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  • emsieems
    Hello Netmummies! Well, this is my 21st day on myfitnesspal and I haven't lost a single lb yet so I need motivating! I am doing lots of exercise so my friend said it might be some of my fat turning to muscle which is heavier. Jeans are marginally looser so I'm going to keep on plugging.:frown:
  • 4tolose
    4tolose Posts: 65 Member
    Hi all!

    I managed not to put too much weight on since not exercising and eating rubbish since hurting my back. This has convinced me to keep going. I will have to get that swimming costume on and take the plunge (hehe :laugh: hehe).

    I have a slow weight loss and it can be quite demoralising so motivation is necessary :tongue: I think we can all do it if we pull together.

    Yep I totally agree Kell that my life will not be without cake, takeaway and chocolate. Ems something must be going right if your jeans are looser. I love it when my clothes are looser. Are you doing a particular exercise regime? At the moment I am going for short walks but before I hurt my back I was doing zumba and using my mini trampoline.
  • kell_riley
    kell_riley Posts: 312
    Em just had a quick look at your diary, I think you'd benefit from tracking sodium! You'll be suprised how much there is in alot if foods, it will make you hold onto water weight if you have alot in your diet. Also drink more water, or no added sugar squash, atleast 8 half pint glasses, more if you can! If you do that your body will let go of water from your muscles!

    Also take measurements, it's sometimes more of a motivator than the scale! Fat and muscle weight the same however muscle takes up less space so if your clothes are fitting better chances are your loosing inches!!
  • o2b9_6
    o2b9_6 Posts: 1
    can i join
    just followed the link from netmums , thought id give this ago as well.

    im following sw at home - no meetings etc...

    started 30th june this year - have managed to loose 12lb so far x really want to get down to 9stone 6lb , have maintained for the last three weeks ! need a kick up the butt now ! i had a party this weekend so was quiet pleased to have maintained tbh x

    not a big fan of exercise though , i know i rally need to and should but never quiet get the motivation or i get bored with it and dont bother . no excuse i know , and i do have a dog, a vibra power plate and a wii fit , but all seem to become a fad!

    please feel free to add me
  • 4tolose
    4tolose Posts: 65 Member
    Yeah plenty of water Ems....I've also heard that you should have a drink of water when you think you are hungry as sometimes you can confuse the feelings of thirst and hunger. I try to do this but sometimes I know I am hungry for chocolate :wink:

    Hi Al I've sent you a friend request. I am a fad exerciser too. I have a wii fit, wii zumba, taebo, mini trampoline, leg magic, and walk too. I get bored easily so try to do something different every day and may even go swimming as I can't do anything but walk at the moment because of my back.

    How is everyone doing today?
  • mojox2003
    mojox2003 Posts: 276 Member
    Morning all how is everyone this morning, kell im the same wouldnt be with out my treats that why I just make sure that I can fit them in my calorie intake, I realy couldnt live without my chinese hahaha.

    And if the jeans are loose ems then thats a fantastic sign well done.

    Welcome al I used to do slimming world but found this sight a lot better for me well done on your weight loss thats fantastic.

    I try and drink at leste 180 oz of water a day it is a lot but I can defo feel a diffrence, I have horrid skin and its realy clearing up with all the water that I drink.

    Well ladies I feel realy good today going to go into town with my sister and have a wander round the rain is still here in good old manchester lmao but if it stops I may go for a walk round the park and then go on the wii fit tonight, I did the rhytam boxing and realy enjoied that last night.

    Hope every one has a good day x
  • SJay271
    SJay271 Posts: 19 Member
    Wow, its great to see so many netmum's on here :happy:

    Well today is a non excercise day for me, i normally do 30 mins circuit training and 20 mins walk but i normally take 2 day's off each week and todays one of them, on a day that i dont excercise i try to be really carefull with calories and keep it as close to my 1350 cals a day recomendation but we ended up at mcdonalds for lunch, i tried to be good and only had a mcchicken sandwich and half of the fries so hopefully that won't do too much damage, gonna keep the cal's low tonight with a baked potatoe for dinner and hopefully i can keep away from the chocolate tonight..:laugh:

    4tolose- would you recomend wii zumba?? am thinking of getting it for either the wii or kinect but am really worried i wont be able to do it, im so not a 'dancer', i just have this image of me looking like a complete fool trying to keep up with the routine and then injuring myself badly in the process lol.. Are there beginers levels??
    Also what is the calorie burn like, is it as good as working out in the gym or circuit training? I guess i think that dancing wont burn as many calories??
  • 4tolose
    4tolose Posts: 65 Member
    Wii Zumba is fantastic...there are 3 levels on there...beginner, intermediate and expert. The burn is good...I have no idea how it compares to the gym or circuit training because I've never done either. There is a website that you can calculate how many calories you've burned doing zumba just by typing in your weight, the intensity of training and how long you did it for

    hope that helps

  • mojox2003
    mojox2003 Posts: 276 Member
    Think I may get the wii zumba then realy like the look of it,

    well today iv been out most of the day in town had a top day went to starbucks but had it all in my calories so im realy proud of myself also for lunch I had a baked potato with beans and a diet coke.

