a multi-benefit magic pill to me. Helped with migraines, depression, nerve pain and sleep issues. So, I am a bit apprehensive about coming off it. I am taking it really slowly to reduce the dosage over the next couple of months.

    My main exercise is generally walking the dog, but I am also doing an introductory trial of reformer pilates classes and really enjoying them so far.
  • lois1231
    lois1231 Posts: 331 Member
    I also have chronic pain. I have arthritis in both knees my back, both feet, one wrist, and a messed up ankle. I am looking at 2 surgeries in the future which is why I have to get remotivated. Last time I was on here I lost quite a bit of weight by walking and going to the gym besides tracking everything I ate but now I have so much pain in my ankle and knees I don’t know if I can do that. I started at 275 last year got down to around 218 pounds and now I am weighing in at around 250. I need a total knee and my doc wants me to lose about 20 pounds first. I feel bad that everybody has so much pain. It makes things harder and not much fun.