Has anyone been on depo?



  • ambercholtz
    ambercholtz Posts: 84 Member
    I was on Depo for over 6 years, it had done terrible things to me. The only plus side was no pregnancy and no period however the side effects were horrible and they last long after I went off the shot. It took me quite some time to get the weight off after that in which by the time I had started losing it I became pregnant (about a yr and a half later) so... LOL it all depends on your body.

    It takes a lower calorie and higher activity lifestyle in order to lose the weight.
  • kfitz10103
    kfitz10103 Posts: 354
    I was on depo for 7 years from 1997 until 2004 and I did gain weight, but I was not excercising and was eating terribly. I went off it in 2004 and went back on it in 2010. I have lost all 57lbs since I have been on depo. Maybe I would have lost more if I wasn't on it, but I am happy with my loss and plan to continue the depo. I have had to add pills since I was bleeding almost everyday, but that seems to have stopped the bleeding so maybe soon I can go off the pill.
  • hi! It's so interesting to read how one bc has so many different effects on different women. I only received 3 shots and absolutely loved it! I was scheduled to get a shot in June but due to changes in my insurance I couldn't. As far as weight, I went in knowing that the drug affects appetite and gave in a bit. I gained 5lbs after the first 2 shots and another 5 after the third. I'm back down to my pre-depo weight now with watching what I eat.
  • smcandee
    smcandee Posts: 23
    I have been on it for over a year now and dont seem to have any problems. I do agree that it does make u want to eat more but i curb that with herbal green tea :)
  • yunalicia
    yunalicia Posts: 1 Member
    I'm glad to here I am not the only one who's gained weight from depo. I started taking the shot in Feb 09 and had my last shot in March 11. I gained roughly 50 pounds from the shot, and being 220 to begin with it was very discouraging. I thought it was me at first but I noticed every time I get the shot, within the next month I would gain about 5lbs. The reason I know it was the depo is because I used to work at McDonald's and I would eat there every day I worked, being a manager I got free food. After I left is when I went on the depo. I was definitely eating better (but still not so good) but still gaining weight every time I got the injection.

    I finally stopped taking it because there is no way I could gain anymore weight. Sure having no leg numbing cramps is awesome but I want to be able to shop at normal stores again. I'm down about 10lbs since getting off the stuff but it's really discouraging knowing my body is literally working against me in my goals right now :C
  • kmcrey87
    kmcrey87 Posts: 422 Member
    I've been on it for six years. I didn't put on any weight. I lost about 45lbs three years ago while on it though.
  • blonde20fan
    blonde20fan Posts: 233 Member
    I have been on it for almost 10 years and love it. No periods and no side effects. I lost 60 pounds 4 years ago and quit my plan and gained but now weight loss is going great.
  • I have been on the depo for umm about a year. I gained about 6kgs mostly around my tummy. Ive only started to exercise so not sure how hard its going to be to shape up. I think i also suffered the effect of getting to comfy in a relationship haha. one things for sure i love not getting my period!.
  • evansproudmama
    evansproudmama Posts: 493 Member
    I have been on the depo for four years and I LOVE IT!! I hear all this chatter about weight gain but I personally blame the weight gain on myself and my bad habits. Recently I lost 50 lbs (sadly i gained back 20 so im working on that now) and I did it while being on the depo. Just move more and eat less and better things for you and you will have that weight off in no time! Good Luck :-)
  • So I stopped taking depo just a couple weeks ago, and I am wondering when my hormones will balance out. In my search today, I found this blog about depo and weight gain, and I can't believe the horror stories. I am sure that people who have high levels of testosterone are barely affected by the increase in hormones but some people are hugely affected. Read on... and my advice would be to get off the depo!

  • Hey guys, I also wanted you to know - that today I read that once you start getting your period back that the weight will start coming off easier. Anyone feel this is true? or have experiences with this?
  • I went straight on to the pill so I don't think that has helped me too much. I am just on three months off the depo and I am finally starting to lose the weight :)
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    i actually got back on depo because estrogen containing bc made me moody and chubby. Ive been on depo almost 5 yrs and adore it. After 8 different types made me gain pounds and alternate personalities i knew depo was for me.
  • momtimesone
    momtimesone Posts: 85 Member
    220 after having my son 260 after a year on depo, Got off it and just now started my lifestyle change so hopefully I can lose this weight.
  • Ritala1987
    Ritala1987 Posts: 135 Member
    i put on 3 dress sizes while on depo, once icame off it, the weight just fell off within months.
  • pugs4eyes
    pugs4eyes Posts: 10 Member
    This is hard to believe but I was on Depo 18 years. I did a study for the FDA before it was approved. I lost weight everytime I tried even on depo. As we age we have to cut our calories. I have been off depo one year due to hysterectomy and started hormones and I am still losing because I am counting calories and exercising. I hope this helps. Pug Tammy:wink: