

  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    All right week 2 (of part 2!)

    Let's talk PERSONAL WEAPONS!


    Ha. uhhhh. Oh ok here's mine!
    MyFitnessPal is a great site that I use to track the food I eat and participate in fun challenges with other people who are trying to get fit!

    (Haha, I got it first so none of you can use it now!!!)


    Uh in case that doesn't count -- I live in California where any restaurant with more than 20 locations MUST post calories on their menus. And this is totally making my weight loss happen, if I had to try and cook healthy meals at home all the time or eat frozen meals or something I would probably not be doing as well.

    (was that a better one?)
  • jenfunfur
    jenfunfur Posts: 263 Member
    hey guys :)
    my weapon is a good pair of kitchen scales, guessing portion sizes just does'nt work for me.
    started the challenge, i'm gonna destroy it this week!
    350/2500 steps
    6/60 tricep dips
  • bubblesburst80
    bubblesburst80 Posts: 1,152 Member
    ok my personal challenge is to eat more fruit and veg - get yoghurt for my smoothie maker!
    so i guess my weapon could be a big knife - for chopping all that fruit and veg!

    i don't have a stepper but do have stairs, just wondering how i count it, there are 14, is it 7 each time up?
  • I think this week will be a week of No TV unless I'm on the stepper. Can't wait.

    As for my personal weapon: My biggest help and motivation is Tumblr. It might sound silly but having a personal blog like tumblr and following a lot of amazing girls and guys who are also on a weight loss journey is motivating.

    check me out

    also my on of my favorite success stories check her out!!

    Hope everyone has an amazing week
  • glittermouse
    glittermouse Posts: 590 Member
    {This was in the main thread, but I didn't see it here. Hope no one minds . . .}

    WEEK 8 (8/29-9/4)

    It’s been a grueling haul. You’re in desperate need of basic supplies and you’re exhausted after facing all the zombies lurking on the cliffs. You do, however, feel a glimmer of relief knowing you made it to the 25 mile mark. This place is barren and deserted, with the exception of the undead laying all over. You can tell there’s been no sign of life for a while. Off in the distance you see a small hill that seems to be out of place.

    The team heads over the pitted terrain, being careful to kill the undead that are awakening at the smell of human life again. Once you arrive to the bunker, you search for something to get the door open. Shouts from your teammates are heard…“I’ve got my crowbar”…”You can use my grenade”…”I’ve got a machete”…All of you have been carrying various survival items in your pack. LANTERN823 takes a pickaxe to the door and breaks the lock. Anticipation builds as you join together in attempts to bust the door open. It’s heavy, you cannot do it alone, several of your teammates help you and the door finally swings open.

    With your adrenaline still racing…you peer into the bunker only to find...empty darkness! BABYDULL lights a flare and tosses it down. It seems to go for eternity…but it finally hits the bottom. It’s difficult to see with the nothing but the light of the flare, but you refuse to waste your supplies. BRENTGETSFIT & MELISSARAETERRY volunteer to go first. As they begin to make their way, they realize some of the steps are missing…they warn the teams that they’ll have to lower themselves down over the missing steps to ensure everyone makes it down safely.

    You and your team can only imagine what awaits you down there. Would there be other survivors…Bountiful supplies…More ammunition…Radio communication? You won’t know until you make quick work of those stairs…and be careful on those missing steps!

    To Make 100% Of This Week’s Challenge…You’ll Need To Complete:

    *Choose A Personal Weapon & Share It With Your Team (To Help You Along The Way)
    *2500 Stairs (To See What Awaits You Inside)
    *60 Tricep Dips (Lowering Yourself Over The Missing Steps)


    *Choose A Personal Weapon: This is an item you carry in your survival pack and would not be able to make it without. You must share a tip with your team…something that keeps you going on your weight loss/fitness journey (your key to survival). Share your weapon with your team.

    *Only GOING UP THE STAIRS counts. Even though the bunker is underground…this challenge is to go UP 2500 stairs. You can use actual stairs in your home or a building…or a stair climber type machine.

    *Aerobic steps or Wii steps do count, however, a four-count (up, up, down, down) is considered 1 Step.

    *This is a re-visit of our very first challenge in July. We had to get out of the building by climbing stairs. Let’s see how far you’ve come…and for those who just joined us…make great work of those stairs…we may see them again.

    *Tricep Dips can be as low or high intensity as you choose (here are some examples)
    Bent Leg:
    Straight Leg:

    As always, challenge yourself to do the highest percentage you can...If you have any questions or need modifications...let your captain know.

