What mental and emotional healthy habits do you practice?



  • MichelleWithMoxie
    MichelleWithMoxie Posts: 1,817 Member
    SaraKim17 wrote: »
    MichSmish wrote: »
    i enjoy spending time with my kitty cats, my hubby, listening to good music (i.e. grateful dead radio station on amazon music), reading (both personal development type books + i love a good novel), sometimes writing is helpful to me. i just ordered some essential oils and a diffuser upon the recommendation of my therapist (that's something i also recently started: therapy. i've been dealing with a lot of anxiety lately, and it's kind of nice to have an objective sounding board who isn't a part of my regular life).

    @MichSmish, I hate to bring this up, but essential oils (including diffused) can be harmful to pets, especially cats. You might just want to Google to see which oils are "safer" and how to lessen any potential impact. I would love to get an essential oil diffuser, but I haven't because of my cat. (Sorry! 😞)

    This is such a great thread! I'm loving all the ideas. 💕

    I had no idea!! Thank you so much for pointing this out to me! ❤️
  • cbihatt
    cbihatt Posts: 319 Member
    MichSmish wrote: »
    SaraKim17 wrote: »
    MichSmish wrote: »
    i enjoy spending time with my kitty cats, my hubby, listening to good music (i.e. grateful dead radio station on amazon music), reading (both personal development type books + i love a good novel), sometimes writing is helpful to me. i just ordered some essential oils and a diffuser upon the recommendation of my therapist (that's something i also recently started: therapy. i've been dealing with a lot of anxiety lately, and it's kind of nice to have an objective sounding board who isn't a part of my regular life).

    @MichSmish, I hate to bring this up, but essential oils (including diffused) can be harmful to pets, especially cats. You might just want to Google to see which oils are "safer" and how to lessen any potential impact. I would love to get an essential oil diffuser, but I haven't because of my cat. (Sorry! 😞)

    This is such a great thread! I'm loving all the ideas. 💕

    I had no idea!! Thank you so much for pointing this out to me! ❤️

    If your cat has no respiratory issues, and you are not using the diffuser constantly, it should not have a negative impact on your cat.

  • ElizabethKalmbach
    ElizabethKalmbach Posts: 1,416 Member
    When I start putting on weight "for no reason," I finally BELIEVE MYSELF and GO TO THE DOCTOR.

    I tried to lose some winter weight over the summer with a bit of lazy logging and very regular exercise that usually gets me back on track and down to my "comfortable maintenance weight."

    I ended up stopping because I had headaches for a solid month and debilitating muscle cramps every time I moved suddenly.

    I didn't *want* to go to the doctor to demand testing for nebulous *something is keeping me from losing weight* complaint - AGAIN, but the headaches were too much. I stalled so long (I went to the eye doctor first about the headaches. Yes, my glasses prescription DID change, but the headaches marched on with a slightly different feel, even after the glasses prescription was corrected.), not only did I NOT lose any weight, I gained 12 lbs in a month, which was not proportionate to the amount of food I was eating.

    I finally took myself back to the doctor and told her EVERYTHING I COULD THINK OF, and unlike last time, they believed me INSTANTLY and sent me off for all the tests they could think of.

    I am NOT crazy. I am NOT lazy. I am NOT a hypochondriac. I am anemic. Again. (Last time it was B12 deficiency with somewhat different symptoms, but the same end result of anemia.)

    I have a treatment regimen and orders to lay off exercise for a week or two while my iron stores build up.

    Once I've got a base load of iron, I can work my way *gently* back into workouts again, and this weight WILL finally come off once my cells can get the oxygen they need to *burn anything* much less fat.

  • Sylphadora
    Sylphadora Posts: 75 Member
    Meditation, yoga, swimming (I'm terrible but I love the feeling of being in the water), weight-lifting, getting my beauty sleep, crocheting, knitting, mandala painting
  • debtay123
    debtay123 Posts: 1,327 Member
    I used some moments each day for a devotional(just me time and god)
    I walk or slow jog each day or dance to youtube videos or do other aerobic videos- I love the tour or travel vids and i will walk or slow jog as i see sights that i may never see in real life- London, Germany France, etc- Just a fun way to say"calgon take me away" remember that old commercial- hahaha
  • sandhillsmom
    sandhillsmom Posts: 319 Member
    Self care for me. I take the time to talk to myself in the mirror each morning and evening. It's little things . . . "I am worth it" "I can be whatever I want to be" "I am beautiful as I am" "I am worthy of being respected" . . . I just repeat these little sayings every morning when I wake up, and each night before I go to bed. How can I be loved if I cannot love myself first?
  • healingnurtrer
    healingnurtrer Posts: 217 Member
    Walking in nature, meditation, therapy homework, affirmations
  • 143tobe
    143tobe Posts: 620 Member
    Walking in nature, meditation, therapy homework, affirmations

    I just started doing affirmations, they really help. But when you say them, do you say, "I am strong" or "You are strong"? I guess both work but I was really stuck on this. :D:|
  • unstableunicorn
    unstableunicorn Posts: 216 Member
    My weight loss journey has shown me that my weight and physical health is the result of what habits I am doing over time.

