Chocolate ADDICTION. Super healthy otherwise.... :/

So I eat mostly raw/whole food and have been maintaining less than 1000 calories (please don't lecture me). I'm wanting to loose 9 more pounds then maintain. I've lost 13 in a month. I eat snacks and meals, just tinker with recipes to make them low cal (tons of fruits and veggies!).

My problem is chocolate! I get a chocolate bar and try to vow to make it last 3 days but go back to it and eat the whole thing in a couple hours. I try to avoid it but can't seem to break this habit. Should I cut it cold turkey? I think I've tried but that's what makes me binge on it. Does anyone else have any ONE thing they can't resist? Years ago it was Ben and Jerry's but I broke the habit with a raw food diet ( replacing the sweet craving with raw almond butter and honey). What has worked for you? Or should I accept this habit....

Oh, and I'm looking for more friends on here :) add me please.


  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    ya..just dont keep them in the house..stop buying them
  • iambelle
    I say if you can't limit yourself then break the habit...kind of like any other addiction...alcohol, drugs, etc. You may have to wean yourself but if you can't control your intake you shouldn't be taking it in at all. :)
  • starblossom
    starblossom Posts: 7 Member
    I notice I crave two things most: spicy and chocolate. I have the spicy thing under control because I can eat salsa or add peppers, spices or hot sauce to almost everything I cook. I mess with recipes a lot to make them healthy and with raw food, I made a 'raw' chocolate recipe. I haven't found any good low cal chocolate fix though. I know about the chocolate puddings but they don't quite do it for me.

    Maybe I'll just buy a little piece of chocolate at the store instead of the big fancy organic bar :) Or a week long no chocolate challenge. I need to replace that HABIT with something though....
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    chocolate is a vegetable.

    seriously, it's not so bad -- if you plan for it within your allotted calories, don't worry.

  • Smyles2u
    Smyles2u Posts: 48 Member
    @Sleepytexan Lol, I like that~!

    I was like you maybe worse with the chocolate, I weaned myself off of it. I started with not having it in the house then if I had some it would be 70% at least. You can eat 1 oz a day of 70+ chocolate, ot has flavonoids that are good for you, then I just didnt want anymore, now i dont even think about the stuff.
    Good luck!! :)
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    I switched to Dark Chocolate and ration it to 2 squares a day - it's my evening treat. I let it melt slowly in my mouth and the two squares last over half an hour. I don't think I could give up chocolate...
  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    Buy only as much as you'd allow yourself to eat THAT DAY. That way you know that even if you cave and finish it, you still won't feel awful or have eaten enough. This is my trick with all treat foods, because sometimes I don't have that iron will I planned on and can feel safe. :)
  • haileymiller1025
    haileymiller1025 Posts: 3 Member
    i have the same problem when it comes to chocalate. i allow myself one bad day a week and thats the day where if i go over my calorie goal i dont freak out. other than that i wait in till the end of the night and see how much chocalate i can eat with out ruining my goal. its the only compromise that i have came up with thats helped me.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Trader Joe's has these little dark Chocolate Mint UFOs that come in a green bag. Each one is small--like a nonpareil, but without the little white sprinkles. Delish! Like she said, let them melt in your mouth and the mint will also help you feel satisfied. 2 is all I need.
  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    Also something I like to do if I'm planning on a small treat later in the day, is to cut what it's in it throughout my meals. For example, if it's sugary, I'll use milk instead of juice in my smoothie (juice has so much sugar!!) or use a non stick pan instead of canola oil when cooking if it's a fatty treat, etc. Much easier to fit it into my goal then.
  • EmersonLee
    Just wanted to say I feel your pain...I LOVE CHOCOLATE. If I have a chocolate craving My favs are vitatop deep chocolate muffin tops (I buy them at kroger in the frozen health food section, or and they are 100 calories.....or fiber one makes 90 calorie brownies, they arent bad either. I have one a few times a week and don't feel deprived. I also love the dark chocolate and almond KIND bars. Yum.
  • carrie1128
    carrie1128 Posts: 267 Member
    I need chocolate. Daily. You are doing great so instead of feeling guilty about it, allow yourself a small portion a day. I will measure out 1 TBSP of chocolate chips (my weakness) and eat them one at a time - 70 calories. Some days I have chocolate ice cream (I do the Breyer's slow churned a lot as it has less fat) and dish it into a toddler size bowl to control the portion (I do a lot of snacks in my kid's old toddler bowls). I am never going to give it up and I don't feel guilty about it if I'm reasonable.
  • annabell0768

    I don't keep any chocolate at home. If I feel like eating chocolate I go to the store and buy the smallest serving available and eat it then or, I share with someone. I never save any for later.

    It is usually too much work to get in the car and go to the store to buy more. :) good luck!
  • trailrider1963
    I keep 85% dark chocolate around and have some a few times a week, but chocolate was never a problem for me. Everything that was ever a problem for me (mostly pretzels, chips, & sour cream), I had to stop buying, because if it's in the house I will succumb to temptation.
  • jamiesadler
    jamiesadler Posts: 634 Member
    Chocolate is actually very good for you. Buy the bit sized bars in as dark as you can handle. I actually prefer the 90% coca myself. The darker you go the better it is and the less sugars etc.

    I also found some chocolate granola in the organic section of my grocery that I put in yogurt for a 150 calorie snack or i double it for breakfast.