yet another TOM post...



  • ginny1214
    ginny1214 Posts: 338
    Thank you implanon for giving me one day of crazy emotions that make me need to go to the gym to blow off steam, and 2 day periods if that's even called a period, and thanks for no weight gain during that time either
  • HollyTsiaussis
    HollyTsiaussis Posts: 415 Member
    I like to stab men in the temple with scissors and shove a baseball bat....

    Oh, women only, my bad again.

  • paulaGetshealthy
    You guys are hilarious, but no help at all! ;)
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I'm a fan of tubal ligation. I may have normal periods, but I don't have any chemicals in my body and I can't reproduce.
  • taranmisty
    taranmisty Posts: 48 Member
    Get a Mirena IUD. No menses and fully functional 365!
  • cschu544
    cschu544 Posts: 320 Member
    You are the only person I've ever heard of that has the same EXACT TOM as I do. My cramps come a week early along with ALL of the stupid bloating and all that... a week early. None of my friends can ever relate. Then I start seeing my chocolate intake going up and I know it's coming. I hold my water wait for like 7 days, then when TOM comes it's only a 2 day cycle (with maybe a few days of spotting) But seriously. I totally get where you're coming from. My boyfriend actually get's a warning from me the week before... my mood swings are terrible, I wish I could control them but I can't. No good.. TOM sucks.
  • jwgca
    jwgca Posts: 44
    i don't think i can say " i feel your pain " but i can sincerely say that i am sorry for the pain you are in?
  • futurefitgirl88
    My only TOM symptom is weight gain ....never had any cramps or pain. But my bf does say I get incredibly moody and *****y during my TOM...haha :P which is not true (lol maybe a little)
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    You guys are hilarious, but no help at all! ;)

    okay the reason you are fatigued could be because of the increased metabolism .. so it could be dehydration and not enough calories. You also want to increase your iron and potassium intake. That is how I avoid the fatigue ... the water helps with cramps.
  • paulaGetshealthy
    You are the only person I've ever heard of that has the same EXACT TOM as I do. My cramps come a week early along with ALL of the stupid bloating and all that... a week early. None of my friends can ever relate. Then I start seeing my chocolate intake going up and I know it's coming. I hold my water wait for like 7 days, then when TOM comes it's only a 2 day cycle (with maybe a few days of spotting) But seriously. I totally get where you're coming from. My boyfriend actually get's a warning from me the week before... my mood swings are terrible, I wish I could control them but I can't. No good.. TOM sucks.

    In my house everyone knows when TOM is approaching because I get super moody.
  • Michelle_M2002
    Michelle_M2002 Posts: 301 Member
    B vitamins really help with the fatigue. I get my supplements from my chiropractor who practices Nutrition Response Testing and can tell me exactly which vitmains/minerals I need and how much of each! So she has me hooked up with good stuff that reduces cramps, bloating and helps with energy.

    Also helpful to me... hot decaf mint tea with a dose or two of St. John's wart. It's a natural mood stabilizer as well as a natural pain reliever. And the hot tea is the perfect vehicle for it.

    I was going to type something witty and funny like the other posters... but it's late and I'm too tired to think of something. LOL

    God bless!
  • Leanne3552000
    Leanne3552000 Posts: 395 Member
    I get these symptoms for a week before TOM too. I get very emotional and cry myself to sleep every night, bloating, massive headaches and fatigue. Someone posted that you should exercise to reduce the symptoms and I agree with this. Even though its so much effort just standing up, I always feel better after I go to the gym in relation to the fatigue but it doesn't help any of the other symptoms.
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    These posts make me so glad I don't bleed monthly. [:

    me. freaking. too.

    Hoo-****ing-ray for my IUD!
  • leilani♥
    leilani♥ Posts: 579
    yes! Tom is about to visit me uninvited and I feel like the wicked witch of the west. I barely lost a lb last week because he put his bags on my front porch. I wish he would just come and stay with me and GTFO already.........:noway:
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    Maybe I'm misreading here, but your symptoms and specifically the timing are not unusual, yes many women suffer from them - it's classic PMS - PRE menstrual syndrome, occuring anywhere from 5-11 days before your cycle. Not unfair or unusual. Avoid caffeine even though you want it, can worsen symptoms for some; exercise - maybe not high impact; hydrate - again not with caffeine; increase foods such as fruits, veggies, beans, nuts and seeds, while decreasing fatty foods; check your calcium, magnesium, and potassium levels; you could try natural remedies like evening primrose or chaste tree berry, but they are not for everyone and oculd interact with meds or with depression or migraines for some. Basically, you have classic PMS - you could try googling for more ideas on decreasing your symptoms.
  • ladycomix
    ladycomix Posts: 104
    Maybe I'm misreading here, but your symptoms and specifically the timing are not unusual, yes many women suffer from them - it's classic PMS - PRE menstrual syndrome, occuring anywhere from 5-11 days before your cycle. Not unfair or unusual. Avoid caffeine even though you want it, can worsen symptoms for some; exercise - maybe not high impact; hydrate - again not with caffeine; increase foods such as fruits, veggies, beans, nuts and seeds, while decreasing fatty foods; check your calcium, magnesium, and potassium levels; you could try natural remedies like evening primrose or chaste tree berry, but they are not for everyone and oculd interact with meds or with depression or migraines for some. Basically, you have classic PMS - you could try googling for more ideas on decreasing your symptoms.

    If I avoided caffeine it wouldn't matter what day the calendar said....there would be mood swings, fatigue and depression galore. And that's just the userbase's symptoms.
  • fortysixpounds
    fortysixpounds Posts: 419 Member
    ugh Im so with you on this. A week before start I blow up then the week of Tom Im emotional and weird its a Feckin nuissance!!! And I hav tried the pill and injection all with disasterous consequences. Im not allowed take painkillers either so it`s a nightmare 2weeks. It used to be a lot easier this tom business why does it get worse? !
  • Donners185
    Donners185 Posts: 329 Member
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    These posts all make me laugh.. I mean really.. your 21 yrs old, if you haven't figured out how to deal with it by now, there's an issue.

    Go to your doc.. there is birth control that will help with all those symptoms.

    I'm on Loestrin and I get zero cramps, zero fatigue, but bloating and a lil bit of moodiness.. starts on a tuesday, ends on a thursday.. it's glorious.
  • fortysixpounds
    fortysixpounds Posts: 419 Member
    These posts all make me laugh.. I mean really.. your 21 yrs old, if you haven't figured out how to deal with it by now, there's an issue.

    Go to your doc.. there is birth control that will help with all those symptoms.

    I'm on Loestrin and I get zero cramps, zero fatigue, but bloating and a lil bit of moodiness.. starts on a tuesday, ends on a thursday.. it's glorious.

    I think you're very lucky to have found something that works for you-that doesn't mean there's something wrong with everyone else who hasn't been so fortunate. You are the exception, not the rule. Many women suffer and many of us can't take any kind of birth control.