    Now that I am more physically healthy, I see the need to get more emotionally and mentally healthy. I feel this may be feasible if I just make some new things a habit. I am not sure where to start but know I need to work on this.

    Curious if anyone wants to share!

    Remive toxicity from social media, whether it’s removing a relative from your newsfeed or outright removing an acquaintance from your friends list.

    Charge your phone in a separate room overnight. (Invest in a clock if you need an alarm).

    Talk to *someone* IRL when stress is overwhelming you (venting on forums isn’t nearly as effective as sharing with a live perseon, be it family, friend, or professional).

    When topics get to be too much, divert the conversation (“Let’s move on.” “I need a break from this discussion.” “This topic is becoming toxic.” etc.)

    Slip little happy reminders around your home/work space (photos, post-its, random little decoratives, etc.)

    Apply minimalism principles (strict or modified) to your living and work space. (Don’t confuse with “Throw it all out!”)
  • healingnurtrer
    healingnurtrer Posts: 217 Member
    143tobe wrote: »
    Walking in nature, meditation, therapy homework, affirmations

    I just started doing affirmations, they really help. But when you say them, do you say, "I am strong" or "You are strong"? I guess both work but I was really stuck on this. :D:|

    I say "I" :smile:
  • healingnurtrer
    healingnurtrer Posts: 217 Member
    My weight loss journey has shown me that my weight and physical health is the result of what habits I am doing over time.

    Now that I am more physically healthy, I see the need to get more emotionally and mentally healthy. I feel this may be feasible if I just make some new things a habit. I am not sure where to start but know I need to work on this.

    Curious if anyone wants to share!

    Remive toxicity from social media, whether it’s removing a relative from your newsfeed or outright removing an acquaintance from your friends list.

    Charge your phone in a separate room overnight. (Invest in a clock if you need an alarm).

    Talk to *someone* IRL when stress is overwhelming you (venting on forums isn’t nearly as effective as sharing with a live perseon, be it family, friend, or professional).

    When topics get to be too much, divert the conversation (“Let’s move on.” “I need a break from this discussion.” “This topic is becoming toxic.” etc.)

    Slip little happy reminders around your home/work space (photos, post-its, random little decoratives, etc.)

    Apply minimalism principles (strict or modified) to your living and work space. (Don’t confuse with “Throw it all out!”)

    Ooooo these are good. Reminds me, I really like the book "The Life-changing Magic of Tidying Up" Marie Kondo recommends choosing to keep things that "spark joy" (seems like minimalism but it's really more mindfulness.) I thought the practice was incredible and the habit of choosing joy definitely transferred over into other areas like time management.
  • unstableunicorn
    unstableunicorn Posts: 216 Member
    My weight loss journey has shown me that my weight and physical health is the result of what habits I am doing over time.

    Now that I am more physically healthy, I see the need to get more emotionally and mentally healthy. I feel this may be feasible if I just make some new things a habit. I am not sure where to start but know I need to work on this.

    Curious if anyone wants to share!

    Remive toxicity from social media, whether it’s removing a relative from your newsfeed or outright removing an acquaintance from your friends list.

    Charge your phone in a separate room overnight. (Invest in a clock if you need an alarm).

    Talk to *someone* IRL when stress is overwhelming you (venting on forums isn’t nearly as effective as sharing with a live perseon, be it family, friend, or professional).

    When topics get to be too much, divert the conversation (“Let’s move on.” “I need a break from this discussion.” “This topic is becoming toxic.” etc.)

    Slip little happy reminders around your home/work space (photos, post-its, random little decoratives, etc.)

    Apply minimalism principles (strict or modified) to your living and work space. (Don’t confuse with “Throw it all out!”)

    Ooooo these are good. Reminds me, I really like the book "The Life-changing Magic of Tidying Up" Marie Kondo recommends choosing to keep things that "spark joy" (seems like minimalism but it's really more mindfulness.) I thought the practice was incredible and the habit of choosing joy definitely transferred over into other areas like time management.

    I started with Fumio Sasaki’s “Goodbye Things” last winter and moved on to Kondo in late spring. A lot of what they discuss I was already moving toward on my own, but their perspectives really helped me figure out how I wanted to approach our home environment. The trickle effect has been reduced stress eating and increased time & space for exercise. :)
  • ChrisCatMama
    ChrisCatMama Posts: 1,038 Member
    Prayer and Bible reading.
    My husband and oldest daughter are disabled and it gets really stressful. I’ll do extra strength training and cardio (depends on the day) when things get really hard (more time praying too!). Or if I can, I’ll go for a walk. The fresh air and a few minutes to myself does wonders so I can better take care of them.