    Have A Fabulous Week!
    Get To It
  • mmiiaa
    mmiiaa Posts: 171 Member
    My Personal Challenge: Drink 10 Glasses of Water Per Day! Lately, I've been slacking on my water hardcore. I've noticed a difference in my eating - I'm eating more, to fill the void that probably isn't there. Water makes me feel full. 2 Cups with every meal.

    My Personal Weapon: My biggest motivator is my own body. I want to look down, and see something other than flab, so everyday I wake up unhappy with my body, I wake up ready to change. Tip with that weapon? Never decide that it's okay for you to be unhappy with things you can change.

    My Personal Goal: 400 Steps + 10 Tricep Dips A Day

    Steps: 0000/2500
    Dips : 000/060
    Water: 002/070
  • MelissaRaeTerry
    MelissaRaeTerry Posts: 377 Member
    This should be interesting... I don't usually incorporate stair stepping into my workouts, good thing I live on the fourth floor of my building! hehe.....todays workout was killer! Took place on the football field, six sets of 10 dips, jog across the field sprint up the hill run down jog back across the field then run up the 30 steps! Not to mention every bathroom break a walk up and down 3 flts of stairs twice (60 total) I'm going to make this challenge my B**** !!!! haha
  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 748 Member
    Well my weapon is to always be prepared: This is something I use mainly on my 12-14hr work days, but can apply to anything. I always pack lots of small healthy snacks like baby carrots, trail mix, pita chips/hummus, yogurt, ect. Then I eat something every 2 hrs. This keeps me from ever feeling hungry, keeps my energy up and helps me to stay away from all of the tempting junk food that we have all over my work!!!
  • MakinMoves
    MakinMoves Posts: 364
    :heart: I LOVE TEAM RANGED!!!!!:heart:

    Hey Guys...

    As I was submitting our scores, I totaled that we completed almost 500 Miles & over 1000 Airplanes as a team!!!! :love: :noway: :love: WHOO HOO. Athenawho is working on posting the results and we should see them shortly...but I just wanted to say HOW FABULOUS you are!

    This upcoming week...STAIRS STAIRS STAIRS....
    We climbed 1800+ stairs for our first challenge back in July....but we all start fresh this week with 2500!!!

    As always....push yourself to do the best you can...and you will get credit for EVERYTHING you do...

    See You Soon!
    :heart: xoxox
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    My Personal Weapon: Being a SAHM, its hard finding a way to exercise with my toddler boys. One of the easiest ways to get in a workout is walking. I plan my walking when its time for their nap. So, while the boys get a good nap, I get my workout in :smile:
  • sbrown6
    sbrown6 Posts: 334 Member
    Hi All!

    I haven't been doing a very good job of checking in. I am going to make an effort to check in much more often.

    My personal weapon is to bring plenty of healthy food to work with me. I keep plenty of healthy snacks at my desk and fresh healthy food for lunch.
  • athenawho
    athenawho Posts: 253
    Week 7 Results.

    I want to tell everyone great job this week, I can see the hard work! If you don’t see it, just remember there are so many unhealthy people in this world who don’t take the first step, and both teams together have taken over 3,000,000 steps this week!


    Total Team Weight loss: 33.6 lbs or .77%
    Total Miles: 519.81 or 95%
    Total Airplanes: 1067 or 121%

    Explosives -

    Total Team Weight loss: 36.6 or .87%
    Total Miles: 388.67 or 71%
    Total Airplanes: 1702 or 193%

    I believe that makes Explosives the winners this week with .1% higher weight loss and 76% higher in Airplanes, although Ranged dominated the miles!

    WL = Weight Loss
    WG = Weight Gain
    M = Miles
    A = Airplanes


    .27% WL / 80% M / 150% A

    .91% WL / 68% M / 100% A

    1.07% WL / 0% M / 0% A

    .82% WL /90% M /150% A

    .61% WL / 216% M / 113% A

    .44% WL / 100% M / 50% A

    .74% WL / 72% M / 0% A

    .56% WL / 36% M / 25% A

    0% WL / 80% M / 150% A
    (We don’t have all your numbers!)

    1.53% WL / 112% M /100% A

    0% WL / 80% M /150% A

    0% WL / 91% M /125% A

    MAKINMOVES - Captain
    .90% WL / 91% M / 125% A

    .26% WG / 194% M / 100% A

    .45% WL /188% M /100% A

    0% WL / 92% M / 150% A

    .33% WL / 68% M / 400% A

    .77% WL / 112% M / 0% A

    .26% WG / 84% M / 100% M

    1.96% WL / 72% M / 150% A

    1.53% WL / 60% M / 100% A

    3.64% WL / 52% M /230% A

    Ranged MVPs:
    Total Weight Loss Percentage - TIFFYCOOPER 3.64%!
    Total Weight Loss - TIFFYCOOPER 8.0 lbs!
    Total Miles- CHRISSCHRISS 54 Miles!
    Total Airplanes- MMIIAA 160 Airplanes!

