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Is it safe for teens to have coffee in moderation



  • steph2strong
    steph2strong Posts: 426 Member
    So here in Canada the legal drinking age is 18 or 19 depending on the province. Voting age is 18. I would sure hope my kids are able to regulate drinking coffee, tea and soda by the time they are allowed to go out and consume alcohol on their own and decide who are next government is going to be. Most "kids" enter university around the age of 17-18 and are going to be drinking caffeine in some form. Like everything else in life, when kids are younger they need to be taught the effects of caffeine and how tea, coffee, pop are not "free for all" drinks. Kids should definitely not be drinking energy drinks that have highly concentrated doses of caffeine and other "psychoactive" agents. Coffee is not something I would offer to my kids (neither is cola/pop but thats for other reasons), but once in high school it might be "fashionable" to start drinking coffee beverages among peers (you know that mature appearance they all want) and with the fancy lattes, frappes and what not that every coffee chain offers now I'm hoping they can start to make mature decisions on their own, view it as a "special treat". Bottom line, unlimited high doses of caffeine are harmful to youth, but all caffeine can not be eliminated from their diet, especially as they get older and learning moderation and appreciation of what they put in their bodies is key. (best way they can learn this is by example.... no matter what you say kids will always learn more from watching what you do, so back up your words with actions)
  • viki4tango
    viki4tango Posts: 37 Member
    edited October 2019
    1.Problem number one - caffeine has a serious effect on the nervous system, which at fourteen still continues to form. This leads to sleep disturbance and makes the teenager easily excitable. In addition, the increased production of adrenaline not only gives strength, but also exhausts the heart. The consequence may be a violation of the heart rhythm and other unpleasant problems.

    2. Caffeine seriously raises blood glucose levels. As a result, an imbalance in the pancreas can occur. Ultimately, it can lead to a violation of its function.

    3. Also, do not forget that the alkaloid in question has a strong diuretic effect. As a result, excessive leaching of calcium from the body occurs. Its deficiency can lead to defects associated with the formation of bones, and slow their growth.

    The main problem with drinking a drink in adolescence is the difficulty in determining a safe dose. Because the children's body is constantly undergoing changes. Therefore, it is advisable to protect the child from addiction to coffee.

  • viki4tango
    viki4tango Posts: 37 Member
    The main problem is not caffeine as such, but its quantity. If you drink the drink in moderation, the body will not receive any harm. At the same time, if you regularly drink large volumes of coffee, this can lead to health problems.

    It should also be remembered that regular use of the drink can be addictive. It is permissible for a healthy adult to drink up to three cups of the drink per day. With children, the situation is somewhat different. The age of the child is essential. In this case, the dosage in any case should be MUCH less than that of an adult.

    There is a competent answer of doctors to the question: “At what age can a child be given coffee?” This is permissible only in the puberty period. Simply put, at 14-15 years old. At this time, the human body has already coped with a period of hormonal burst. But at the same time, do not forget that the brain of the child continues to form, and his heart is subjected to quite serious stresses. Therefore, only a VERY moderate drink is acceptable. If your teenager does not show much interest in coffee, do not somehow encourage him/her to do this.
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    I started drinking coffee as a teen, my first year of college, which I started at 17. Filled whatever the dining hall cup was with about half coffee, half milk, not due to any moderation, but just because I didn't like it unless it was half milk back then.

    I don't think it was a big deal or caused any harm.

    Coffee helped me stay up all night several nights senior year, when I was finishing my thesis, but I was no longer a teen.

    I didn't drink it before 17 just because I never liked it -- my dad drank it black and so I'd not tried the coffee + milk thing. I'm sure I was partly just copying what others did in college.

    I drank tea occasionally at a younger age.

    I am with those who think there's a lot more serious issues to worry about than coffee.

