Do you find 10-minute workouts to be effective?

I have a hard time dragging myself out of bed early enough for a workout, but I have compromised by finding a 10-min strength/cardio workout to do as soon as I get up. But a friend of mine burst my bubble and said it was pointless if I’m not getting a half hour of cardio at a time.

What do you guys think? For reference, I’m over 300lbs and live a pretty sedentary lifestyle.

The workout I’m doing is:

20 high knees
20 squats
50 jumping jacks
20 superman plank
20 lunge kicks
20 toe taps

Repeat one more time or until 10 minutes is up.


  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    If you're new to exercise, then starting slow is a great approach. There is no reason to jump into half hour workouts, which may not even be ideal for your current fitness level and lifestyle. Not everyone is able or interested in doing a longer workout. While a longer workout will offer different benefits than shorter workouts, it sounds like short workouts are good for your current goals. Your short workouts will definitely have more benefits than no workouts at all.

    Your friend's comments sound discouraging, and don't have evidence to back them up.
  • neyagoal
    neyagoal Posts: 65 Member
    It worked for me, I started with 7 min HIIT workouts app and it did wonders.. Don't get me wrong, I was daying most of time (overweight bookworm all my life) , but with time it got easer and I started to play with durations and variations of exercises... They were my intro in stronger, healthier lifestyle that I built over time.. Now, when my fitness s on my peak, looking back it does seems as tiny baby steps but back then, for my fitness and health they were huge leap that set me to motion and I can't be more grateful for deciding to do "those 7 min from hell".. This week u will do 10,next week u will do 15, u will get better, stronger, fitter.. Don't listen to anyone except ur own body, be kind to it but also do challenge it Coz that s how u will change it
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    Effective for what? They don't get you into the Olympics, but if you're Goodall is to get in better shape and burn some calories in the process, they'll be good for that. 🙂
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,982 Member
    Is it not amazing how so called friends, like to shoot down other friends? As she is your friend I guess *kitten* slapping is out. I continue to be amazed how when we share information with our friends, instead of building us up, how many will try to point out a negative. Your routine looks great.

    I went through this when I first started getting some cardio in 2018. My Dr. said start small, everything counts. Then when 5 or 10 minutes get easy you will know it is time to increase time and add more to it.

    Or her friend was just passing along the message she heard about needing a certain amount of cardio to get into the "fat burning zone," something I heard in every Kathy Smith and Denise Austin exercise video from the 90s. No need to ascribe negative motivations.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,982 Member
    I have a hard time dragging myself out of bed early enough for a workout, but I have compromised by finding a 10-min strength/cardio workout to do as soon as I get up. But a friend of mine burst my bubble and said it was pointless if I’m not getting a half hour of cardio at a time.

    What do you guys think? For reference, I’m over 300lbs and live a pretty sedentary lifestyle.

    The workout I’m doing is:

    20 high knees
    20 squats
    50 jumping jacks
    20 superman plank
    20 lunge kicks
    20 toe taps

    Repeat one more time or until 10 minutes is up.

    I'd be worried about your knees and would suggest walking or other low impact activities instead.

    (Never work through knee pain.)
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    10 minutes is great. I follow a woman on FB who specializes in designing 10-15 minute body weight workouts for people and many of her followers have had great success.

    That said, agree with above poster that you're putting a fair bit of strain on your knees. I'd consider swapping one or two for something more core or upper body oriented.
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,267 Member
    Too bad that your friend is so discouraging. I think finding something you enjoy and can stick to is great because as you become more fit, you'll want to increase. Who knows, you might end up wanting to get up early so that you can do more :)
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Thanks all for your input! I will keep doing my workouts and hopefully will be able to build up from there :smile:

    I know it seemed rude of my friend but her suggestion wasn't meant to be mean. She just wants me to be healthy. She just doesn't really understand that I have to start at a much lower level than where she is right now.

    We all start somewhere. The important thing is to be consistent and working to improve (more reps, more time etc) but progress at your own rate and keep it up.
  • VoluptuousComedyNerd
    kshama2001 wrote: »

    I'd be worried about your knees and would suggest walking or other low impact activities instead.

    (Never work through knee pain.)
    Terytha wrote: »
    10 minutes is great. I follow a woman on FB who specializes in designing 10-15 minute body weight workouts for people and many of her followers have had great success.

    That said, agree with above poster that you're putting a fair bit of strain on your knees. I'd consider swapping one or two for something more core or upper body oriented.

    I haven't found a problem so far, but just to be safe I have been alternating the exercises that I do so that there are more core/upper body. I just wanted to make sure I got enough cardio in, want to get that heart pumping lol