How man reps do you do in the gym?

I'm thinking of replacing my "Body Pump" hour with just lifting in the actual gym. The only problem is that I don't know how many reps to do of each exercise in order to be effective. Anyone have any advice?? I know what exercises to do but I don't know how to make it into an effective workout! Help me please! lol


  • hooma
    hooma Posts: 124 Member
    I did this for a month and was loving it...but then I got sidetracked with life and fell off the wagon. I found it to be really effective while I was doing it, and having a plan is pretty crucial for me. Maybe it can help you too!
  • Depends on what you want. If you want to get bigger muscles. go for higher weights and low reps (8-10). If you want to lean out but keep your muscle mass about the same, go for lighter weight with more reps (10-12). Then repeat each set.

    A good way to know you need to up your weights is, on your final set if you can lift two more times at the end, up your weights. So if you want to do 10 reps, but can do 12, try and increase by 2lbs.
  • YMTaylor
    YMTaylor Posts: 230 Member
    It's totally up to you, but why are you thinking of replacing Body Pump? I do it twice a week and love, love, love it. However days like today when there is no BP class offered at my gym I do two or three sets of 12 reps on each machine.
  • Jconner30
    Jconner30 Posts: 311
    Their are a couple of things you can do...

    low reps (3-5 times) with heavy weights builds muscle (3 sets)
    high reps (10-15 times) with light weights defines the muscle and works on endurance. (3-5 sets)

    You need to keep shocking your body. Do something like this...
    Monday - low
    Tuesday - high
    Wednesday - low
    Thursday - high
    Fri - low

    Then change it up
    Monday - Wed - high
    Thur - Fri - low

    you see what I mean? If you get into the same routine over and over, your body will adjust and not show you the results you are hoping for...
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    It definitely depends on your body. I personally do anywhere between 12 and 15 reps, 3 sets. If I'm struggling by the last couple reps, I know it's a perfect weight.
  • RdySetGO11
    RdySetGO11 Posts: 89 Member
    I did this for a month and was loving it...but then I got sidetracked with life and fell off the wagon. I found it to be really effective while I was doing it, and having a plan is pretty crucial for me. Maybe it can help you too!

    Thank you! That was really helpful :flowerforyou:
  • RdySetGO11
    RdySetGO11 Posts: 89 Member
    It's totally up to you, but why are you thinking of replacing Body Pump? I do it twice a week and love, love, love it. However days like today when there is no BP class offered at my gym I do two or three sets of 12 reps on each machine.

    I love it too but I'm kinda getting bored with it. I get bored with things very easily and I just like to switch things up :)
  • YMTaylor
    YMTaylor Posts: 230 Member
    It's totally up to you, but why are you thinking of replacing Body Pump? I do it twice a week and love, love, love it. However days like today when there is no BP class offered at my gym I do two or three sets of 12 reps on each machine.

    I love it too but I'm kinda getting bored with it. I get bored with things very easily and I just like to switch things up :)

    I understand. I don't know what your gym does but mine goes to the new release every 3 months (or so) when Les Mills releases the new one. If we did longer than that I would get bored with it too. Good luck with whatever you do, I'm sure you'll rock it. :)