
I've been running a little on the treadmill, the track at the gym, and outside - I really like it. I'd like to try and train to run 3-5 miles if possible. Does anyone have any tips?


  • StaciMarie2020
    StaciMarie2020 Posts: 68 Member
    Couch to 5k or Galloway method.

    And sign up for an event. You'll love it. If I could afford to do a 5k every week I would. The 'training' runs can get dull and boring, but the events don't!
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,006 Member
    I would recommend a C25K app.
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,686 Member
    A lot of people do well with the Couch to 5k app or something similar (i.e. Run Zombies Run). If you don't want that much structure, you can do your own version by mapping out a 3 mile route, then, after warming up with a 5 minute walk, jog slowly as far as you can, walk until you catch your breath, then jog slowly again. Do the route 3-4 times a week. (Or do it on the TM if that's more convenient.) Try to go a bit farther with your jogging each time until you are able to run the whole way. Most important tip: when you are running, go really slowly. It should be a jog, not a sprint. You will be able to go much farther if you take it easy. Speed will come later.
  • MPDean
    MPDean Posts: 99 Member
    Couch to 5k or Galloway method.

    And sign up for an event. You'll love it. If I could afford to do a 5k every week I would. The 'training' runs can get dull and boring, but the events don't!
    Are you in the UK? If so it sounds like you need to find your nearest parkrun.
  • emmamcgarity
    emmamcgarity Posts: 1,594 Member
    Couch to 5k is a great program. Parkrun is also an amazing way to connect with local runners who know about programs offered through running clubs.
  • lemongingertea
    lemongingertea Posts: 6 Member
    Just repeating what others have said but I genuinely love Couch to 5K. I found it so motivating and always trusted that I could do the next run. In the early weeks it has loads of walking breaks too which I found made it easier to pick up the willpower to get out and run. It gets you up to 35 mins non-stop running in 8 weeks which for most people would be 5K or more. I went on to do the 10K Runner app from the same people and that worked for me as well.

    I sometimes use zombies run at the same time if I need extra motivation. You can have both playing on your phone at once and still listen to music or whatever.

    Good luck!
  • RealWorldStrengthLLC
    jadu1536 wrote: »
    I've been running a little on the treadmill, the track at the gym, and outside - I really like it. I'd like to try and train to run 3-5 miles if possible. Does anyone have any tips?

    Progressive overload just like with lifting. Run one mile a few times in one week. The next week do 2. Then 3 and so on.

    The major difference between steady state cardio and lifting is that you can pretty much push through steady state mentally as far as your mental toughness will allow (within reason)
  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,757 Member
    couch to 5k is awesome

    I know a few people who did their own version of this. Walk a minute, jog a minute...repeat. Next day try walk a minute jog 2 mins etc...improvement is startling.
  • steeliebob
    steeliebob Posts: 55 Member
    I started with C25k back in early 2015. It did the trick and slowly saw my times improve and weight fly off if stuck with the program.

    I moved up to a couple of 10 and 12k races over the years.... And my normal every few day run was a 5k plus.

    I sadly got away from running regularly last winter, a combination of my bad back getting hurt (from my job) and a horrendously cold winter that saw my usual route an icy mess.

    I started back in early summer and have logged a lot of miles and taken the vast majority of my weight gain if the last two years back off. Next weekend, I've signed myself up for a half marathon... Based on last long train run on Saturday, I think I've got this. All for a fella that could barely run a mile the first 45 years of his life. Thanks to C25k and some inspiration :)
  • jadu1536
    jadu1536 Posts: 112 Member
    Thanks for the feedback everyone