Team Derby Life Week 1 Mon/Tue (open to skaters/referees)

DavyRockhit Posts: 168
edited October 2024 in Motivation and Support
Team Derby Life Week 1 Mon/Tue (open to skaters/referees)

Weekly Challenges: Staying under calories, Drinking 8 glasses of water a day, skate 2xs a week. Any time during week: endurance or any day that you can fit this into your schedule - skate, non-stop, any pace, for at least 30 minutes

Monday: (week 2 in parenthesis): 25 (30) crunches, 15 (20) push-ups, 5 (8) squats- hold 15 seconds
Tuesday: 30 sec wall squat 30 sec plank repeat 5x (repeat 8x), 10(12) min stretching

Please post at least one time per day to let us know if the challenges are um... challenging enough :) also please post any type of modifications that you suggest or have tried along with encouragement to team members. This is going to be fun.

Welcome to the offical week 1 of Team DERBY LIFE!!! :) yay


  • jcannon15
    jcannon15 Posts: 148
  • alisha17m
    alisha17m Posts: 73 Member

    I'm going to be a day behind you all - I'll do Monday challenges on Tuesdays (AUS time) - It's time for bed here now! :)
  • Arester
    Arester Posts: 138 Member
    bumpity bump
  • rockrosie
    rockrosie Posts: 59 Member
    Hey y'all-

    Challenge completed!

    My modifications:
    Crunches- 25 regular, 25 right side, 25 left side
    Push ups- on toes, not on knees (idk how everyone else is doing them, but there you go)
    Squats- 3 for 15 seconds, 1 for 45 seconds

    I work at home, so I use my morning break to get up from the computer & do a little something- sometimes a very little!
    I really like that today was simple enough to do within earshot of my computer but still a bit of a challenge.

    We did a lot of jumping & running (yes, on skates) at practice last night and my poor old knees are totally feeling it today!
  • runningathena
    runningathena Posts: 218 Member
    Hey derby sisters!

    I will do today's challenge after work and before practice. :) I had a great practice last night, skills refresher, we have assessments on Sunday - the list will come out this week (who's invited to test)! Fingers crossed!

    Derbylove! :drinker:
  • FlamBabe
    FlamBabe Posts: 12
    Challenge Done!!
    Now off to practice:)
  • rockrosie
    rockrosie Posts: 59 Member
    Nice work ladies!

    And wow, Athena, they only allow certain people to test? We allow anyone who makes our attendance requirements (75%). Some people do fall short but they are encouraged to keep training and test during the next go round!
  • Ok, I started out by doing 25 crunches in a row then did some backwards crunches where you lay your arms beside you on the ground keep your back on the ground and push your legs out and then bring them in and boy did they burn… I did this a second time as well. I had to stop several times on the backwards crunches the second set. I think next time I am going to do it in two sets of 15 X2 woah, that was harder than I thought it was going to be
    15 pushups I did first the girl(from the knee) kind then I did 3 sets of 5 actual pushups…those suck and were really hard!
    Squats also sucked!!! But in a good way I did 4 sets then walked the burn off and did the other 4 sets… my legs were still a bit shaky a few min after HAHAHAHAHAHA.
    Overall great day for challenges. I really like these and I am going to try to do them more regularly maybe even when they are not a part of the daily challenge… we’ll see heeeeeheeee.
    Thanks everyone for posting and joining in. I am glad that people are adding their modifications on here so we have a better understanding of how to personalize as needed.

    Here is for your signature if you want it…if not that’s totally understandable… (just change the IMG to lowercase img on both ends)


    website on how to do a reverse crunch it works the lower part of abs... they are super hard HAHAHAHA that must mean that they're good for you right... *wink wink*
  • alisha17m
    alisha17m Posts: 73 Member
    I completed my Monday challenges with a couple of girls before training - we're going to make it a regular thing and focus on core exercises while we're waiting for our session to start at the rink :)

    I managed 3 'man-style' push ups and the rest were lady style - I'm going to challenge myself to make 10 man style ones next week.

    I then had an awesome back to basics training session with a bit of everything - Knee slides, transitions, endurance and I finally had confidence to jump tonight without fear that I'd break a plate :)

    I <3 roller derby!
  • runningathena
    runningathena Posts: 218 Member
    Nice work ladies!

    And wow, Athena, they only allow certain people to test? We allow anyone who makes our attendance requirements (75%). Some people do fall short but they are encouraged to keep training and test during the next go round!