    On the other hand: http://www.emmanuelmusic.org/notes_translations/translations_cantata/t_bwv211.htm

  • whitpauly
    whitpauly Posts: 1,483 Member
    My gramma let my brother drink coffee when he was 3,milk and sugar he's 41 now and fine
  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    edited October 2019
    I can only imagine what my siblings and I would've been like all jacked UP on good coffee throughout our teen years. There are so many excellent tasting coffees now, we would've been absolute coffee junkies. For studying and sports, we would've thought we had super powers while swilling coffee. I can just see my old coach lining everyone up at the espresso machine for a few shots before we hit the field or the court. Everyone bouncing off the walls. I can only imagine. I think coffee is probably a better choice than energy drinks for teenage brains with all of those deliberately engineered chemical stimulants and best left to the medical professionals to decide what's right for children or teens.
  • magnusthenerd
    magnusthenerd Posts: 1,207 Member
    I find all the armchair physiology hypothesizing why coffee is harmful to young people fascinating given no one seems to produce evidence to warrant forming a hypothesis.
    What is the actual evidence it does some harm? Not "well here is why it could be" but actually something demonstrating a damage, a detriment, or even some kind of epidemiology? I find it incredibly lacking.

    I bring it up because I've seen the same analysis for why coffee absolutely, assuredly, without a single doubt, stunts growth in kids. Problem is, that's not true. Yet all kinds of people, even doctors, and some researchers had their own pet hypothesis for why it happens.

    I've also seen the same done for why coffee is bad for adults. That one is even worse because the evidence suggests coffee drinking is a health benefit - I don't care for coffee but have gradually moved to taking a cup a day against my preferences because of the evidence.
  • Theoldguy1
    Theoldguy1 Posts: 2,477 Member
    I find all the armchair physiology hypothesizing why coffee is harmful to young people fascinating given no one seems to produce evidence to warrant forming a hypothesis.
    What is the actual evidence it does some harm? Not "well here is why it could be" but actually something demonstrating a damage, a detriment, or even some kind of epidemiology? I find it incredibly lacking.

    I bring it up because I've seen the same analysis for why coffee absolutely, assuredly, without a single doubt, stunts growth in kids. Problem is, that's not true. Yet all kinds of people, even doctors, and some researchers had their own pet hypothesis for why it happens.

    I've also seen the same done for why coffee is bad for adults. That one is even worse because the evidence suggests coffee drinking is a health benefit - I don't care for coffee but have gradually moved to taking a cup a day against my preferences because of the evidence.

    I posted something similar upthread. Kids 12 to 18 should limit caffeine imtake to less than 100mg. That is the issue

  • Theoldguy1
    Theoldguy1 Posts: 2,477 Member
    edited October 2019
    Yes it is. Coffee is godlike substance with true power beyond our wildest dreams

    Not if you're talking any more than a cup a day for a 12-18 year old, assuming the kid isn't drinking Mt Dew Monster, Red Bull, etc. Typical cup of coffee 75-100 mg caffeine, medical professionals recommend no more than 100mg.
  • magnusthenerd
    magnusthenerd Posts: 1,207 Member
    Theoldguy1 wrote: »
    I find all the armchair physiology hypothesizing why coffee is harmful to young people fascinating given no one seems to produce evidence to warrant forming a hypothesis.
    What is the actual evidence it does some harm? Not "well here is why it could be" but actually something demonstrating a damage, a detriment, or even some kind of epidemiology? I find it incredibly lacking.

    I bring it up because I've seen the same analysis for why coffee absolutely, assuredly, without a single doubt, stunts growth in kids. Problem is, that's not true. Yet all kinds of people, even doctors, and some researchers had their own pet hypothesis for why it happens.

    I've also seen the same done for why coffee is bad for adults. That one is even worse because the evidence suggests coffee drinking is a health benefit - I don't care for coffee but have gradually moved to taking a cup a day against my preferences because of the evidence.

    I posted something similar upthread. Kids 12 to 18 should limit caffeine imtake to less than 100mg. That is the issue


    You posted a health blog. It has one sentence saying 100mg is the limit. It doesn't even say "for reasons". At best, the justification is the American Academy of Pediatricians say so. Problem is, I'd bet I could find the American Academy of Pediatricians spouting at one point how coffee intake stunts growth. They may still maintain that coffee causes bone density loss.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Meh...as long as the teenager isn't pounding coffee all day long, I'd say there are bigger fish to fry. I started drinking coffee when I was 15...that was the least of my parent's concern at that age.
  • whitpauly
    whitpauly Posts: 1,483 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Meh...as long as the teenager isn't pounding coffee all day long, I'd say there are bigger fish to fry. I started drinking coffee when I was 15...that was the least of my parent's concern at that age.

    Me too🤷