Post Surgery Stage

I had a gastric sleeve surgery performed on May 29th of this year. Being in stage 3, I'm learning to eat in very small portions. Right now, per the dietician's advice, I'm supposed to consume between 800-1000 calories a day, and 90-100 grams of protein a day. I find it hard to reach these goals with such a tiny stomach. Anyone else having these issues? Incouragement and advice are welcome!


  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,365 Member
    I am surprised the dietician didn't give you a schedule or a plan that would help with meals and ensuring you get sufficient protein.

    I haven't had a WLS but if I am looking to up my protein I have a protein shake with milk and some high protein yoghurt, there is at least 28 to 35gms protein depending on the products/brands used. You should be able to tailor the volume for your stomach.

    There is a pretty good WLS forum where you may get some specific WLS advice (and perhaps not so good, but you will be able to sort out what is relevant and what isn't), if you aren't already a member its bariaticpal.

    Hope it all goes well for you!

  • jmoore4984
    jmoore4984 Posts: 6 Member
    lolapop8 wrote: »
    I had a gastric sleeve surgery performed on May 29th of this year. Being in stage 3, I'm learning to eat in very small portions. Right now, per the dietician's advice, I'm supposed to consume between 800-1000 calories a day, and 90-100 grams of protein a day. I find it hard to reach these goals with such a tiny stomach. Anyone else having these issues? Incouragement and advice are welcome!

    Is the surgery worth it so far? I have mines next week.