    The way my league works is they have "boot camp" type classes for interested girls - they do it on a "pay as you go" basis with practices once a week. Every 12 weeks they offer assessment testing/"tryouts" to join the league - if they need people. They base it on whether or not they feel you're stable enough to skate in the pack during the league practices (which include scrimmages) and that you have the basic skills necessary to pass the test. They also have a written test on the WTFDA rules.

    In addition to that, if they feel you are stable enough, you can attend the league practices and train with the referees - that's what I've been doing. It's an extra 2-3 practices a week that give me more time on skates, so I've been taking advantage of it like crazy. I've done jam ref a bunch of times, outside pack ref a couple of times, and inside pack ref once (I really, really like being a jam ref). We do more drills and such before the scrimmages because the refs-in-training also have to pass the assessment tests to move on to being a ref at a bout. They are very safety-focused which I think is great. They don't want girls on the track (in the pack) who aren't stable and who will potentially hurt themselves or someone else. It's a win-win for both the new girl and the experienced girls.

    The girls who don't pass/aren't asked to assess just stay in the "boot camp" classes until they are ready or pass the test. It used to be that everyone who joined was in the league, but they just changed it with our group.
  • rockrosie
    rockrosie Posts: 59 Member
    That makes sense to me- we use what we call a "tier" system. Super fresh meat are Tier 1- they learn how to skate, fall, basic skills. They take a safety assessment and then move up to Tier 2 (can take anywhere from 30 days to as long as they need to move up- some have taken 8-9 months) . Tier 2s work more on safety & skating skills and then they are allowed to take the WFTDA assessment which then allows them to skate with the veterans. Then you are Tier 3 until you skate in 3 bouts and then you become a veteran. Right now we have a pretty full roster (with some exceptions because of summer vacations).
  • This is so interesting learning about all of your leagues... I was wondering what size of league you all are in and how many teams per league.

    My league is only a little over a year old. I have been skating for 8 months now. We have two leagues an All star league called the Venomous Vixens and the B-team, the Brass Knuckle Brawlers. I am in the second team. We have about 40 girls total in the league but obviously not all come all the time. WE have about 10 fresh meat girls right now.
  • great website on stretching :)
  • runningathena
    runningathena Posts: 218 Member
    I'm back! The list came out! I AM ON IT!!!! I will be testing on Sunday morning! :happy: Three girls from my group were invited and five from the more senior group.

    Here's how our league works. We have a zombie/goth theme (important to know based on the names, LOL). We also have a tier system (this is as I understand it, I could be slightly off on some of the finer points):

    Bitten - Brand new, fresh meat, learning the basic skills. I am in this group. They start a new one every 12 weeks.

    Infected - Also learning skills, but more senior - under the old system they were in the league as soon as they joined, though not able to scrimmage, etc. (no contact) until they pass the WFTDA test. They changed the name and requirements for my group.

    Dead - Passed the WFTDA skills test, able to scrimmage. Under the new system, Bitten who pass the test go right to Dead without being Infected.

    Undead - There are two levels. Level 1s can bout as "B" team, Level 2 as "A" team/travel/tournaments. (I'm hazy on these specific requirements.)

    The league is three years old and we have two teams - Undead Bettys ("A" team) and The Damned Skaters ("B" team). Some of the girls double dip - some play for both teams, others just for one. I think that is dependent on availability and attendance requirements; not really sure. I'm sure I'll learn it as I go along. I'll just be happy to be more involved on so many levels - committees, meetings, etc. :)
  • Challenge complete. Stretch was hard for me I have a hard time w not being bored. Squats...oh boy! My legs were still sore from yesterday
  • alisha17m
    alisha17m Posts: 73 Member
    Tuesday Challenge done. Damn I hate planks. I can't hold for 30 seconds - something to aim for though!

    A bit about my league... We formed 3 years ago and only started bouting this year. We have one team at the moment (the Chicko Rollers) And held our first home bout on Saturday and attracted a crowd of more than 1000 people! Not bad for a little country league. We were hoping for 500 but realistically expected maybe 300. We doubled our expectations and made a solid profit which means more training sessions at the rink and a whole new batch of fresh meat!

    Up until now fresh meat hadn't been structured - if you wanted to learn you just come along and join in. Our testing is done by stealth more often than not. The coaches run a training session including all elements of the test and focus on a couple of skaters they think are ready (without telling them) then just like that, at the end of the session you have a white star or minimum skills :)

    I'm joining back in with the fresh meat this time around - going back to basics & hoping to improve heaps :)
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