    And im going to have tuna pasta for dinner now with salad so even though I was out I still kept to it, I think the only thing I havent done is my water so will get onto that now lol
  • 4tolose
    4tolose Posts: 65 Member
    Good going Mojox2003

    How are finding the change in eating styles? I assume you have changed your eating style. I know I have. Does anyone else here use graze because I have a voucher code where you can get a free box - just type in TBK1GH63 and if you need my name then pm me on netmums and I will give it to you :)
  • mojox2003
    mojox2003 Posts: 276 Member
    I found the change in eating hard to begin with I wont lie becasue all I was eating was conveniance foods, burgers,chips things like that stuff I could eat and run while doing things for the kids.

    But not It doent seem a problem to just do somthing quick and healthy.

    I use graze but iv gone off them to be honest I would just rather use the 200 odd calories for somthing else.
  • kell_riley
    kell_riley Posts: 312
    Oh what's graze?
    I'm pretty good on the food side, i did have trouble at first but seem to be ok on the most part! Altho I have a tendency to binge :(
    I'll go for weeks being good and then have a couple of days going mental eating crap galore!
    We tend to eat pretty clean, mostly fresh un processed stuff, but my oh has a thing for chicken so if it's going to be a bad day we will end up with nando's or kfc so usually within cals anyway!

    As for the exercise thing, until this year I was exactly the same! I joined the gym many times then left because I rarely went, I just didnt really click with it. Then in Jan I joined up and started training to run 5ks so that gave me a goal! I used the trainers at the gym and started using weights. The past month or so I've not been able to get to the gym as often because my oh started a new job with looooong hours! So I tend to run in the evenings if I can, I regularly do 5k and every now and then take a long run and go for 10k.
    At home I've been doing a DVD called 30dat shred, it's a good workout, have to wait till my little man is napping tho!
  • mojox2003
    mojox2003 Posts: 276 Member
    Kell graze is a lil box thats sent to you every week its got 4 lil snacks in it and costs 3.50 ish a week.

    Hows everyone doing today, im feeling realy good again im sooo glad that iv got all you new freinds to help me along my weight loss, its fab to know that if im feeling bad then I can just come to you lot lol
  • ColleenB1980
    ColleenB1980 Posts: 31 Member
    I'm struggling to hit my calorie intake every day, I think this is why I am losing inches but not losing any lbs
  • 4tolose
    4tolose Posts: 65 Member
    That could be true Colleen. Are you feeling full after you've eaten? If you can manage something more maybe have a yogurt or some fruit after your meal.
  • mojox2003
    mojox2003 Posts: 276 Member
    Even if its just fruit or nuts even there fantastic for caloires and healthy as well colleen.

    Well ladies iv just done another 65 mins on the wii fit, dont think iv ever tried so hard at loosing weight before iv got a real kick for it now, and even though I did have a couple of sneeky chip butties lol they were still in my calories I didnt go over.

    I LOVE this site
  • 4tolose
    4tolose Posts: 65 Member
    It's great isn't it! Really motivates you when you log things and can see what you are doing.
  • ColleenB1980
    ColleenB1980 Posts: 31 Member
    I do feel full, I have gradually been lowering my portion sizes as this is one of the places I was going wrong before,I still feel as if I am eating loads, I have cut out the chocolate bars which has taken ages as I was addicted lol and Ive replaced with fruit I just dont see where apart from brekkie I can add any more calories without going back to the bad habits I have worked hard to try and get rid off !!
  • cassiopeia1975
    Hi Im a netmum too
    i hadnt thought of looking on their for people who used this site also.

    Ive only been an MFP member for 3 days but im finding it really useful as i plan what im going to eat for my lunch and dinner early so i can work out what calories i have left.

    Portion sizes are a big thing for me as i tend to cook too much and hate seeing it wasted so i just fill everyones plates!
    Ive got a slightly smaller plate that im going to start using for myself so my plate is still full but it wont be as much iykwim.

    have got a few more days til the kids go back to school and then ill have more chance to exercise and wont be as tempted to snack or pick.
  • mojox2003
    mojox2003 Posts: 276 Member
    Morning all how are we all today, welcome any new mummys, this is a fab group so far lets just hope that we can get stronger and stronger.

    Well not a good day today food and water wise its fine, BUT its weigh in tomrorrow and its TOM today boooooo. So I dont think my weight loss will be fantastic tomorrow.

    I ALWAYS put in when its my TOM, so if I loose 1lb ill be over the moon