Does your fitbit MFP exercise calories ever seem way too low?

I keep having this issue. Some days it works great and days like today it seems way too low. I went for a 30 minute good paced walk which equalled close to 5k steps. I look on my MFP everything is synced and it says I only have 40 extra earned calories. Has this happened to anyone else?


  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    What activity level do you have set? For 5000 steps on lightly active, I usually get 35-100 calories added.
  • Ninebubblewaters
    Ninebubblewaters Posts: 27 Member
    Lightly active. It usually gives me more than that. Maybe I didn't burn as much as I thought though
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Lightly active. It usually gives me more than that. Maybe I didn't burn as much as I thought though

    because most of those steps are included in your base cals as light active
  • slimdownt
    slimdownt Posts: 105 Member
    I don't even bother with the calories burned. I don't eat back the calories since the trackers are not very accurate. I consider the calories burned as cushion in the event I do go over.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I keep having this issue. Some days it works great and days like today it seems way too low. I went for a 30 minute good paced walk which equalled close to 5k steps. I look on my MFP everything is synced and it says I only have 40 extra earned calories. Has this happened to anyone else?

    I'm assuming you have a Fitbit or other device synced. With that, you only get an adjustment to reconcile your estimated Fitbit activity to what you put in MFP as you activity level. At light active, most of those steps are included in your activity level in MFP, thus you wouldn't get a very substantial adjustment.
  • butterfly_2019
    butterfly_2019 Posts: 44 Member
    If it helps I'm set at lightly active and wanting to lose 1lb per week, my daily calorie goal is 1,490 and yesterday I did 9,916 steps and it gave me 186 calories.

  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    I always found the opposite with Fitbit, found it overly generous by around 25%.
    I now use a Garmin and it's far more realistic