Transfer from WW

I've decided to try this instead of WW. Any suggestions to make the transition easier? Thank you!


  • chrishamilton894
    chrishamilton894 Posts: 63 Member
    Enter what your goals are, how active you are, what your goal weight is and how much you want to lose each week etc MFP will give you a calorie limit. If you think it’s too low you can manually change like I did. Go from there really 👍
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    The main thing is logging, and no one can really “teach” you. We can make suggestions, but it’s mostly just stumble along until you get familiar with it. It gets a lot easier after a couple of weeks. Make sure you log everything. No “free” foods. If you have questions, ask! We will try to help. Good luck and welcome to mfp!
  • Pamela_Sue
    Pamela_Sue Posts: 563 Member
    Don't try to lose too quickly. When setting up your stats, MFP recommends the following:

    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lb/week is ideal
    If you have 15-25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lb/week is ideal
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lb/week is ideal
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    It will be easier if you have a digital food scale and weigh your food rather than measure using spoons / cups etc.
  • duskyjewel
    duskyjewel Posts: 286 Member
    Remember that there are no "free" foods like in WW. You have to log the calories of everything you eat and drink. Points are not the same as calories.

    I remember when I switched over, tracking fruit and veggies pissed me off so much! :D

    I came over from PointsPlus. It helped me lose 50 lbs in six months but I was tired of paying for it. MFP is great once you get used to it.
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    Remember that there are no "free" foods like in WW. You have to log the calories of everything you eat and drink. Points are not the same as calories.

    This! But for me it meant that I could have more variety because no foods were out of bounds because of arbitrary points assigned to make them too costly to enjoy. Take your time and learn what works for you.
  • RitaChartier
    RitaChartier Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you everyone!
  • kristenmary70
    kristenmary70 Posts: 55 Member
    Remember that there are no "free" foods like in WW. You have to log the calories of everything you eat and drink. Points are not the same as calories.

    This! But for me it meant that I could have more variety because no foods were out of bounds because of arbitrary points assigned to make them too costly to enjoy. Take your time and learn what works for you.

    Cheryl, I am totally with you! I feel so much more "satisfied" now that I can choose foods for the caloric content and not points - for example, I was able to have a small bowl of Wendy's chili and a junior Frosty the other day - on WW, that would have been 1/2 my points for the day! But using MFP, it fit well into my calories and I was able to get what I really wanted. This was a good change for me!
  • Emmapatterson1729
    Emmapatterson1729 Posts: 1,296 Member
    edited September 2019
    I tried WW once, I don't think I lasted a month. I felt like I was starving on WW, and after 2 weeks of feeling starved and only dropping .8 (point eight) pounds, I quit. The free point foods was not a big list back then (chicken and eggs had points).

    I hopped on MFP, set a very practical calorie goal (not too low). I never felt deprived or starved, and lost a lot of weight (close to 100 lbs), maintained for years, until recently getting sick.

    I think success on MFP is very doable. The advice just about anyone on here will give over and over, is set realistic goals on here, honest in activity setting, eat back some (to most) exercise calories, and be vigilant at tracking and logging.

    It seems to become routine and habit and gets easier in time.

    Good luck!! You can lose using the app, it really is a great tool.

    Side note: I read another commenter talking about feeling more satisfaction counting calories versus points. I calculated up the WW points of one of my meals a few weeks ago... Just for *kittens* and giggles. 54 WW points. This meal completely fit within my calorie limit (with room for another meal or two). My points limit on WW was 27 a day.
  • RitaChartier
    RitaChartier Posts: 5 Member
    What do you use as your calorie limit? I put in 1600. Is this to high?
  • BarbaraHelen2013
    BarbaraHelen2013 Posts: 1,940 Member
    Too high? Too low? Without knowing your age, height, activity level, current and goal weight there is no way for us to give you any meaningful advice.

    Best way to work that out is to input your details in the MFP set up process, which will ask for your stats and how much you want to lose per week and will give you a calorie goal to help you achieve that.