My husband is so mean sometimes!



  • PanteraGirl
    PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member
    Wow....that's some tough stuff to deal with. I didn't realize that when I wrote my comment. That changes my whole tune. I thought he was just an *kitten* like my father who was abusive. Foot in my mouth. Sorry!

    Bi-polar is really difficult thing to deal with as well as sex addiction. I'm glad he is seeking counseling. He is putting in clear effort otherwise he wouldn't be going. You're right, the comments could come out as resentment!

    Glad you had the chance to talk to him about it too. Hopefully he goes easier on you! Maybe he just never realized how much his comments and stuff bothered you. Common trait amongst people who are bi-polar. I hope you guys work it out!!

    Good luck to you guys!
  • cherrera63
    cherrera63 Posts: 3 Member
    I am sorry to hear your story sweetie, does not sound like a good relationship to begin with, Really stress the therapist to him before it's too late. My ex decided to go seek therapy once we decided to seperate but now it's too late, it would of benefited both of us if he had done it sooner. I am sorry he treates you like that. Keep your chin up and keep motivated., He doesn't deserve to have you in his life if he treats you like that!

    PS- Try to hang out with postive people and good friends and family!
    Good luck to you!
  • I'm sorry you have to put up with that crap, but remember to do this for YOU! By all means use his diatribe as fuel for the fire though. I don't want to intrude, but please don't let anyone make you feel like you are worth less than everything!

    This! Find the strength within yourself, and once you have a handle on why you eat and control over it, you can start looking at why you are with him. My inclination is you will no longer have a reason. You got this girl! Keep your head up :)
  • SexyCook
    SexyCook Posts: 2,249 Member
    I just think that is a Man thing that they all go thru at some point...My honey have times when he will just like look up when I talk about eating right or doing 2nd workouts...but all in all I know he is very proud because he says it will out thought. He loves the new me and all that comes with it...Be proud of you and your accomplishment..I find that they will follow suit.. Well they have no choice..:smile:
  • There's always much more to the story than we can know and you will know what's the right thing to do. Fair play to you for wanting to stick with this man as you made a commitment to him warts and all and you have a family with him, Just be mindful that when you're in the situation you may not always see what's really happening. Keep valuing yourself at all times, love and accept your body what ever shape it's in and keep working on your health because you want to be a happy healthy person for yourself, for your kids and for all those who love you. Stick to your plan but just be wary that you know the real reasons you're doing what you're doing. He sounds like a real handful and sounds pretty lucky to have you. If any of your tenacity and sweetness can rub off onto him, then it's a win win. But please just be careful you don't let him get to you, stay strong and focussed. Well done!!
  • Dont have much to say about your husband, but You Get Er Done Darlin!!! Sometimes its nice to get feed back like that cause it makes it taste so much better in the sweet satisfying end!! Kick some tail feathers!! :)
  • :flowerforyou: I hope you follow thru like you say you are going 2 do. losing weight is easy to do, it's just getting started and following thru that's hard. I just followed up with someone else that said she was making the same commitment as you. When i checked up with her, 3 months later, she ~~~ FAILED ~~~ . I hope your different ! Cause in 37 days from now i am gonna follow up with you and i expect you to keep your word that you just gave yourself. Like a friend of mine says 2 me, ~~ BURN THOSE CALORIES ! ~~~:drinker: as far as your hubby, I am one not to endorse divorce unless the marriage becomes dangerous or morally wrong. You love the guy for your own reasons and only you know if he really loves you or not. Lose the weight and see if he keeps his word. You married the man for love,like he married you for love when you were fat. See you in 37 days ! :huh:
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    Stay with him, lose the weight, then leave his sorry *kitten*!!
    Love it!!!

    I believe you can do it -- we ALL believe you can do it. There may be other reasons why you're with him - but I'd say the way he's treating you on this particular subject is appalling. You need someone who supports you and will love you no matter what you look like. But in the mean time - MFP will support you! You CAN do this. You can do it if you're with him, without him, with someone else etc... you don't need someone else's support to be successful - but it sure helps!