    Great Job, Ranged!


    1.78% WL / 86% M / 100% A

    .86% WL / 72% M / 400% A

    ATHENAWHO - Captain
    1.65% WL / 120% M / 250% A

    .83% WL / 102% M / 600% M

    1.20% WL / 100% M / 225% A

    0% WL/ 116% M / 200% A

    2.22 WL / 108% M / 100% A

    (We don’t have any of your numbers!)

    .56% WG / 64% M / 300% A

    .09% WG / 46% M / 238% A

    0% WL / 23% M / 100% A

    0% WL / 36% M / 5% A

    1.81% WL / 32% M / 125% A

    1.80% WL / 153% M / 503% A

    .71% WL / 114% M / 250% A

    .39% WL / 54% M / 210% A

    1.78% WL / 50% M / 0% A

    .40% WL / 79% M / 250% A

    1.54% WL / 200% M / 400% A

    Explosives MVPs:
    Total Weight Loss Percentage - CDOMOE 2.22% Weight Loss!
    Total Weight Loss - JWATERS1006 5.4 lbs lost!
    Total Miles- XCOUNTRYGUY 50 Miles!
    Total Airplanes- BABYBLUZ33 240 Airplanes!

    Also we haven’t heard from these people, if we don’t hear from them by next week, we’re taking them out of the competition:

    CFINE66 -Explosives
    EBELLISS -Explosives
    QUARBOPLE -Explosives

    If you have any info about them, contact me!

    Again great job, everyone!

    Final note: IF YOU ARE INJURED or get injured, contact your Captain, we can work something out!
  • MakinMoves
    MakinMoves Posts: 364
    Ahhhhhh......did that say


    Urgh...too close....but honestly we are on fire and will get em next wdek oxoxox
  • michz
    michz Posts: 102
    My recent Personal Weapon has been Diet Tonic Water. Odd weapon, I know. It has been super refreshing during the summer when I want something more than water and typically have gone for a beer. It tastes just "off" enough I feel like I'm drinking a mixed drink and yet not nearly as harmful! I love love love diet tonic water!

    And a slow start to the challenge but here are some numbers for this week:
    Steps: 195/2500
    Dips : 10/60

    Good luck this week! Let's Get it done Ranged!
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Ahhhhhh......did that say


    Urgh...too close....but honestly we are on fire and will get em next wdek oxoxox

    Yes, we will get them next week! We will step all over the explosives this week! :laugh:
  • MakinMoves
    MakinMoves Posts: 364
    Hey Team Ranged!!!!
    How are those stairs and dips coming?!?!!?

    I've Got:
    986 / 2500 Stairs
    10 / 60 Dips

    My Survival Tip: SHARE THE JOURNEY! This is the first time I've ever engaged others in my weight loss / fitness efforts. Previously...when I would try and focus on getting healthier, new diets, new programs, etc...I would kind of keep it in the closet. In the back of my mind somewhere I believed I would fail and didn't want others to see my failure. This time...I began sharing my journey....with family, friends, and of course found MFP! And it clicked...the people you share with aren't there to critize...they are there for support! I am so committed...I'm not afraid to share....I don't recognize my scale 'ups' as failure...I refuse to throw in the towel at the slighest mistake. I truly recognize this as a JOURNEY not a quick fix. One of my MFP friends quoted this to me and I stick with it daily....THANK GOD THIS IS A MARATHON....ITS NOT A SPRINT!
  • MelissaRaeTerry
    MelissaRaeTerry Posts: 377 Member
    I've Got:
    1820 / 2500 Stairs
    80 / 60 Dips

    Remember your head will give up before your body does! :tongue:
  • Sweetpeagrl
    Sweetpeagrl Posts: 168 Member
    Little behind on listing my person weapon but here it is:

    Personal Weapon: My pedometer. I take it everywhere. It keeps me motivated to walk as much as possible. I always try and up myself and walk more than I did the day before. Its like my own little challenge to myself and helps me get up from my desk more than I use to during the days. It's a little thing, but it seems to help me!! :-)

    420/2500 Stairs
    20/60 Dips

    Really want to put in as much as I can this week. Having surgery next Tuesday and dont know how much I will be able to get done in next weeks challenge!

    GO TEAM RANGED....we got this this week!!!!! :glasses:
  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 748 Member
    Ok heres mine as of today:
    400/2500 stairs
    10-60 Dips - these are killing me!!!
  • bubblesburst80
    bubblesburst80 Posts: 1,152 Member
    450/2500 steps
    0/60 tricep dips
    4 servings of fruit and veg yesterday