3 big meals or 6 small meals-what works best for you?

I have always been in the 6 small meals camp! I have a fast metabolism and get low blood sugar quickly and become shaky and irratitable so eat breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner and after dinner snack. This of course has disadvantages as it means I have 6 opportunities to NOT make healthy food choices but on the bright side I feel like a meal is only ever a few hours away.


  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    Depends what time I get up and go to bed lol. Generally 3 or 4 meals a day though.
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    It varies, but lately 3 with a snack at night.
  • h0taru
    h0taru Posts: 43
    Doing same thing that you, but I do not snack after dinner ( 5 meals so).

    I can easily feel weak since I start to reduce my calories. Even if I can eat more than 1900 cal per day!
  • Nomomush
    Nomomush Posts: 582 Member
    I also get hypoglycemic without food so I eat 6 meals a day...smaller portions for each meal. Also, it keeps me from being ravenous and feeling completely starving waiting for my next meal. That's what works for ME...different for everyone.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    My lunch and breakfast are pretty low calorie. However, I eat every few hours (healthy whole food snacks, yogurt etc.). I also pre-log my workouts to spread those extra calories around during the day with healthy calories.
  • horsepullerlovesme
    horsepullerlovesme Posts: 228 Member
    i do 6 meals a day. portion controled of course
  • kenlad64
    kenlad64 Posts: 377 Member
    I have been doing 5 meals of about 400 calories is working well for me right now, if I stop losing I will look at something different. YOu gotta find what will work for you and then "tweak" it necessary. I look forward to my meals and I enjoy them.
  • jeansjem
    It depends for me, I try and stick with 3 meals a day but I end up snacking alot. I have notice since I start working out more that I really like to snack. I need to figure out how to cut that out.
  • crystalmichelle82
    5-6 small meals
  • tishaloses
    tishaloses Posts: 234 Member
    I was doing 3 meals but decided I am going to try 6 small meals and see how that works!!
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    I'm best off doing a combo - big breakfast, medium lunch, and graze the rest of the day.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    def 6 small meals. I eat what I call "around the clock" 9, 12, 3, 6, 9. sometimes I'm not even hungry, but I just eat something very light. I dont have a set number of calories that I eat for each meal, I just try to eat the bulk of my carbs before 2pm. It may sound silly, but its what works for me.
  • nomoreexcuses121
    I started out trying to eat 5-6 small meals per day, but found that I was constantly hungry and not losing any weight. I now eat a very small breakfast, same size lunch and dinner, and a small snack between lunch and dinner. I'd say about 200-250 for breakfast, about 100-150 for a snack and 300-400 for lunch and dinner. I've lost 16 pounds since May 1st and don't feel like I'm starving all the time.
  • Isrn2
    Isrn2 Posts: 160
    Multiple small "meals". I plan out my breakfast, lunch and snacks before I head to work so I only take what I'm going to eat. I find I get really hungry about every 2 hours so I take a few bites of whatever snacks I've got for the day. Helps me stay full all day and makes it so I'm not STARVING when it comes time for dinner.
  • tmiqueen
    tmiqueen Posts: 254 Member
    I do breakfast, occasionally a morning snack if I'm feeling ravenous or shaky, lunch, a quick/small before dinner snack, then dinner. I find that doing that keeps me from overeating, because I'm already pretty satisfied before mealtimes.
  • lausa22
    lausa22 Posts: 467 Member
    I have a small breakfast, big lunch, small/medium dinner, then a small supper.
    Lunch is the biggest part of my day!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Multiple small "meals". I plan out my breakfast, lunch and snacks before I head to work so I only take what I'm going to eat. I find I get really hungry about every 2 hours so I take a few bites of whatever snacks I've got for the day. Helps me stay full all day and makes it so I'm not STARVING when it comes time for dinner.

    so do I !! I plan out what I'm going to eat every meal, every day for the entire week. It may sound a little OCD, but it takes the guess work out of it. I pretty much eat the same things all the time anyway. Over the weekend, I shop for the ingredients that I need for next week's meals. I prep what I can in advance. I cook what I can in advance also. I will portion it all out for the next 3 days so I'm only really cooking about twice a week. Sunday I piece together whatever's left.
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    I eat about 6 times a day, but I think that it's more like 3 big meals plus 3 small snacks! So it's not always one or the other.

    :wink: It works for me!
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    Three big meals makes me happy... I love that feeling of FULL (that's probably what got me here :wink:)

    A bunch of small meals keeps me snacking all day long and I don't like to feel like food has that much value. Planning a snack, making a snack, snacking a snack, or cleaning up after a snack all day long is not worth that much time investment.

    ... for me.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner with 2 small snacks inbetween. One at 10am and one at 3pm. I just make my 3 main meals a little smaller to fit in the snacks.