cheat meals???

I find myself eating cheat meals which eventually turn into cheat days. Not the best at staying motivated after eating junk and sweets, which then leads to me feeling discouraged and bad about what I’ve put into my body for the whole day, so continue to do so. How do I build up the willpower to just be okay with one junk meal, and not a whole day of eating like crap??? Should I just cut the “junk meal once a week” concept out entirely? How do you all in the same position go about this problem?


  • jujie77
    jujie77 Posts: 4 Member
    I’ve always had this problem too. Especially once I let myself have ‘just one’ of something sweet. It opens the flood gates. But I think I’m finally starting to turn a corner and am just so tired of letting one indulgence ruin a whole day & know that it won’t make me feel good to eat badly for the rest of the day. I’ll regret it and physically not feel well and I’m so tired of it that lately, I tell myself it’s not worth it and it’s working.
  • _liaa
    _liaa Posts: 20 Member

    jujie77 wrote: »
    I’ve always had this problem too. Especially once I let myself have ‘just one’ of something sweet. It opens the flood gates. But I think I’m finally starting to turn a corner and am just so tired of letting one indulgence ruin a whole day & know that it won’t make me feel good to eat badly for the rest of the day. I’ll regret it and physically not feel well and I’m so tired of it that lately, I tell myself it’s not worth it and it’s working.

    Going to have to keep telling myself it’s not for the best as I’ll regret it! Keep up with this, so glad it’s been working out lately for you!
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    _liaa wrote: »
    I find myself eating cheat meals which eventually turn into cheat days. Not the best at staying motivated after eating junk and sweets, which then leads to me feeling discouraged and bad about what I’ve put into my body for the whole day, so continue to do so. How do I build up the willpower to just be okay with one junk meal, and not a whole day of eating like crap??? Should I just cut the “junk meal once a week” concept out entirely? How do you all in the same position go about this problem?

    Do you log everything you eat, ideally using a food scale, even on your cheat meals?

  • _liaa
    _liaa Posts: 20 Member
    @WinoGelato I’ve been logging food in a journal for so long! As stupid as it sounds I’ve never thought about logging in “cheat meals” just to give myself that freedom away from the calorie counting. Maybe if I start it will deter me from turning one meal into a whole day’s worth of junk!
  • _liaa
    _liaa Posts: 20 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    _liaa wrote: »
    @WinoGelato I’ve been logging food in a journal for so long! As stupid as it sounds I’ve never thought about logging in “cheat meals” just to give myself that freedom away from the calorie counting. Maybe if I start it will deter me from turning one meal into a whole day’s worth of junk!

    Yes, that is my suggestion. Log EVERYTHING you eat. Pre Log meals that you think are going to be more indulgent so you can see the impact it will have on your day or week. You may be surprised, there may be some things that aren’t as bad as you think and others you decide aren’t worth it.

    Curious why you use a journal instead of logging here?

    Also many of us “bank” calories throughout the week to have a higher allowance on weekend for more calorific indulgences. That may not be a whole meal might be a piece of cake or an appetizer before dinner.

    But yes, LOG everything. It gives you accurate data if nothing else.

    Definitely have tried the whole saving calories for a cheat meal once a week, thanks for the advice!

    Also to answer your question I do both (mainly logging on here for further details on food I’m eating), just been in a habit for years keeping a physical journal for calories!
  • fatoldladyonamission
    I don't do cheat days. If I want something I make sure it fits with my calories for the day and I don't have it until last thing that day so I won;t have anything else. If I can't make it fir my calories I get on my treadmill until it does and if that isn't possible I log it, realise the damage it'll do and then don't have it. Instead of giving in to the craving do something that makes it hard to give in. Go for a bath, paint your nails, brush your teeth, drink a pint of water. Whatever it takes to get away from the craving. So far it is working for me.
  • teresa19622015
    teresa19622015 Posts: 34 Member
    Cheat meals just don’t work for me. Like you they turn into cheat days then it’s really hard to get back on track. If I go over my calorie goal for the day I cut back another. And I never eat over maintenance which is still be a deficit for my current weight (maintenance for my goal weight I mean). I don’t eat back my exercise calories either.
    However, I’m going abroad at Christmas and I know I will be eating a lot. So I’ve made a deal with myself if I keep on track for next three months then I’m allowing myself two free weeks. Then straight back on it when I return.
  • _liaa
    _liaa Posts: 20 Member

    Yes it is a recent pic, struggling to maintain a large deficit too. About 4 weeks or so since I’ve had my last diet break per say

    Also would love to eat later than I usually do, but I always always end up feeling ill if I wait too late to eat
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,029 Member
    When I was on a mission to lose some weight, I didn't go over my calories ... ever.

    Other people do it other ways, but that worked for me.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,480 Member
    Log everything no matter what. Using some of the suggestions here, make your plan better to provide for some higher calorie days or indulgences.

    Try to get away from the cheat mentality. While drawing red lines that we keep crossing is counterproductive, the fix is usually picking better lines, not harsher enforcement. Look for stuff you can work into your plan or things that can be modified. Do you really need cheese on that burger?
  • moonangel12
    moonangel12 Posts: 971 Member
    Logging food has given me freedom - it’s like a budget for your body! You feel restricted in some ways, but there is freedom in knowing you CAN have your wants... if it fits in your budget. You can save for wants, guilt free! I knew we were going out one day, went light for breakfast and lunch, and was able to eat out without feeling bad about myself or the food decision. I eat a small serving of potato chips at night, if I have calories to burn. Or Creme Brûlée almonds. Or the 80 calorie orange creamsicle ice cream bar. If I don’t have anything left in my food budget for the day? Then I don’t. I chew a piece of gum instead :p by default I don’t snack much earynin the day, “just in case”
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    _liaa wrote: »

    Yes it is a recent pic, struggling to maintain a large deficit too. About 4 weeks or so since I’ve had my last diet break per say

    Also would love to eat later than I usually do, but I always always end up feeling ill if I wait too late to eat

    What are your stats? Why is your deficit so large? If you are close to goal (which it looks like you are) I would recommend slowing down loss. This will help with adherence, maintenance of your loss as well as muscle retention and exercise performance.

    If you want to fit in treats you can try that. Eating a treat does not cancel out the rest of your day, so try to change your mentality on that. You can also try saving up calories for treats. I calorie cycle/bank so I have more wiggle room on weekends but despite a higher calorie allowance those days there is still control.
  • igutt
    igutt Posts: 97 Member
    I’d say have 2 cheat meals a week first and try to make that one and stay at one you’ll be ok but stay at 2 cheat meals a week for a couple of weeks
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    Why call it a "cheat" meal??? Just make it work. Eat at maintenance that day. Cut back somewhere else. Eat 1/2 a plate and save the rest for the next day. meal will not make or break you as long as you get back to what you need to be doing.