Tips for calming yourself down...

kds10 Posts: 452 Member
I find that when I start getting anxious/stressed, etc. about something that is happening in my life I tend to really internalize it and it manifests itself by a nervous tummy/sleep issues/being unable to focus on other things such as work, etc. and I want to be able to calm myself down and stay focused on other things and tell myself that everything will work out. I guess part of the problem is I tend to be an overreactive/ruminative thinker by nature and I tend to think negatively about how things will turn out so that doesn't help:(

Any tips would be much appreciated TIA!


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Sounds like generalized anxiety disorder. I did a few months of therapy/counseling, and I take CBD oil in the morning before work and in the evening before bed. I take a smaller dose in the morning and larger dose before bed, and I sleep like a rock.

    I used to have narcotic tranquilizer pills with me most of the time for when things were really bad...I haven't needed them since going to therapy and started using CBD.
  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    Have you tried any kind of meditation, yoga, pilates or breathing exercises?

    If you have a park or quiet spot in nature, even your front porch, just to be able to get away from the negative space.

    I cuddle my dogs. They're the best medicine for a bad day.
  • ghudson92
    ghudson92 Posts: 2,061 Member
    I get the same physical responses you have described, along with ibs.
    I have found it useful to write down everything as it comes to your mind. Often as you're writing it you can start looking at it more subjectively. Also - exercise works wonders.
  • kds10
    kds10 Posts: 452 Member
    LyndaBSS wrote: »
    Have you tried any kind of meditation, yoga, pilates or breathing exercises?

    If you have a park or quiet spot in nature, even your front porch, just to be able to get away from the negative space.

    I cuddle my dogs. They're the best medicine for a bad day.

    Yeah I have tried mediation, etc. at night but I find I do it more when all is good in my life but when things get stressful I tend to let it slide because then my mind starts going non stop so I think why bother...ironic I know but that is what I do. I guess when I am most frazzled is when I should make a point to concentrate on breathing and meditation.

  • mtndewme
    mtndewme Posts: 724 Member
    I’m the same way. Right now I take St. John’s wart and I was taking cbd oil. I’m in the middle of seeing if St. John’s wart will work on it’s own because cbd oil is expensive.
    Meditation and aroma therapy calm me down a bit. Exercise helped in the past and I’m going to start that again too. Deep breaths and positive thoughts.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    edited September 2019
    kds10 wrote: »
    I find that when I start getting anxious/stressed, etc. about something that is happening in my life I tend to really internalize it and it manifests itself by a nervous tummy/sleep issues/being unable to focus on other things such as work, etc. and I want to be able to calm myself down and stay focused on other things and tell myself that everything will work out. I guess part of the problem is I tend to be an overreactive/ruminative thinker by nature and I tend to think negatively about how things will turn out so that doesn't help:(

    Any tips would be much appreciated TIA!

    I just went through this 2 weeks ago! It is a horrible feeling. Tummy is sick, wake up at 2-3 AM in the morning because ur mind is thinking about the worse case scenario and then i found myself in a deep depression that was making me just want to sleep.

    How I got out? Prayer and exercise!! My hubby forced me to get out of bed and get my butt in the gym because that is what i do. Working out is my life. The workout helped me tremendously. Getting back into my routine helped me tons. And prayer eased my thoughts especially negative thoughts!

    As time goes on I felt much better and although the issue is still there I am able to handle it much better by staying positive and most important staying in my routine.

    Sorry you are going through this. Life is never going to be perfect. We all suffer downs. It's how we handle the downs is when we get back on top!
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member

    .... at the gym


  • kds10
    kds10 Posts: 452 Member
    dbanks80 wrote: »
    kds10 wrote: »
    I find that when I start getting anxious/stressed, etc. about something that is happening in my life I tend to really internalize it and it manifests itself by a nervous tummy/sleep issues/being unable to focus on other things such as work, etc. and I want to be able to calm myself down and stay focused on other things and tell myself that everything will work out. I guess part of the problem is I tend to be an overreactive/ruminative thinker by nature and I tend to think negatively about how things will turn out so that doesn't help:(

    Any tips would be much appreciated TIA!

