Breakfast Choices

My biggest goal is to cut sugar out of my morning breakfast - I don't have much time and cereal is one of my most fave foods? Just wondering what you all do for breakfast - I need something low in sugar. Does anyone have good ideas for options or cereal low in sugar? Thanks


  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    It's all about the eggs. Omelette with spinach and tuna is my fave. You get a huge one for under 220 calories. Ketchup for another 15. Also plain yoghurt, add seeds and nuts. You wont feel the need for a sugary hit after that.
  • I always love my eeg white veggie omelete with Turkey bacon. I actually make it the night before and just nuke it at work. I add salsa and yum.:smile:
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I drink a herbalife shake. Only 150 cals.
  • spyork
    spyork Posts: 187

    I sometimes have a Granola cereal, sometimes 3 egg omlette on toast and recently Wheat & Rye bread toasted with a little butter. I have to recommend the Wheat & Rye bread as it really fills you up and curbs the sugar cravings at Lunch times.

    Hope this helps
  • Ok here in Australia cooked breakfasts are very rare (except perhaps brunch on weekends)
    I have either
    2 vita brits, 1 tsp LSA and 2/3 Cup skim milk + 1 piece fruit
    40g All Bran, 1 tsp LSA and 2/3 Cup skim milk + 1 piece fruit

    And thats it. I also have morning tea though at 11am which is bigger than breakfast (as I eat at 6-630am before work or the gym and am not than hungry)
    40g natural low fat, low sugar apricot and date untoasted muesli with 100g natural yoghurt
    1 skinny latte

    Hope that gives you an idea. And yup I am boring in my food choices for breakfast and it's great!
  • Yes, the sugar you r getting from the milk is natural sugar. You want to cut out added sugar in your diet but you won't be able to cut it all out! Carbs are sugars as well but there are good and bad carbs (complex and simple) you want to get more complex carbs as we have talked about before, sweetie!
    The cereals that I have reviewed you are eating are the "better" cereals with high fiber content to keep you full through your morning work routine!
    Other options: fruits, whole wheat toast w/ natural peanut butter, low sugar granola bars, and there are several others that I provided you when we first starting training! Please let me know if you need a refresher on any of theses questions! I'm her to help as always u just need to ask!
  • laurenalison
    laurenalison Posts: 8 Member
    Fiber One has a low sugar 80 Calorie/serving graham or caramel graham cereal. I am a ceral addict myself and this is option I usually go with. The high fiber & protien content leaves you feeling full and the sweetness always satisfies my sweet tooth.
  • Thank you for helping me through this.... I just can't seem to scrap my cereal in the mornings but if I can just get into the habit of switching it with something else I think I'll be more satisfied come 10am when I'm dying of hunger;) Thanks so much sweets; let's review it again at our appointment tommorrow!
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    1) honey bunches of oats, skim milk and a half a cup of blueberries or strawberries, or a chopped up banana.
    2) oatmeal with a half a cup of blueberries
    3) eggs. scrambled, poached, fried, omlets. i don't cut out the yellow yolk. ever. tons of flavor, and plenty of good stuff in it.
  • i started making my own sugar free granola because I'm sugar free as well and can't live without cereal

    i sweetened it with a bit of honey

    it's filling, cheap, nutritious and sugar free

    oats - seeds (pumpkin, sunflower, sesame), chopped nuts, very little oil (EVO or Canola), honey and raisins

    another great breakfast

    quinoa with cinnamon and raisins
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Check out there's some good ideas on there.
  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
    One option is to cut the amount of cereal at breakfast and add a two egg white omellete (provolone or monterey jack cheese with fresh spinach liven it up). This should raise the combined Glycemic index of the whole meal, slow the processing of the sugar and cause you to get hungry later.

    Try it for a week and see what happens.
  • lf2six
    lf2six Posts: 2
    I'd suggest porridge (it only takes 2-3 mins in the microwave), with a banana for sweetness and a sprinkling of cinnamon. You can add a squeeze of honey, or a teaspoon of peanut butter (trust me, it works!)

    It's such a filling, low fat/low in sugar breakfast. The banana works particularly well if it's ripe and sweet.

    You can get fruit sugar in larger supermarkets - that's something to note, and I've been adding that to my tea in the mornings.

    As others have said, you could also try a poached egg or scrambled eggs on wholemeal bread.

    It's important to have something full of protein to keep you going until lunchtime :-)
  • kfitz10103
    kfitz10103 Posts: 354
    I do a low-cal whole wheat english muffin with egg, turkey and cheese. 245 calories and ready in 5 minutes. I put the egg in a small bowl, scramble and microwave for about 40 seconds.
  • Munched
    Munched Posts: 14 Member
    I like to soak some porridge oats ( not oatmeal) in yogurt over night then add fresh fruit in the morning. Really filling, tastes great plus oats help lower cholesterol and are good for the digestion. Yum!
    PS because you make it the night before it saves time when your in a hurry to get out the house for work!
  • Kashi go lean isn't bad, and has good protein. Try it with trader joes unsweeted coconut milk beverage. I love that stuff and it's 1 carb for a cup I think.

    I don't do cereal as often anymore, and if I do, I go for ones that have a higher protein/fiber, or I end up eating more calories than I like (ie, I still feel hungry.)

    My fav right now tho is cottage cheese/stevia/lemon followed by a hard boiled egg... the cereal has been getting ignored lately.