New guy here

Hi everyone, I'm new to the site. I have never had a problem with weight until a few yrs ago. Retired military. I still have a job that requires a lot of physical activity. My problem is I'm old, and the stuff I used to eat is sticking to me now! I love my food! I would like to get some advice on diet. 6ft 190 but am not big boned and am thinking good weight is 170-180. I started at 212 but I keep struggling with diet gaining and losing.

I have another question for someone with knowledge in sports diets for young children. I have a very good friend who has 8 and 10 year old boys who play ungodly amounts of baseball. His son is the most mature 10 yr old I've ever seen and disciplined more than most adults. My friend has the 10 yr old playing ball and doing other cardio workouts along with part of the x-90 ab workout.
He has him on a very strict diet as well. The kid has zero fat on him. He drinks soy milk, buys him organic food and he never really eats anything with fat or high calories. My son had a b-day party and he didnt eat a single piece of pizza, or cake and ice cream.

I'm thinking he may actually holding his growth back by this strict diet. I thought a skinny 10 year old should eat everything in the kitchen and then look for moms hidden stash of cookies..I did ! Anyone have a good web site or information? Thanks


  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    Welcome! I'm sort of new at this too so my only advice is to read everything here and you'll learn a lot from the community. I hope the child is at least eating enough of what his parents want him to eat. I think the most important thing is to make sure he has enough food in him for his body to stay energized.
  • Xandi
    Xandi Posts: 319
    Welcome and good luck...
    Retiring will do that too you. :)
    as far as teen age boys.. I have 3 they eat anything and everything... and don't gain.
    I am so envious.
  • Ritamas2
    Ritamas2 Posts: 319
    First of all welcome to the site,
    you are going to find some amazing people here to
    support and motivate you along your journey! We all have
    a similar story and have struggled with weight issues to one degree or another.
    So having support and encouragement from folks going through exactly what
    you're going through helps so much, and you will see people posting their fabulous
    recipes which helps so much too! I wish you much success in reaching and surpassing
    all of your weightloss goals! Please feel free to add me if you'd like.

    Now on to the friend and son...I do believe in promoting good healthy eating habits for
    children but within reason, just like with myself, I do not totally deprive myself, it is
    not necessary! So I feel that the parent is going a little bit over board and being extreme!
    Tha t is my opinion of course because sometimes if you allow a little it becomes alot and
    maybe that's what your friend is afraid of, but if the boy is skinny I don't quite understand the strict discipline!
    I'm sorry I don't have any resources to help you out, I am sure by now someone has helped you in that area.
    Good luck to you with finding this info!
  • KaraMor44
    Does your friend take his children in for regular doctors appointments? If so, then hopefully the doctor is aware of the child's fitness level and diet, and has approved of it. He most certainly should be monitoring the child's growth. If the child is mananging to be productive in baseball and other activities, then I don't think he's being malnurished. How did the child react to the junk food when it was offered? Did he choose not to eat it? If he doesn't feel deprived, then there is no harm in skipping it. There's not much nutritional value to those foods anyway. The more healthy a person eats, the less attractive junk food actually is. Once you've developed a taste for it it's hard to kick. If I could go back in time and never introduce that stuff to my son's tastebuds, I would. Or mine too for that matter. Pizza always looks good, and often tastes good, but I struggle to remind myself that it doesn't make me feel very good. Good luck with your weight loss! I'm new to the site too, but have been battling weight forever.