    I just went through this 2 weeks ago! It is a horrible feeling. Tummy is sick, wake up at 2-3 AM in the morning because ur mind is thinking about the worse case scenario and then i found myself in a deep depression that was making me just want to sleep.

    How I got out? Prayer and exercise!! My hubby forced me to get out of bed and get my butt in the gym because that is what i do. Working out is my life. The workout helped me tremendously. Getting back into my routine helped me tons. And prayer eased my thoughts especially negative thoughts!

    As time goes on I felt much better and although the issue is still there I am able to handle it much better by staying positive and most important staying in my routine.

    Sorry you are going through this. Life is never going to be perfect. We all suffer downs. It's how we handle the downs is when we get back on top!

    Gosh for sure...I find the early morning awakenings are not good...I will often wake up between 3 and 5 if something is bothering me...I hate it! Then first thing I do is start thinking...gah!
  • pizzamyheart
    pizzamyheart Posts: 1,836 Member
    Don’t be too loud.
  • slessofme
    slessofme Posts: 7,740 Member
    A combo of HIIT and hypnosis has helped me.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    I'm not allowed to talk about it....

  • KosmosKitten
    KosmosKitten Posts: 10,476 Member
    I had to resort to medication for this as it was generalized and social anxiety disorder. Yours might not be as severe, but mine was bad enough that it would give me digestive issues (disturbing IBS symptoms). However, while medication has helped a lot, I find I still have to resort to breathing techniques and practices to "clear" the mind otherwise, I can't sleep or get anything done as I will start to obsess about those things causing me strife.

    You literally have to close your eyes and do NOTHING except concentrate on breathing. Think about your breath, how fast or slow it is, control it. Takes a bit of practice to do, but it has helped, particularly when I want to sleep and my brain won't shut the *kitten* up due to anxiety nonsense.

    Otherwise, you can get something like a fidget spinner or some fun pen and just repetitively click it or use it when you're stressed out in public places. Concentrate on the noises and feeling of the device you're using. Helps focus your brain on something.. ANYTHING else.

    Sorry I can't be more help.
  • kam26001
    kam26001 Posts: 2,794 Member
    I just tell myself, "If I die, I die."

    *kitten* it. 🤸🏼‍♂️

    All these years I've been reading Marx, Locke, Plato... when it was Drago who had it right all along.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    ghudson92 wrote: »
    I get the same physical responses you have described, along with ibs.
    I have found it useful to write down everything as it comes to your mind. Often as you're writing it you can start looking at it more subjectively. Also - exercise works wonders.

    I definitely agree with all of this! I also think sometimes it can be extremely helpful to formulate a plan. Whether your worries are very small or very major...long term or short term. I find for me it's very helpful to have a plan in mind and to take steps to improve the situation, even if it's something beyond your control there is usually SOMETHING you can do that will help even if it's as seemingly insignificant as staying hydrated or calling your loved one on x day of the week...where there's progress, there is less anxiety, at least for me.
  • ghudson92
    ghudson92 Posts: 2,061 Member
    ghudson92 wrote: »
    I get the same physical responses you have described, along with ibs.
    I have found it useful to write down everything as it comes to your mind. Often as you're writing it you can start looking at it more subjectively. Also - exercise works wonders.

    I definitely agree with all of this! I also think sometimes it can be extremely helpful to formulate a plan. Whether your worries are very small or very major...long term or short term. I find for me it's very helpful to have a plan in mind and to take steps to improve the situation, even if it's something beyond your control there is usually SOMETHING you can do that will help even if it's as seemingly insignificant as staying hydrated or calling your loved one on x day of the week...where there's progress, there is less anxiety, at least for me.

    I've just realised I wrote subjectively instead of objectively. Oops.
    Also, another advocate of planning.