Any vegan peeps out there?

I would love to see what your typical meals/snacks are like? Especially any quick and easy or no cooking require ideas. Thanks! :)


  • docsharp
    docsharp Posts: 32 Member
    I going to open my food diary to my friends you can check out mine, if you add me as a friend.
  • Me, me! I love snaking on Popchips with salsa, baby carrots with or w/o hummus, strawberries, apples, grapes, animal crackers. Meals can be vegan grilled cheese, a bag of steamable veggies with tofu or beans(canned?) and 10-min brown rice, homemade or pre-packaged veggies burgers(on a bun or in a salad!), veggie dogs with baked fries(frozen are easiest lol) Take 3 cans of whatever beans you prefer, some chopped onions, a can of no-salt added tomato sauce, a package of seitan(meat substitute...optional), salt/pepper/any seasonings and toss in a pot...10-15 min and you have 3-6 servings of vegan bean chili XD. I'm all for easy cooking, as much as I love it. You can peruse my diary if you want some ideas or add me as a friend
  • phlumpet
    phlumpet Posts: 106 Member
    Hi! Been vegan for 10 years now. Trying to get in shape, running and a little P90x.
    My favorite post-workout chocolate-y protein shake:
    3/4 cup chocolate soymilk (or hemp or almond milk)
    1 medium banana
    1.5 Tbsp chia seeds
    2 Tbsp Trader Joe's hemp protein powder, chocolate (or sometimes I just add hemp seeds)

    Mix in the blender for 1-2 minutes. Great complete sources of protein (chia, hemp, soy).

    I do a fair amount of cooking, but I try to keep it fast/easy since I have kids and a life. I like experimenting with different grains, especially quinoa and amaranth which are complete proteins. I cook them per instructions, add a little salt and earth balance if you want, plus my secret ingredient which is a container of squash baby food lol.

    I'm trying to do a salad a day, and I like to complement that with a little trail mix. I also looove my mother in law's Puerto Rican cooking and just got her recipe for beans... yum. For dinner I like doing stir fries with different sauces, sometimes asian and sometimes Indian (Trader Joe's has a great variety). I might add seitan, or tempeh, or tofu, or noodles, or rice depending on how I feel.

    For breakfast, I do a protein shake, fruit, and/or cereal or oatmeal w/ blackstrap molasses (awesome source of calcium, iron) and a little maple syrup.

    For snacks lately, I like Ezekiel bread toasted w/ almond butter, or coconut yogurt. I keep trying to get around to making baked kale chips w/ nutritional yeast flakes, but I keep forgetting every time I go to the grocery store. I need to eat more leafy greens - I'm thinking about looking into green smoothies.

    One thing I love about MFP - I can eat all my fave foods (as you can tell, there are a lot of them) but I do it in a way where I know how to control my portion sizes.

    Good luck!

    edit: another great snack: Mediterranean Co. baked lentil chips w/ sea salt and guacamole. So filling and so good for you.
  • docsharp
    docsharp Posts: 32 Member
    One of my favorite snacks is Sunbutter on Celery. I also like Almond butter with a sweetener and raisins and I dip my apples in there.
  • hna84
    hna84 Posts: 26 Member
    These are awesome ideas, thank you!! Im excited to go grocery shopping now lol. Keep it coming!
  • veneal
    veneal Posts: 4
    I have been following the vegan Kind Diet by Alicia Silverstone for 2 months. I was so happy to convert my life over to this new ethical way of living. Unfortunately, I have gained 10 pounds in this 2 months. I am so bummed. I have been tracking my calories and have kept them below the allowable daily allotment. I have consistently avoided cheese, meat, sugar, and processed foods. I would like to remain vegan but my weight is a health concern 251 pounds now. I'm not losing. Please help.
  • phlumpet
    phlumpet Posts: 106 Member
    Hi Veneal, I'm so glad for you that you've changed your diet! Gaining and losing weight has a lot to do as you know of course with calorie expenditure - you need to put out more than you put in. However, certain things can either increase or decrease our resting metabolic rate, as well. My first question is, what type of exercise do you do? Cardio will be essential to losing weight but if you're overweight, you want to do something low impact to help protect your joints. In addition, have you tried strength training? Although these exercises won't burn calories, building muscle will increase how many calories you burn at rest. Try to be creative and incorporate a variety of plant protein sources in your diet. And drink plenty of water!

    Ultimately, if you are following this plan, I want to encourage you that you ARE making the best decision for your health! A low fat vegan diet reduces your risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

    Feel free to friend me, I'd love to watch your progress because I know you're going to see some changes in your health.
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    I'm a pescatarian... does that count? lol I love vegan foods too... Have you seen Seabirds on The Great Food Truck Race two? They make some SWEET food... I wish I could try it some time!
  • h0taru
    h0taru Posts: 43

    I'm not vegan but I like to do severals vegan days in my week.

    I was wondering: what is the best natural protein vegan source?

    I like tofu but not too much. And some meals like bokka are full of salt...

  • phlumpet
    phlumpet Posts: 106 Member
    Just like a meat eating diet, we don't get our protein from only one source. Some plant protein sources are complete and have good levels of all essential amino acids, including soy (tempeh, tofu, soymilk, edamame), quinoa, amaranth, nutritional yeast flakes and buckwheat (soba noodles). Rice and beans is a staple for many cultures and together make a complete protein. Other valuable protein sources include nuts and seeds and nut butters, lentils, and many other vegetables have some amounts of protein in them.
  • docsharp
    docsharp Posts: 32 Member
    Hi Veneal,

    Are you eating a lot of carbs? Those make me gain weight fast. I have to stick with whole foods for weight loss. I am struggling with the processed carbs now but I have made it a goal to lower them and then ultimatly get off of them.
    I have been following the vegan Kind Diet by Alicia Silverstone for 2 months. I was so happy to convert my life over to this new ethical way of living. Unfortunately, I have gained 10 pounds in this 2 months. I am so bummed. I have been tracking my calories and have kept them below the allowable daily allotment. I have consistently avoided cheese, meat, sugar, and processed foods. I would like to remain vegan but my weight is a health concern 251 pounds now. I'm not losing. Please help.
  • h0taru
    h0taru Posts: 43
    Just like a meat eating diet, we don't get our protein from only one source. Some plant protein sources are complete and have good levels of all essential amino acids, including soy (tempeh, tofu, soymilk, edamame), quinoa, amaranth, nutritional yeast flakes and buckwheat (soba noodles). Rice and beans is a staple for many cultures and together make a complete protein. Other valuable protein sources include nuts and seeds and nut butters, lentils, and many other vegetables have some amounts of protein in them.

    Thank you :)
  • hna84
    hna84 Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks for the info on the protein sources-that is good to know! I love the recipe for the quick and easy chili that was listed. Any other recipe ideas for a quick meal? Or dessert ? :tongue:
  • I love sweet potatoes! Great for a post workout snack! Spread a little earth balance over it and salt.<3
    Umm edamame is amazing!